JailbreakMe 3.0: Browser-Based Jailbreak Tool May Be Released Soon

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imageJailbreakMe 3.0: Browser-Based Jailbreak Tool May Be Released Soon

Comex – developer of JailbreakMe – the popular web-based method to jailbreak iOS 4.0.x has just updated the JailbreakMe website, indicating that he may release an updated version of JailbreakMe (probably JailbreakMe 3.0) - the popular browser-based jailbreak tool.

When iPad 2 was launched, Comex has revealed that he successfully jailbroken it, however Apple was quick to fix the iPad 2 jailbreak vulnerability in iOS 4.3.1.

Read the full story here


  • JT
    JT Posts: 60
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    Cannot wait for that. Awesome!!!
  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    My guess is hell no for ios5. If it was for that, he wouldn't be dumb enough to hint at Apple that there was a PDF exploit in the EARLY BETA
  • wait4fall
    wait4fall Posts: 1
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    wait for the ios 5 comes out this Fall to release is the best choice. we already have to many jbs
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    Maybe Sunday is Fun Day for the iPad 2. I hope.
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    it would be stupid to release an ios5 jailbreak before it's available to the public because apple would just patch it so i'm guessing a 4.xx version... or if they do't release it for months hopefully a ios5
  • deano
    deano Posts: 96
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    like i said comex or geohot are the bestthe dev team are finished
  • ej
    ej Posts: 19
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    my prayers have been answered
  • Hombre
    Hombre Posts: 1
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  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    To deano comex is still part of the development team still and respect the Dev-team for everything they have done so far and im pretty sure u have use there programs before PwnageTool and redsn0w and im tired of hearing criticism when they don't charge for there programs its FREE!! for ios5 try it and if u don't like u can always downgrade and i don't know why u wouldn't like it cuz u can always disable something you don't like on ios5 and its FREE but wait for the official release first and make sure u get the okay from any known iphone hacker like Dev-team,geohot,planetbeing,pod2g and why wouldn't u want ios5 it has more features?and who ever finds this exploit for ios5 deserves the gold iPhone hacker trophy or ipad 2 gets another iPhone trophy i also know that geohot was challenge by p0sixninja to find an exploit first for ipad 2 but i think that comex exploit is for ios5 cuz i don't think he would intervene between this fight between geo and posixninja unless he did challenge them but may the best iPhone hacker win good luck
  • Trollup
    Trollup Posts: 4
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    The sight has been reverted back to the 2.0 version would be nice to know though lol
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    +1. Definitely wait for iOS5 to come out first, or maybe even iPhone 5/4S!! If it's only for 4.3.x then just release it now, no point saving it.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Nothing is coming guys. Don't believe these idiots, who just keep giving us hope doing nothing.Where is Geohot?
  • everybody
    everybody Posts: 1
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    ... stop feeding crap, ipad2 won't be supported again, for a 100th time... so lame.
  • rampage
    rampage Posts: 1
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    looks like stevie holds devs with pliers by the balls.
  • abody
    abody Posts: 1
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    the thing is do you bay the IPad2 before the or after the jailbreakme 3.0because I got 7 IPhone in 4 days but only 2 of them supported jailbreakme 2.0 but the rest were updated and I have until now problem unlocking them.
  • kenny
    kenny Posts: 42
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    This will be awesome if it works. Last year it was hilarious seeing all the jailbroken iPhones on display in the phone stores.
  • deano
    deano Posts: 96
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    to hacker, if you read all my posts about the dev team im not sayin they have not given us some top tools to usebut since ver 3.0 they have done nothing new, comex did not join dev team untill after he released sprint since v3.0 the only guys releasing expoilts have being comex, geohot, chronic devand the dev team used these expoilts in there own tools rensn0w, pwnagebut im sick of muslenerd tweeting about jail breaking because he does nothing it a fact even i can take somebodys software and make it my ownmicrosoft office, or microsoft office deano...lolbut i cant release it untill somebody helps me lol but the ipad is not surported but my cat ran off with the charger and a mouse as **** on the screen but it will be released soon or maybe not could be someday, or funday, or its ra1ning...lol
  • deano
    deano Posts: 96
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    but you guys should realize its not that hard to jailbreak apples ios but its very hard to do it in a legal way like the dev team trys to doi was a bigtime software hacker back in the day with SND SEEK & DESTROY, AND BIRD, And the crackers union, but we did not care if it was legalthis scene needs to go under ground things would be done alot quicker but the dev team are scared about getting sued like geo with sonybut there will become a time when jb will be impossible in a legal way
  • Jordan2611
    Jordan2611 Posts: 10
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    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K8WZTRNRItunes 10.5 Beta AND ios5 beta link.....Hope helps guys! Remember you MUST have a registered UDID on the device u plan using with ios5. The itunes can be used either way n works great......need to install ios5.
  • Hing kong
    Hing kong Posts: 26
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    and of that I said i was over one
  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    Did you use punctuation in any of your comments? How about a complete sentence? It's so hard to read people's rants when they can't write correctly. Sometimes I wish that was a requirement to use the internet.
  • juan
    juan Posts: 46
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    chill guys.. just wait.. if dont have jailbreak for ipad2.. just burn it lol
  • Hay here's a thought
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    Or sell it and buy an IPad 1 that is supported.
  • Mama
    Mama Posts: 1
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    Now child I gonin be the first to download not you sonny
  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    The teaser is not funny by comex but it at least tells us that it is coming out soon
  • nobody
    nobody Posts: 7
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    This will be the best jailbreak of all time so stop following it