Facebook To 'Launch Something Awesome' Next Week; Will It Launch iPad App or Photo-Sharing App?

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imageFacebook To 'Launch Something Awesome' Next Week; Will It Launch iPad App or Photo-Sharing App?

Mark Zukerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook - world's biggest social networking website told reporters earlier today that they plan to launch something awesome next week.

He didn't reveal what will be launched, but based on the rumors and speculations, Facebook could finally launch the much awaited iPad app, an HTML5 based mobile platform codenamed "Project Spartan" that works on mobile Safar, or an iPhone photo-sharing service.

Reuters reports:

Read the full story here


  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    How about releasing an update so that I can tag people from my status on Facebook through my iPhone? Or a new interface?
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    I agree with Stan, but would also love an iPad app.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I hope facebook will release the photo service i dont got an ipad
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    facebook is releasing big news because they know google+ is trying to takeover and google+ is probably going to be better in my opinion because they have video chat just like Skype and google is saying no more sms and bring something new and better then sms which hopefully i can get rid of that feature on my phone bill but Facebook Awesome news in my opinion will hopefully be bigger then just photo sharing i think the Awesome news is going to be music cuz i heard Facebook bought a music company and i have a feeling there bringing another Myspace idea music sharing.if Facebook does bring music like Myspace they have a good chance of staying not like poor Myspace whos for sale now and im just using my common sense because of the guy in Facebook Sean Parker who is familiar with music cuz of Napster and i also believe they will be another improvement on the ipad and iPhone cuz hacker geo hot on board with Facebook but im glad to see some competition for Facebook because that means more improvements and updates from both sides but then again Google is trying to play monopoly controlling everything just like apple whos doing smart TV now controlling the board like monopoly but the good thing about Facebook is its free and google i respect cuz they have more free stuff even on games for there smartphone cuz they advertise to get there money which is how it should be we shouldn't have to pay like apple charges **** you steve jobs we had to take you to court just to make jail-breaking legal and you still get richer and you wont stop trying to control our phones but the real ceo who keeping you in business and more wealthy are the iphone hackers whos helping your rich ass succeed hopefully you get fired!!!!! for being so dam greedy with money and you should listen to the public request not your request only
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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  • lcurry12
    lcurry12 Posts: 3
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    I would be happy with a simple "Share" option on the FB iPhone app. It doesn't exist.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    An app for Facefook on the iPad? Awesome? Seriously?I guess iPad users aren't capable of typing www.facebook.com into safari's address bar. That or they can't cope if there isn't "an App for that".An App for mobiles is a sensible idea because of the smaller screens but iPad can show the full site. if you really need a 1 touch solution try adding the favorite to the home screen (voila 1 tap and your on facefook) simples!
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    I think it might be Facebook for iPad!
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Who cares much about FB anyways!
  • BW
    BW Posts: 0
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    Ironically, I just updated my facebook app and the only thing "different" about it was the fact that the app recognized a landscape approach to the app, and that's it. Kind of stupid imo.
  • Tintu
    Tintu Posts: 0
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    really its very amazing that in so sort spell we are getting the best, thanks for CEO who deserves the.......... many many thanks.
  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    I hate the Facebook app for the iPhone. How about he fixes that buggy **** first. Anyway Friendly is a pretty cool Facebook app for the iPad although I still prefer just using Safari.
  • mrea80
    mrea80 Posts: 1
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    we dont want something awesome but we just want to simply use a facebook app on iphone with a good working notifications, share&tag photos and browse smoothly....BEACUSE EITHER FACEBOOK.COM OR MOBİLE FACEBOOK DOESNT WORK PROPERLY...BOTH HAS BUGS
  • ChocolateGirl
    ChocolateGirl Posts: 1
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    Yes! The fact that I can't do that is sooooo annoying! Ughhhh! For iPhone to claim greatness, this makes me wonder!