iPhone Firmware v1.1.3 Release End of This Week? Could Unlock Voice Recording & Storage Capabilities

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iPhone Firmware v1.1.3 Release End of This Week? Could Unlock Voice Recording & Storage Capabilities

Electronista is reporting that iPhone firmware 1.1.3 is expected to be released by the end of this week. There is some good news and bad news. The bad news first, new firmware update means that we will have to go through the viscious cycle of first figuring out how to...

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  • grahame
    grahame Posts: 5
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    well the voice mail already is on the iphone via 3rd party and there is a paid util for using iphone as storage. apple still isn't giving us anything the non-sanctioned developers haven't. Video .... how about that? I think it'll all have to wait until 3rd party devel. are officially let onto the iPhone (depending on how Apple manages this.

  • brian chadwell
    brian chadwell Posts: 1
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    how bout giving us the ability to Bluetooth photos and music and how about giving us an mms feature without having to use emails... And how about giving us the ability to send more than one picture at a time

  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    Voice Recording! That's pretty lame. The only reason I upgrade the firmware is for experimental purpose and exploration of the mini OS.

    Other than that if Jobs doesn't do something soon the i~phone will be a thing of the past. If there was another phone out there that did everything the iphone did and had third party apps and worked on the mac, I'd buy it as long as it was unlocked...Plus if I watch a movie on the way to work I have to pray I don't get any calls through out the day because the battery life will be done.

    1.3 should be interesting. Love your blog!

  • Dweezel
    Dweezel Posts: 1
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    Actually there is about to be. FIC is releasing OpenMOKO it's a linux based phone and from the looks of it it's every thing the iPhone fell way short on, GPS, MMS, fully open architecture, expandable microSD card slot, 3G and useable on any network that uses a SIM card.


    I like my iPhone, I bought it used and got a killer deal on it, no way I'd spend $400 on it when the OpenMOKO is 4 times what the iPhone is and is due to be released the begining of the year. You can get developer kits/phones now.

  • grahame
    grahame Posts: 5
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    so where is the 1.1.3 firmware that this article says was about to be released last week?????

  • iPhone Hellas
    iPhone Hellas Posts: 6
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    The solution to v1.1.2 BL4.6 is almost out... Steve has to delay the v1.1.3. He must see how the v1.1.2 was broken by the hackers (Myky) and patch the new version...

    More about the v1.1.2 unlock in: http://iphonehellas.wordpress.com/

  • iPhone Hellas
    iPhone Hellas Posts: 6
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    New hacker under the username myhh77 claims that he also has the solution to the v.1.1.2 unlock.

    Quote: "OTB 1.1.2 software unlock will be released after Chinese new year holiday!"

    More about the v1.1.2 OTB unlock in: http://iphonehellas.wordpress.com/

  • jeo
    jeo Posts: 0
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    so ur telling me that i need to wait until febuary 7th for a software unlock that is possibly another lie ya ok im going to get th hardware forget this

  • iPhone Hellas
    iPhone Hellas Posts: 6
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    @jeo: The software unlock isn't a lie. DEV TEAM has the new baseband from 1.1.3 and they are working on the solution...

  • iPhone Hellas
    iPhone Hellas Posts: 6
    via Wordpress

    1) The leaked 1.1.3 Firmware may not be a final version
    2) After a discussion with a DEV TEAM member there is 1 good news but 2 bad news.

    Good news:
    It does indeed have a Baseband/bootloader upgrade.

    Bad news:
    1)Apparrently Apple have done a very good job with this update, it is encrypted with 1024bit key,which is not going to be very easy to crack could take a long while.

    2)They dont even know if it will be possible to get the secpack from the v1.1.3