iOS 5 Features: Newsstand, Reminders, Twitter Integration

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imageiOS 5 Features: Newsstand, Reminders, Twitter Integration

Apple showcased the following new features in iOS 5 that was unveiled at yesterday’s WWDC 2011 Keynote: Newstand app to organize magazine and newspaper subscriptions, Reminders app to manage your to-do lists with due dates and locations and deep Twitter integration.

We've compiled all the details about these new features below.


Read the full story here


  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    iOS 6 will have facebook integration.
  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 53
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    Thank you Apple for saving my money with releasing shity OS....Really who care for Twiter and that bullsiht, if i buy tablet i want to have widgets on it, i want to be able to use few apps in paralel on it, for example i want to have MSN on the right of the screen and email client on the left part and use it paralel...In other words i want PC like desktop, tablets are amazing thing but software for them is really shitty for now..Until Samsung Galaxy and Honeycomb come out there will be no decent tablet on ther marker :(, but even galaxy 10 is just the beging of what tablet should be and how should it behave
  • jai
    jai Posts: 23
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    So far so good..but nothing too exciting to jump up for. Apple likes to release minor updates at a time. Thats their strategy for marketing the product.
  • mimi
    mimi Posts: 15
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    i have to agree with the other commenters; this update is pretty lackluster. 1) how many ppl actually pay for zine and paper subscriptions 2) Reminders app looks like a crappier version of existing todo apps, like Todo or Toodledo or RTM. 3) i guess twitter integration is cool for people who actually USE twitter. I use twitter and I still don't think this addition is a big deal.
  • mimi
    mimi Posts: 15
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    follow up: didn't realize this article was just about these cherry picked features of iOS5. After reading the coverage of WWDC, there's actually other cool features, such as accessing the camera from the lock screen, big mail and photos features added, it's better than I thought.
  • Gator5000e
    Gator5000e Posts: 5
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    Since I don't see any iOS5 integrated apps like CallTell and BiteSMS (at least the part with picture ID for those in your contact list), I am not be impressed.
  • The Dude
    The Dude Posts: 17
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  • stranger
    stranger Posts: 15
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    i wonder if the battery drainage problem from 4.3X is fixed?
  • nadine
    nadine Posts: 2
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    iOS 5 Reminders is a simple todo list with missing basic features, no search field to narrow down the list, no filters, …. Anyway, this is a good news and will clean a crowded marketplace. But for todo list with advanced and powerful features we will have to wait for Apple some major updates. Take a look at an app like todogenius (on iphone) and you will see the creativity of developers is far ahead apple.
  • Imran
    Imran Posts: 8
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    ser plz help me iphone 3g ulock rejistred online