iPhone 5 Mockups Based On Alleged Spy Shot

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imageiPhone 5 Mockups Based On Alleged Spy Shot

Yesterday, the blogosphere was buzzing with news of an alleged spy shot of the eagerly awaited next generation iPhone from the office of a French carrier. However, it turned out to be a fake.

Folks at Gizmodo have created a new iPhone 5 mockup based on the alleged iPhone 5 spy shot, which actually gives a good idea of what a thinner or slimmer iPhone will look like.

It is widely speculated that Apple's new iPhone will be thinner, longer and wider compared to iPhone 4.

Read the full story here


  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    I prefer neither.. Don't see the reason for going thinner, the phone is fine as it is.. use that extra space to squeeze more battery + 4g!
  • Mcsteven
    Mcsteven Posts: 24
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    Agreed. ^^^ It's already the smallest smartphone, which is a huge plus. I don't want a bigger phone, but keep it the way it is and use the extra space...
  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i agree with the guys above me i would much rather have a 20-40 hour battery on 3g or 4g usage.
  • IamJim
    IamJim Posts: 10
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    I think they have to make it thinner. Its the thinnest RIGHT NOW. It could likely become second thinnest with the soon to come refreshes of the other phones. Thinner is better because it is a mobile device. It goes in my pocket. The thinner it is, the easier it is to carry around thus serving its purpose better. That being said .... give us 4G and new features that no one has .... like better maps, better speakers, better camera (much better camera) and longer battery life. Progress! So far, Apple continues to do just that with each device! Thinner is better! Amen
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    I use a cover to make it thicker as it is! I hope it's not thinner
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Good PhotoShop work... Just reduce the metal frame part ? same thinkness of glass parts ? hmmm... it is no way. maybe need to think just little bit more around 0.5~1.0mm. but, need to round edge (not side). anyway, Interesting...
  • anakin
    anakin Posts: 18
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    As an android user, i just want to say that I love it. Apple has always impressed me with their hardware. I have yet to see an Android phone as thin as the iphone 4.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    For sure not real but it's not that bad. The thing that gives it away is that the screen is the same size and it is going to be a tad bit bigger from what ive read.
  • Derric
    Derric Posts: 17
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    I don't see a point to buy iPhone 5 it it look like iPhone 4 design. Thinner is not able to justify why should I change. If the final design really look like iPhone 4, I will be very disappointed with Apple as they took more than a year to work on it.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    I think you'll find that the Samsung Galaxy SII is thinner "right now".
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Uhh - Samsung Galaxy SII? Perhaps that's not being sold in your nick of the woods yet, but it IS tactably thinner. (Is 'tactably' actually a word?)
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    My Samsung Galaxy S is definitely slimmer than my iPhone 4
  • ajamacus
    ajamacus Posts: 12
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    GREAT POINT!!!!!!!
  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    I think this design along with a curved class display would be killer. I'd love to see something else, but I would not be disappointed to see this either.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Personally I think its a fake. How much thinner can you actually make it and keep a normal size headphone input. You can shave off a little but not much. I don't think anyone wants to deal with adapters.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Other thing I see is it seems like an awfully weird way to display it. in front of fingers on the left, above them on right. Looks like it was photoshopped in. My guess someone took a 4 and photoshopped it; then pasted it in on that shot. If said spy was holding it with two hands, who took the pic? If said spy wanted to leak shots, I would think they would put it on a table and take several pictures from side and top. Not this crap.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    One last thing .. in the zoom in the fingers are pixelated all to hell but the phone isn't ... two different resolutions in the same pic. another indicator of a botched photoshop ploy.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    LOL guess I should have read the article a little closer saying it was a fake. Wish the title would have said that.... duh.... my bad....terrible fake though .. for all the above reasons.
  • Plumbgray
    Plumbgray Posts: 2
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    Based On Alleged Spy Shot! Come on guys please !
  • Plumbgray
    Plumbgray Posts: 2
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    Based On Alleged dream some who might work a Apple may have thought ! The new iPhone 5 will be a implant which fits in your ear. It is solar powered, understands 20 different languages and enable users to swim up to 23m underwater for up to 5 hours with out the need to surface for oxygen! Oh yes also it will make users so attractive to women that you will have to double bolt and lock your doors and windows at night time. And it will also enable you to hover up to 5 feet above the ground when used inside a Apple Store.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Looks like mockup does not take much time anyways.
  • MultiMediaWill
    MultiMediaWill Posts: 2
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    "Uhh – Samsung Galaxy SII? Perhaps that’s not being sold in your nick of the woods yet, but it IS tactably thinner. (Is ‘tactably’ actually a word?)"I think the word is 'Tacilly thinner' because the SII feels like childs plastic toy
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    I can do without most of these features.... but ... I may need to upgrade so I can hover around apple stores. I wish they could make some patch for my iPhone 4 though to do the same. Sucks how you can only get the features by upgrading.
  • IamJim
    IamJim Posts: 10
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  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    I think we need a little more than just this spyshot!
  • loz
    loz Posts: 1
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    apparently this is photoshoped.and iphone is not the thinnest atm, samsung galaxy s2 beats it
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Uhh hate to burst your bubble mate but it has been ruled that the iPhone 4 is thinner because it's thickest point, is thinner than the s2 thickest point