U.S. Government Files Antitrust Complaint To Block AT&T From Acquiring T-Mobile USA

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageU.S. Government Files Antitrust Complaint To Block AT&T From Acquiring T-Mobile USA

Bloomberg has just reported that U.S government has filed an antitrust complaint to block AT&T from acquiring T-Mobile USA.

AT&T - the largest carrier in the US had announced plans to acquire T-Mobile USA - fourth largest carrier for a whopping $39 billion in stock and cash.

Bloomberg reports:

“AT&T’s elimination of T-Mobile as an independent, low- priced rival would remove a significant competitive force from the market,” the U.S. said in its filing.

Read the full story here


  • iDroid7
    iDroid7 Posts: 36
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  • Mcsteven
    Mcsteven Posts: 24
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    Good job Obama. Way to kill 10,000 new high paying jobs coming to the US because of this deal. Did we forget that verizon bought alltel not too long ago?...
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I'm with AT&T only because they offer 3G on the iPhone. I couldn't stand having to use EDGE data on T-Mobile. But if the rumors about T-Mobile getting the iPhone are true, I'll be definitely jumping ship. AT&T is not a very good carrier, from poor reception, calls dropped every single day, and mistakes on my bill.
  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    Verizon can buy alltell cause there in the govt pockets like that but AT&T didn't pay someone some big money to get the deal pushed through. And your a moron to blame Obama for the deal being rejected by the govt. Hate to break this to u but he doesn't get to decide half the **** that goes through the govt. Congress nixes most of the stuff cause it doesn't benefit them or whose paying them kickbacks since they can't live on their 170,000+ salary
  • joe shmoe
    joe shmoe Posts: 10
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    said the black guy
  • Tristan
    Tristan Posts: 25
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    A) Obama didn't do this, it's not in his control. Learn how our government works before you criticize it.B) The merger would not have created any jobs. In fact, it would have resulted in a lot of T-Mobile jobs being eliminated, since AT&T would have no need of them.C) The merger would have screwed consumers over royally, because AT&T and Verizon and Sprint set the prices for one another. Not officially, but it is what happens. When Verizon offers a data plan for X dollars, and AT&T has been offering a plan at 1/2X, AT&T can then raise the cost of its plan to p≤X and still attract a large amount of customers, despite offering nothing new or improved.For example: I pay roughly 5 times what my Japanese friend pays for cell service. He had 4G two years ago, and has unlimited data with unlimited texting. I get 3G (with AT&T's network it's about as fast as EDGE), unlimited texting, and 2GB of data. Yet I pay $90 a month while he pays just under $20.This isn't because Japanese have figured out how to MacGuyver cell service out of garbage to keep costs down. It's because the executives don't pay themselves fat mountains of cash while screwing over the employees.You HAVE heard about Verizon's workers going on strike, right? It was in the news for about a minute and a half, but it was happening, because Verizon wanted to slash all the benefits they'd been earning for years by working hard to sell the phone service to the public. Verizon and AT&T are the same. They will NEVER lower prices unless someone forces them to compete, because they have no reason to! If rubes like you keep paying for their service at any price they set it to, they won't stop raising the bar, they'll just keep digging deeper into your wallet.
  • Tristan
    Tristan Posts: 25
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    You and I could be friends. Thank you for not being an idiot and knowing that Obama is mostly a figure-head and not a policy maker, by law.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Yawn, who cares. I hope people understand that iPhone is not a US centric phone!
  • yuerfd
    yuerfd Posts: 2
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  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Verizon buying Alltell is not the same thing. Alltell is a local carrier, T-Mobile is a national carrier.If AT&T had been allowed to buy T_Mobile, it would have reduced the U.S. to three National Carriers: Verizon, AT&T and Sprint. Chances are that Sprint would have folded under these circumstances though and either closed it's doors or have been bought by Verizon. Thus leaving only two companies, who do not use the same standards, so you would have to buy a new phone to switch carriers in the U.S.This would have been a major stumbling block to competition. Number portability added competition into the mix and this would have been a step backward.Blocking this merger is a GREAT deal for all involved. Can you imagine with only two national carriers how high the prices would get?I think we need at least one more player than we have now and I don't mean one that is simply a rebranding of an existing company or is a prepaid phone.
  • iDroid7
    iDroid7 Posts: 36
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  • hay
    hay Posts: 2
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    Ain't you a Rube yourself for having service with att so yes like you said Learn your stuff before you criticize you dumbass tryna sound like you know n how stupid are you to compare us price with china price
  • marlene
    marlene Posts: 6
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    Tristan,you hit the nail on the head!good post.I didn't even know about the strike until I saw a video clip on youtube about a story on someone was going around damaging Verizon property.Hope T-Mobile gets the new iphone5 :-$.
  • hhhh
    hhhh Posts: 9
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    @Haywhat the **** are you talking about?
  • hhhh
    hhhh Posts: 9
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  • Tristan
    Tristan Posts: 25
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    How about you learn to type and write in proper English before attempting to argue with someone who is clearly your intellectual superior? The internet is a place of infinite knowledge, and you're wasting its potential by defending a ridiculous assertion that Obama is responsible for any of the legislative decisions in this country, and that he is capable of denying this merger. Preposterous claims, to be sure, yet luddites like yourself would have no idea of that because you submit yourselves to the blissful ignorance of right-wing media commentary and beliefs.
  • John Jay
    John Jay Posts: 10
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    Good fck Atet there greedy a@sholes anyway. Tmobiles reception is great eighter but there still better than con artists such as Atet.
  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    Don't celebrate just jet folks I bet my ass those fucks on AT&T are already buying every politician their dirty money can buy in order to get t-mobile . Unfortunately It's not over yet
  • John Jay
    John Jay Posts: 10
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    Yep talked to tmobile atets trying to apeal .Hope they get there ass handed to them on a silver platter. Fk Atet greedy low life bastards.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    thanks for using ur brain and speaking the truth. the way i see it is that if some one who complains on how much they pay on their bill should get cheaper phones/plan or not have a cell phone at all... i had att and never had a problem with their service and my bill was always right after a while i saw that i was paying to much and moved to tmobile i didnt complain about how much att charged cuz im a grow ass man i picked att so people hating on att are dum. and at the end of the day money makes the world go round and im sure that att will buy out tmobile and i wont mind.
  • SeenDaLight
    SeenDaLight Posts: 39
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    Bravo! well spoken
  • SeenDaLight
    SeenDaLight Posts: 39
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    Folks post without swearing it makes you come across as an unedubicuated moron
  • djlooni
    djlooni Posts: 12
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    I don't give a hek who owns who!!! I demand lower rates!! But lets not forget something, at the end of all this carrier bs, we the consumers r the ones who deside the path we want to take, eventhough the right path is the wrong one!! Feel me? So, once again, i dont care who owns who' better rates!!! Not my money taken away from silent thieves like at&t...
  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    I didn't realize "tryna" was a word now. I also didn't realize Japan and China were the same country. Funny how this world works.
  • BigBossSnake
    BigBossSnake Posts: 23
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    Got your back Tris. Just don't understand why people are that silly.
  • Phil
    Phil Posts: 87
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    well said Tristan i'm very happy they are going to stop this
  • Jason Voorhees
    Jason Voorhees Posts: 4
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    OMG this is it. I've been waiting all my life for this. Anyway when T-Mobile gets the iphone 5 they won't feel the burn of the recession crunch because It will be the biggest customer conversion in history!!!!!!