Google's Chairman Accuses Apple Of Being Jealous And Lacking Innovation; Dismisses Android Lawsuits

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imageGoogle's Chairman Accuses Apple Of Being Jealous And Lacking Innovation; Dismisses Android Lawsuits

In what seems to be a frustrated reaction to ITC's ruling that found HTC guilty of infringing Apple's patents, Google's Chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt has accused Apple of being jealous and lacking innovation. Android is at the receiving end of a lot of lawsuits from companies like Oracle, Microsoft and Apple, and if Android is indeed found guilty of infringing these companies' patents, it would be a huge blow to Google as well as its hardware partners.

Read the full story here


  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Yeah... Scared... FIRST!
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    Apple ofcourse would never dream of such a practice. If they did they'd be nicking some of the great features only available to a jailbroken device and branding it as IOS 5 lol
  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    I honestly can't think of one Google product that's been an original idea. Seems like most are improvements or acquisitions of other companies. Once in a while they're bound to step on patent infringement I guess.
  • Texan
    Texan Posts: 39
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    Let's face it, android sucks!
  • Lynk
    Lynk Posts: 3
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    Yea yea but its cool for apple to take Googles drop down status bar on ios 5. Face it everyone copys everyone. Get over it apple.
  • Kockinyourmouff
    Kockinyourmouff Posts: 0
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    Apple is jealous it's obvious that the recent success of android has them worried. You cant think of anything that google is original at? Think of the notification bar that's coming to IOS this fall. That's all android. Hope google sues apple for this.
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    Apple is constantly innovating and frequently copied. Anyone remember a tiny computing company Apple sued in the early '90s for infringing on their patented graphical user interface used for their computers of the time? I think is was something like Micro...(um)...Something (I can't remember the name of the company!).
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Let's face it, you don't know what you're talking about! (And you give Texas a bad name by your obvious trolling, yeah, an even badder name than it already has. Maybe you're not from Texas ... maybe you're *deliberately* trying to give Texas a bad name! How diabolically twisted!)
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Can't help you, One-i'd-john! But then again, my memory's not too good, in fact, I can't even remember apple inventing any patented GUI! Copying one from Xerox or Amiga or whoever, yeah, but ... dunno.
  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Mostly everyone who gets an android phone is a teenager and only get one cuz it's the only cool FREE phone. No 1 ph one has sold more than apple.. But phones with android software have sold more than iOS. And agin only because you get and a free android phone if they actually can afford an iPhone they would want it in a heart beat. And I know most of you on here have either an iPhone or a high quality android. But millions of kids I see everyday have a crappy android with shitty outdated software.
  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    Folks, thanks for all theses insightful expert analyses. Now can we recycle this article?
  • Lynk
    Lynk Posts: 3
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    Mario I wouldnt say android devices are for teens only because I see a lot of people with iPhones than anything else. See Androids are targeted for all types of customers with all types of budgets and even prepaid which makes their customer base pretty big. Why you think apple is gonna change their way of thinking coming this year.
  • Lynk
    Lynk Posts: 3
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    Remember everyone We waited a whole year to get video recording on an iphone 3gs after the launch of the iphone 3g. Wow another year later flash. Oh wait lets take some ideas from jailbreakers and put them on our iOS. But we ban jailbreakers lol. Wow I love apple but sometimes I feel like I'm getting milked for every dime with every new product.
  • Lg1
    Lg1 Posts: 99
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    I love my iPhone and my iPad ... I would not consider switching to a droid. Yes I enjoy the JB. but even if I was not JB I would not get rid of iOS. The iOS devises are a lil pricey but they do hold the sale value and out perform any of the other phones. Thank you Iphone hacks and the JB community for bringing us all the news and special articlesPs... Defenetly looking forward to ios5
  • heyyou
    heyyou Posts: 0
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    apple stole the idea of the ipod which is pretty much the only reason apple is doing well these days. everything is based off the damn thing. everyone is a bunch of greedy hypocrites. nough said :)
  • WillCooper
    WillCooper Posts: 0
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    I feel Google is just trying to come back with a blatant and huge reply because they are guilty and they know it! "jealous and lacking innovation"? Jealous can be digested, but 'lacking innovation'?C'mon, that's one of the most innovative company out there. I have been in cellphones for about seven years, worked at both AT&T and T-Mobile, worked when the iPhone was launched. That changed the entire mobile market within six months. Everyone jumped on the bandwagon later and so did Google and they know it!
  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    "Before you jump at me with your 'Oh iOS 5's notification system is an Android rip off' argument, take a look at the picture below to see how Android looked in 2007."did you look stupid?
  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    Apple, with all its secrets and so forth really fucked up by letting Eric Schmidt, then Google's CEO, sit on the board of directors with Apple. It's no wonder why he left (or got booted from) some say that Eric leaked Apple's innovation to his own company, while others like Microsoft had no fucking clue as to what was about to go on in the mobile market, this is the only reason as to how Android came about, some pinned development as far back as 2004, yet the iPhone clearly came out first, but Android was just around the corner because Google knew what was coming, thanks to Eric Schmidt.
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    You don't see the resemblance to BlackBerries?LOL....Also the iOS notification system? Jailbreak app can replicate sorry... It was before Android.... Maybe not as clean as the iOS 5 one, but it was all there functionality wise.
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    "The Macintosh 128K was the first commercially successful personal computer to use a graphical user interface"So yea, I don't see where in the history of GUI Xerox was so successful... Just that they developed PARC...First success was the Apple Macintosh... Sorry... maybe you like trolling, but facts are facts... Also, the Mac actually added elements onto PARC that wasn't there, bet you didn't know that now did you?I been in the Apple Business since the Lisa... so yea, don't give me your ****.. it's not going to work I'm afraid...
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    I wish I'd invented the "QWERTY" keyboard. I'd sue the arse out of the lot of them lol
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Android has no doubt copied the iOS big time.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    I could care less who copied who, I just hate that these companies, the wireless carriers, and hardware manufactures rape you for every dollar, and Apple's the worst of them all. I love technology, but greed it what these companies are about.Shy high limited data plans, Overpriced hardware. The list goes on and on. We, the consumer get nickled and dimed for every cent. Bill Gates was the richest man in the world, and his software's a hell of a lot more affordable than Apple any day of the week. It just suck that we live in a world motivated by pure greed.
  • Ralph
    Ralph Posts: 18
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    The key phrase there being "First successful". Not the First.
  • careo
    careo Posts: 1
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    You do realize that Apple did not in any way "steal" the ideas of the developer who did that notification app, right? You do know they HIRED him to do it for them?
  • What grime
    What grime Posts: 1
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    I think it's funny how poeple like to bad mouth, and blame apple for everything. I mean it's in a human's nature to admire but then hate the hero, or leader so it shouldn't be that funny. So how is apple the worse one? how much is an iPhone? 2, 300 dollars; how much is a higher end Android phone? 2, 300 dollarsHow much is an iPad (not talking about all configurations, but trying to be to detailed)? 5, 600 dollars; how much is a higher end Google Android tablet? 5, 600 dollars... And how is Bill gates software cheaper, how much is Windows? 150 - 300 or more dollars; Lion 29 dollars....Windows users are like is this an upgrade cost, is it for Professional, no no maybe it's for the stater edition loin, Advance like has to be like 250 right? No 29 dollars, once you download it, you can copy the file to a jump, boot of it, and install it, or make a bootable DVD, or you can just log into the app store on your differnet computers and install it on all your machines. Apple isn't going to come after you, and be like you stole it, we are going to deactivate your copy of lion...