iOS 5: iPhone 4 Vs iPhone 3GS [Video]
No thank you!! After ios 4 turned my iphone 3g into a paperweight I don't trust Apple or any video. My 3gs will stay on ios 4, I'll just get the new iphone whenever that comes out and have ios 5 on that.
Pretty crappy video. Look closely, the phones are not even running ios5 after the reboot!
sjromeo you have to remember its a beta so its real and ios5 works fine on 3gs i try the beta and its working good but i wait for the official release if i were you
Wow iphone 4 took longer to shut off than the 3G S did. Fail
Well, none of the iOS 5's features is exactly CPU, GPU or RAM intensive, so if iOS 5 ran poorly in 3GS, it would have been another of those Apple's moves to force people to upgrade.
why cant i leave a reply? have a try
Try clicking the YouTube video anyways, sometimes it says it wont play (ipt 3) but if i click, it plays anyway...