Verizon To Start Blocking Unofficial iPhone Tethering Using Jailbreak Apps From Today?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageVerizon To Start Blocking Unofficial iPhone Tethering Using Jailbreak Apps From Today?

Last week, we had reported that AT&T was adding the tethering data plan to the current data plan (including grandfathered unlimited data plan) for customers using unofficial iPhone tethering using jailbreak apps like MyWi.

Forbes reports that Verizon - Apple's second iPhone carrier partner is also going to follow in AT&T's footsteps. According to Forbes, Verizon will start blocking customers using the unofficial tethering from today.

Read the full story here


  • iDroid7
    iDroid7 Posts: 36
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    1st.....INVASTION OF PRIVACY!!!!!!
  • Beccs
    Beccs Posts: 2
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    They are so damn greedy.....
  • Whats the situation here in the UK does anyone know !!! Im on both T-mobile and o2 unlimited old data plan, ive never had any messages as yet and I use MYWI
  • kopycool
    kopycool Posts: 3
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    **** verizon..its been 5 yrs , i am with tmobile , i am, using iphone 4 with $20 unlimited data plan and i am happy with it !!! Poor verizon customers !!!
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 5
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    ATT unlimited mywi J/B have been using it for along time no text message from att saying that they will take my unlimited data away. Maybe because I have a crack version of mywi....idk wither way its all good.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 5
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  • Michael S
    Michael S Posts: 3
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    Read this, realized I did not get a warning so I tethered to my MacBook Air and I am posting this message with a jailbroken iPhone (without official tethering)as my hotspot.Either wrong, or the fact that I stay under 2 GB per month has kept me out of the spotlight.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    for the unlimited data user, maybe ..but, it seems to be too greedy for the limited data user also. Basically, they are claiming,THE SMALL NUMBER OF USER ARE USING TOO MUCH DATA.They should fix this issues first (In fact, It is not a problem. it is just an issue)
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    O2 allow tethering. not sure about t-mobile/orange
  • Dee Bo
    Dee Bo Posts: 2
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    Obama ruined our economy and the rest of the world is fighting, so I need to be concerned about following rules now? Thats not fair!
  • I say you
    I say you Posts: 0
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    FLASH MOB ALERT: Verizon Wireless Store2655 Foothill Boulevard, La Crescenta. CA 91214AUGUST 17 2011 @ 1:15pm Gather on "Ralphs" side in parking lot.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    That is bad, sigh!
  • LOS1NeR
    LOS1NeR Posts: 32
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    Flash Mob......LOLBring your ATT T-shirt to Verizon store! ;)(address above).
  • shawnff
    shawnff Posts: 2
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    Grow up people, Flash Mob what are we UK or Philli. Grow up. Yes it sucks that AT&T and Verizon wants to stop tethering on the Iphone, but to start a flash mob this is america and we are so much better than that. Grow UP
  • Unknown Fact
    Unknown Fact Posts: 1
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    Obama walked into a pile of Bush crap. So don't blame the man who is trying to cleanup Bush wack politics. America did vote Obama into office ... Now blame him for the mess Bush Administration created 8 years to mess it up in is totally unfail
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    It's been 3 years in which the economy has worsened under obama. When is it his lack of... experience, leadership, selection of staff, ideology, accountability, ... that makes it his problem.Where's the change, hope, openness..
  • Err
    Err Posts: 3
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    You have no idea what a flash mob is do you? It is funny as Att has an ad about a flash mob in Union Station and the guy shows up at the wrong time for the flash mob because he has a verizon phone.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
    via Wordpress your facts straight, Bush put the economy into a tailspin and Obama is having a hard time pulling out of this dive into the ground.
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Perhaps we should use a more definitive/official source for information: thinking includes using valid, unbiased sources
  • bs
    bs Posts: 6
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    I have a att 3gs and called att to tell them to leave my plan the way it is and upgrade to new firmware. So I call Verizon to see what they had to say about the tethering and he said he had no idea of course. I think that if they start upping peoples bills there will be some law suits and if Verizon dose not follow in their footsteps they could steel all of att cust. and about that dumb ass in the white house how can you think he is doing a good job, if you are at all informed you will know that unemployment has risen, debt has men tripled his own party has turned on him. In his first 1.5 years in office he racked up more debt than bush did in his eight years. And in his first three years he has made more debt than all former presidents combined. All. he has golfed 43 times this year and now he is tell the American people to tighten their belts and cut and save money, but what is he doing going to Martha’s vineyard for vacation. Yeah lead by example right. So for your great American hope that was going to give you all this free stuff and make the man work for you so you can sit on your ass and take my money. Good luck the day that happen is the day I stop working. then what happens who is going to make the money when all the hard working American stop because more of the money is taken to feed you and your ten kids where will you get you free **** from then. Go get a job or two do what you need to do to support your family and stop trying to take from me and mine. I work a full time job go to school and am trying to start my own business so don’t give me any excuses about I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth cause I’m far from it. I don’t make 250k plus but if some day I do I don’t want to have to give more to you because you don’t fell like working as hard as I do.
    MARKWI Posts: 1
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    Geezus, can we stop linking Presidents to everything that goes wrong in this country. I was so tired of Dems blaming Bush for everything and it's even worse with Obama. In some ways the government is to blame, but the real blames lies with us. It's our greed and self indulgence that has led us here. How about we stop blaming the man for everything, get ourselves out of debt, and start living for tomorrow instead of today. We are a morally bankrupt society who should look in the mirror first.
  • Benjamin Marshall
    via Wordpress
    You really need to read the carrier TOS.
  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    So it is alright for a president to go on trips with 50 people and let us pay for his Broadway show or trips to the tune of over $500,000 each. What is that pay for helping our economy? You need more money can you just print it, NO!. He can and does. Our dollar will be worth 50 cents before he leaves and then we can blame the new guy. What a joke you are.
  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    Right on BS and JB. If they worked harder than going to get the free check at unemployment we would have a few cents left for retirement. They want Obama work and pay for him.
  • Fossil112
    Fossil112 Posts: 1
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    The very fact that Verizon and ATT are doing this points to a huge issue. They know they have little to no competition. I mean really, the carriers should be thankful that they have customers who are using their network and services. The only reason to double charge someone for tethering is that you want to suck more money out of them because they know you have little to no options anywhere else.GOP!!!! Approve Obama's Consumer Protection Watchdog!!!!!
  • Pecan
    Pecan Posts: 0
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    Couldn't have said this any better!