Apple Firm On Backing App Developers In Their Legal Battle Against Lodsys

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imageApple Firm On Backing App Developers In Their Legal Battle Against Lodsys

There has been a lot of stuff going on, when it comes to patents and Apple. On one side it is fighting a patent war with the likes of Samsung and Google (though indirectly), while on the other side there are a bunch of developers who are being sued by patent trolls like Lodsys and Kotool.

Read the full story here


  • Freddieboy
    Freddieboy Posts: 45
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    Apple looking out for themselves by looking out for the developers
  • mred
    mred Posts: 6
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    "patent trolls"... Apple is one of them!!!let the troll battle begin!!!
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    I wouldn't be surprised if someone bigger like google, sony, blackberry that is trying to edge into the tablet market, is pushing lodsys into doing this. All under the table of course. Either lodsys is just being greedy, or there is more to it.I can't believe that someone would even give them a patent. for this I mean seriously?Maybe I can patent closing a window with an "x" if apple and microsoft don't have a patent for that yet, then I can sue them both or make them pay realties for every window on every computer .... just a thought. Its really stupid.... really really stupid.
  • Lavender
    Lavender Posts: 130
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    Correct. Apple is making a rational business decision here - no need to gloss it up as some kind of considerate or charitable act.
  • Lavender
    Lavender Posts: 130
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    Software patents do seem to be stupid, but I don't think you can really fairly say about "someone bigger...pushing lodsys under the table" at all, unless you have credible evidence. You know that Apple itself is "someone bigger" who does exactly this kind of thing to others also - there's no lack of dishonour in it just because Apple targets are big, rich companies themselves.
  • Thd
    Thd Posts: 7
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    Apple should look out for Apple just like Google,Microsoft,Htc, looks out for themselves and so on. If the Apple eco-system is affected so will Cydia and everyone else what Apple does not approve ends up on Cydia or any other repo and you can bet these developers (some of them) are developing for Google&Microsoft
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Apple should first back up its customers by unlocking the phones of those who are out of contract.
  • god
    god Posts: 6
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    I own the patent for life. so anything that breathes owes me big time. oh hang on.... bugger the patent trolls beat me to it. Ah well i'll just wipeout the world and start again.... bollocks they've patented that as well. hang on flood?, fire?, virus?, invasion by another species?.... nope patented.well they can just kiss my a... damn they've got a patent for that too. pmsl
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    why would they do that? then they make less money.