Financial Times Apps Booted From The App Store For Non-Compliance With In-App Subscription Policy

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imageFinancial Times Apps Booted From The App Store For Non-Compliance With In-App Subscription Policy

While publications like WSJ and The New York Times have either complied to Apple's In-App Subscription policies or devised clever workarounds, The Financial Times refused to take any of these measures, which is why Apple has removed the app from the App Store, two months after its 30th June deadline.

Read the full story here


  • Wrong_Policy
    Wrong_Policy Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    The present policy is not the policy. Apple need to provide publishers with this information. Failure to do so will mean many more publications will follow the lead of FT
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
    via Wordpress
    There goes the boss with its monopoly!
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    It's not a fucking monopoly idiot. Not even close. While I think the 30% is greedy, there are many other tablet makers and app stores out there, and developers have a choice.
  • eplt
    eplt Posts: 1
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    When you buy FT from a newstand, even if you paid by credit card, they don’t get the contact information. Sure, for subscriptions, they used to get it, but the readers only gave it because they need the delivery. I am sure when they sign up to a subscription, they didn’t hope to give their address out because they will receive more unsolicited or simply junk mail, but publishers often treat them as their value and assets. I happen to like the current mobile app model (I am sure Google will have similar things eventually), is that when I have subscribed to the content, I get it, and they can push stuff to be whilst I still have their app installed, I also have the choice to truly opt-in to allow my information to be shared with the provider. That’s how subscription should have worked, we just never had the mass deployed technology to do that before. We can’t reference the old wrong way to drive our future.