Breaking News: Google Buying Motorola For $12.5 Billion [Updated]

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imageBreaking News: Google Buying Motorola For $12.5 Billion [Updated]

Google has just dropped a bombshell on the mobile phone industry. It has announced that it is acquiring Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion in cash, a 61% premium.

In a post titled 'Supercharging Android: Google to Acquire Motorola Mobility', Google's co-founder and CEO Larry Page has explained why it has decided to buy Motorola.

Larry Page writes:

Read the full story here


  • target
    target Posts: 2
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    Very good for the Users. Hopefully this will bring much better competition and hence much better products.
  • John Connor
    John Connor Posts: 5
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    I believe its going to be a big mistake for Google. As a phone manufacturer why would I want to use an OS that you build for your phone? They are spending 12.5 billion for this company, they would not want it to fail. So it's inevitable that Google will give their mobile hardware division preferential treatment for upgrades, enhancements and support? It might take a few years to see the impact but if they're smart manufacturers will have already started looking at alternatives and history will repeat itself, we'll have each manufacturer with their own OS.
  • Todd
    Todd Posts: 25
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    Seems more like Google is thinking $12 billion is a good price to pay for some patent war weapons. Motorollas huge patent library should help Google out in the google Vs MS Apple etc legal battle.
  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    Is it a mistake for Google? Probably not, but if I were LG, Samsung, etc I'd be crapping my pants. I'd be a multi-billion dollar company being made "second-tier" after Google makes Motorola it's favorite child.I can understand why Google did it. To much fracturing, customizing and no consistency with so many licensees.But Google is so big and successful with Android that the LG, Samsung, etc are really caught in a bind.If they try to switch to something else, they will alienate all those who bought current phones with Android apps.
  • Thd
    Thd Posts: 7
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    This is a way to stop fragmentation on the Android system but if Google,Apple,Microsoft don't stand up for the people who use these phones it will not matter if you have the best smartphone on the block it may be to much to own
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    It's understandable why Google payed 12bil for patents but to whine about the other companies ganging up on you after you turn them down to buy the Nortel patents together. It's the Google Hippocracy. Google makes great products but if they stop doing with other people's work maybe they wouldn't get sued. Just a thought.
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    google better stick to just motorola devices with their android now =D if they hoorah! iPhone will win the race with an extra mile to spare! Motorola sucks have used them when i was young, they are no good in functionality, if they wanted to make a super phone they should have teamed with apple.
  • anakin
    anakin Posts: 18
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    @Johnwow. i strongly suggest you educate yourself on google's history of the patent wars since it's clear you have no clue what you're talking, i'm tired of explaining these things. but i'll give you a little nudge anyway; microsoft/apple/rim/others actually DID joined together to outbid google. Do you think that's fair? Do you actually consider that acceptable competition policy to have the biggest leaders in mobile devices ALL join up to fight google? is this fair? i think it's not only unfair, it's illegal and it's uncompetitive. Like in poker if you can't outbid some guy, you fold.
  • anakin
    anakin Posts: 18
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    i agree, i hate motorola phones. i had one (the xt720) and it was slow big time. Not to mention motorola only updates their phones if they deemed it necessary (mine was abandoned).For the record though, Apple does NOT team with other companies unless it's for getting parts for something or (apparently now) to outbid google. So you can forget you're "super phone" idea.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    as a phone manufacturer why would you want to use a OS they built for the phone? you do realize thats what Apple does, dont you smart guy?
  • Culturismo
    Culturismo Posts: 1
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    I Can't care less about the hardware division of Motorola Mobility. This is all about patents. Motorola has been in wireless for 80+ years. Plus, they are being sued by Microsoft over something related to mobile.I have 3 words for Google: FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!I hope this move does not burn bridges with the other Android hardware vendors.What happens next? Microsoft buys Nokia?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    and now Microsoft buys Nokia and all of the world goes to make phones!
  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    It's always been about the patnets, it's how corporate fights for itself in this war. It's like the cowboys and the Indians, and the patents are guns, only the biggest assholes will have a fruitful outcome
  • jo huff
    jo huff Posts: 4
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    Cool apple is too greedy and are a ripoff. Hopefully Google will take some phone buisness from apple all google needs to take out apple in the phone market is better developers for the apps and games. Then nowbody will wont an iphone. Motorolas phones are medioker at best but maybee google will fix that will see.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    In this day and age you don't usually get sued for using somebody else's work. You get sued because patent trolls over-reach and stifle ingenuity and competition.
  • Andy_TW
    Andy_TW Posts: 21
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    the only winners of this deal are those people who own motorola stocks. BIG mistake for Google, as Google's successful business model is never depends on hardware. IT IS INTERNET.