Apple Bans iPhone Apps That Provide DUI Checkpoint Locations

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Bans iPhone Apps That Provide DUI Checkpoint Locations

Back in March, we reported that a group of US Senators have sent an email to Apple, requesting them to remove iPhone apps that provide DUI (Driving Under Influence) checkpoint (also called “sobriety roadblocks”) locations from the App Store.

Autoblog reports that Apple has updated its App Store Review Guidelines, which includes a section that bans apps that provide DUI checkpoints that are not published by law enforcement agencies.

Read the full story here


  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Trapster is a huge waste of time. I've used it and it depends on someone else finding the checkpoint/speed trap first... sure you will probably be able get this stuff on the JB market, but few people will have it to post updates. Most alerts on mine are a week + old now. If you want to really save yourself from an OWI ticket, or from getting picked up by for speeding, then doing speed or drive drunk... it's REALLY not that hard. These apps are just as legal as the **** apps or apps that show you how to build bomb, grow weed, or make meth. It's all about being in good taste. You paid for your phone, you know apple can/will reject apps based on moral grounds... like the republicans in wisconsin say "deal with it!"
  • It's still avalable
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  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    there should be an app that always shows the DUI checkpoints live, it would be a good app to have less people will get into trouble!
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    ... or we could all just be a little more responsible for our own actions and think a little before we drive. Naaahhhh, what am I talking about?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    they should have done that long ago.
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    In pensylvania checkpoints are published in the newspaper (why?) because if they don't it's entrapment and it's thrown out of court. But since they warned u it's time to collect the money from u to fix the roads and pay for ****. DUI is not about safety it's about making money for the township u get stopped in. This is the only reason don't let them tell u any lies about safety at 2am they pull u over for bullshit if ur not drunk they let u go and go back for the next victim and I don't mean they check u out they say how much u have to drink if they feel u didnt ur let go within a minute I work late they do it to me couple times a month
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    Meh, the speed traps aren't that often, just like to know where the speed cameras etc are when in a NEW area as they aren't highly visable as the law says they should be.Sorry but that poor part on apple. Take away the functions of that and just leave the standard cameras up.I'm sorry but the law is the law when it comes to visability of speed cameras for god sakes! Most govt departments don't listen and hide them in bushes but paint yellow? That don't work.... only time you can see them is when they will immediately catch you.I hope this comes on Cydia again as the police shouldn't have to rely on speed tickets for income to be honest.... I mean I think over 100thousand + in my town have unpaid fines anyway... so not like removing is going to fix our views on the corrupt officials and departments....
  • zak
    zak Posts: 22
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    So now the cops want us not to tell each otherThings via the Internet (that's all this app does)Its no different than flashing ur lights at other drivers To warn them when u pass a trapThey are fashist tards
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    That's not true, cops would love for people to tell each other things over the internet like "please don't to put my life in danger by driving drunk."
  • iPhone Apps Development
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    So apple is going to ban DUI apps as mentioned in the App Store Review Guidelines states Apps having DUI should not even published.
  • Doz (help make poverty history)
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    That appears to me the reality out there, isn't? I guess the ultimate natural goal should be "no death and injuries..." Well, it appears that the goal is "raising revenue." There are what we call the 3 Es in public health. Apps like Trapster attempt to engineer a way to avoid both accidents and (some enforcements that cause it). The enforcement of the engineering should have being appropriate, but to no avail. Why? As was stated in 2004 Public Health Symposium, "The main task of the Law and Order Police is to catch thieves, dacoits, naxals, property disputes etc. So, the information about the cause of [...] accident[s] is not available." Hence, this can possibly conclude that it's almost about generating funds while, not finding the root causes to problem and putting a stop to it. Hence, Rao purported in the symposium that "no analysis of causes of road traffic accidents or the remedies are available due to lack of enough data." So app store banning apps like that, Matt, well, you are almost correct-- for moral injunctions, not remedial.*support the eradication of poverty and suppression among the underserved.
  • Doz (help make poverty history)
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    Yes, Matt u r talking sense. Driving is a privilege and not a right. Traveling is a right though, and people ought to know this fundamental difference. So Matt, yep, pple should think. But do all ppl think b4 driving? That's where we have interventions beyond education.
  • Make your self history
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    Shut your corny ass up tryna be a goodie goodie acting like you've never done sum without thinking about it first of you wanna give advice or preach them go become a teacher or sum
  • thatmffm
    thatmffm Posts: 5
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    The Fourth Amendment provides protection from unreasonable search & seizure. Whether you are drunk or not, a DUI checkpoint is essentially a warrantless search, and therefore, unreasonable. Apps like Trapster provide citizens a means of preserving their freedom by avoiding the police in such situations.
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    Meh... the red-light camera settings are pretty useful IMO. Because of the way many ticketing cameras work it can be important to know when you need to jack on the brakes and risk an accident and when you can allow for that yellow light to last a realistic amount of time. In some cases yellow lights in 35mph zones have been reduced to 2 seconds upon installing a camera... when every other light will last 5 seconds it makes a huge difference to anticipate which ones will be absurdly short. As far as the DUI checkpoints go, it's not simply a matter of being drunk or sober. It can be about, say, being held up for as long as 2 hours and not being permitted to turn around, shut off your vehicle, get out of your vehicle, or take any action besides waiting for 2 minutes and moving forward a couple of yards and waiting some more. (Shutting off your vehicle can get you ticketed for obstructing traffic or an equivalent citation depending on location, turning around can be met with a charge of fleeing and evading law enforcement.)
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    Not exactly true (or untrue...) In PA they must publish the checkpoints but not in any really useful manner. They list the county and the rough dates, but nothing any more accurate (at least in the western part of the state.) So they will post a public notice that there will be checkpoints in Washington, Allegheny, and Westmoreland counties between May 28-31 for example. Additionally, many DUI checkpoints in PA are roving... they will stop a few dozen drivers and then change locations... they have also used the premise of a roving checkpoint to stop drivers at random for no reason with no actual checkpoint established.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    The courts have ruled them reasonable... especially if they publish where and when they are going to have a checkpoint. Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz... a U.S. Supreme Court case held that the public interest in reducing drunk driving outweighed the minor infringement.
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    I disagree... his statement is exactly true. Nothing would make police happier than knowing people can not communicate any information (especially video) relating to police or police actions. Police don't care about public safety - Example: In AZ police had a problem with their speed-trap cameras when a driver began wearing a monkey mask and speeding past them. Police responded by routinely following and trailing the car on over a dozen occasions to 'investigate' the driver and his speeding. They could have, say, pulled him over when he was doing 100mph but then they would have only been able to give him a single ticket. Instead they had multiple vehicles going over 100mph on many different days.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Why does everyone think that OWI busting is about making money? Lets total the cost of an OWI... 2 officers tied up for 2+ hours, clerks and support staff doing all of the data entry at both the local and state levels, time spent doing a detailed report, breath tests, blood tests(not that cheap, and it's at the police expense), municipal court, DA staff, your public defender if you can't afford an attorney, any administrative review, should you choose that option, any appeals, the cost of a full jury trial, the judge, court staff... and it's all yours should you choose to drive drunk for the grand total of $700. Doesn't sound like a money making scheme to me.
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    i use the app. especially when i'm in areas that are unknown to myself. But seriously... apps like this wouod never have been designed if state laws were more fair and balanced. not that i would promote dui... but the way laws are written all that is needed is for alcohol to be waved in your general direction and your levels might / will / probably / perhaps be above the limit.must be better way to detect sobriety.sorry.. i must protect myself from our states / government getting out of control. i will continue to protect myself by using this app.
  • DUI Dodger
    DUI Dodger Posts: 4
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    DUI Dodger is available for the iphone, and is the top rated DUI Checkpoint locator in the entire app store! or you can go to your itunes store and type in "DUI Dodger".
  • DUI Dodger
    DUI Dodger Posts: 4
    via Wordpress
    DUI Dodger is available for the iphone, and is the top rated DUI Checkpoint locator in the entire app store! or you can go to your itunes store and type in “DUI Dodger”.
  • DUI Dodger
    DUI Dodger Posts: 4
    via Wordpress
    DUI Dodger is available and is the top rated DUI Checkpoint locator in the entire app store! or you can go to your itunes store and type in “DUI Dodger”.
  • DUI Dodger
    DUI Dodger Posts: 4
    via Wordpress
    DUI Dodger is available for the iphone, and is the top rated DUI Checkpoint locator in the entire app store! or go to your itunes store and type in “DUI Dodger”.
  • StevieX
    StevieX Posts: 5
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    Drunk drivers would be to stupid to operate an iPhone in the first place so pointless.
  • herou
    herou Posts: 1
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    Back in March, we reported that a group of US Senators have sent an email to Apple