How The iPad 2 Jailbreak Got Leaked [BackStory]



  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Remember this: two people can keep a secret if 1 of them is dead.
  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    Just buy an android device and quit whining about jb this, jb that for gods sake, At least an Android is fully featured and not tied to apple. Yeah Yeah, you can jb, but your still tied to itunes.3 iphones (3, 3Gs & 4) with "nice tune*, bluetooth over....oh yeah, i have an iphone" :(*picture or ringtone works here too lol
  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    I say he discontinues his work on the iPad and lets you eat it for being so fucking impatient.
  • Meh
    Meh Posts: 7
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    I love reading all the "buy an android device" comments from Android lovers on this site. Ever wondered what the hell they're doing here in the first place? LOL.
  • Digitalus
    Digitalus Posts: 1
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    It was nice of the guy to try to spread the blame around but it's pretty plain and clear that the fault is completely and unequivocally his.It's pretty clear that it was a stupid and childish thing to do but if his regret was genuine, his apology was mishandled and just come across as blame-shifting.Lesson: if you make a mistake, own up to it and face the consequences. Simple.
  • Steve job
    Steve job Posts: 1
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    I appreciate all your money making my company billions of dollars and I promise that I won't stop trying to control your phones because I truly feel that this is my phone and not yours so I will continue to patch your jailbreaks even thou it's now legal cuz not even the government can tell me what I could do with my phone and for all iPhone hackers I will eventually make the iPhone unhackable cuz that's what apple love to do control your phones making everything more difficult for you to hack and for android well even thou they are alot alike because samung makes are components and are displays and chips for all companies we aren't exactly identical because of our iOS which has been help by the hacking community which as made it improve because you only focus on my phone which I'm am grateful for your money but please don't work on other phones cuz i like telling what u can't have or will never have just I like I elimanated flash so please don't ever consider another phone and please continue to work hard on my iPhone cuz I need more money and all you have to do is buy iPhone 5 and 6 and I will not support your iPhone 3G and for 3GS will I'll make sure we won't support that device even thou I know it cost you $500 when it came out but sorry I need more money to become the king of the jungle so yes don't think about doing what u did for the iPhone on any other device because my company loves you more and thank you
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I'm sorry for the fact that comex's work will be blocked before the next release. I'm guessing thats y its been held up. But its still going to work regardless of what apple does after the fact. The damage has been done, we can all hiss and spit all we want but thats the end game for us. For those that criticize the leaker: YOU wouldn't do the SAME in his shoes? At least he had the gonads to fess up instead of just changing his nick.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Even if the iPhone becomes un-jailbreak/rootable it still kicks any androids ass while pubies to spare. The app store alone is worth getting a $299 iPhone and/or going to bed with AT&T.
  • Azzer
    Azzer Posts: 1
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    apologies??????... people like that must be put on jail with sexual Maniacs...The next time probably they will put their curiosity in their ass..
  • Jap
    Jap Posts: 37
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  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Lame ass apology, if you didn't want it to get out you never should have posted it. 10% my ass, People are just no good. Thanks for ruining it for everyone, what a jerk!
  • Un-Biased View
    Un-Biased View Posts: 4
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    There goes all the hard work
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    You guys do realize the final version will still be released, and it will be no different... right?Stop crying over spilt milk.
  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    He thinks he's manning up by taking the blame only that he's NOT taking the blame. Instead he's throwing this Will guy under the bus for doing what he himself did first. You found the files and you shared them; you're 100% at fault.
  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 110
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    I have been using my VoIP service ( Axvoice ) on iPad. will that service get affected if my iPad has been jail breaked. Any ideas on that.
  • Casey
    Casey Posts: 24
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    You're an idiot, Will. Comex has been working on JailbreakMe 3.0 for 10 months and he was saving it for iOS 5. Now, thanks to your pathetic leak, this hole will be fixed by Apple before the final release of iOS 5.Way to go, douche-bag.
  • Casey
    Casey Posts: 24
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    You know that the betas of iOS 5 were not immune to Comex's exploit right?He was saving the jailbreak for iOS 5, until a douche-bag decided to leak it.