Apple Unlikely To Launch iPad 3 In 2011 Due To Retina Display Constraints

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imageApple Unlikely To Launch iPad 3 In 2011 Due To Retina Display Constraints

Early adopters of iPad 2 can be relieved, it seems highly unlikely that Apple will launch iPad 3 this year, according to a report by Taiwanese publication - DigiTimes.

It were some rumors and speculations that Apple will launch iPad 3 or iPad 2 Pro with Retina Display in 2011, despite the launch of iPad 2 earlier in the year. But according to DigiTimes, Apple has decided to delay the launch due to the poor yields of the larger Retina Display required for an iPad.

Read the full story here


  • Donald
    Donald Posts: 5
    via Wordpress
    Relieved? Do you buy devices because you think that superficial, materialistic ownership makes you happy or is it because of the need to use devices to improve your notion of self-esteem? Do you use the image of a device to crank up your own go? What a sick society are we that we allow for our well-being to depend on devices :-) ..
  • Ken
    Ken Posts: 114
    via Wordpress
    Amen brother...I'm still rockin' a 3GS because it is sufficient for my daily needs. I have never heard of the latest and greatest smartphone to get someone pussy and if it does, i hope they enjoy their cocktail of STDs.That being said, when I get my iphone 5, everyone will know about it.
  • Shalashaska
    Shalashaska Posts: 55
    via Wordpress
    easy on the meat man :) .. well i got the ipad 2 at first release...and even though i dont use it as cologne or a designer shirt...i surely wouldnt want something i bought a few months back and paid a hell lot for be outdated....because then all apps will be directed towards the newer models as is happening with my 3gs and the iphone 4..
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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  • KillerPubes
    KillerPubes Posts: 50
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    I have an iPad 1 molded onto my front, and an iPad 2 stuck in each hand. I get tonnes of clunge this way. Main issue is that with Apple devices stuck to each appendage I find it rather hard to wipe my own arse. Can iPad 3 please be water/turd proof?
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
    via Wordpress
    my iPhone 4 gets me pussy every weekend. You don't have the roofy app?
  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    Relieved?Why would I be relieved? Why would I care if an iPad3 comes to the market after I buy my iPad2? And who the hell said that my iPad2 will become obsolete just because the iPad3 came to the market? I bet you if the iPad3 got released tomorrow morning, my iPad2 will still function the same way. What messed up world do we live in that just because a newer version of a product comes to the market, we have to sit and cry about it because we no longer have the newest model. Make me sick to my stomach.
  • brahimcha
    brahimcha Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    Anyway. Does the Dual core CPU support a resolution as high as 2048 x 1538 ?To obtain retina display => 300ppi we'll have to reach this resolution...