Apple Wins Permanent Ban On Sales Of Samsung Galaxy Tab In Germany

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imageApple Wins Permanent Ban On Sales Of Samsung Galaxy Tab In Germany

Last month, a district court in Düsseldorf, Germany had granted Apple a preliminary injunction against Samsung's Android-based Galaxy Tab 10.1, barring distribution of the product in the entire European Union except for the Netherlands. But the court wasn't sure if it had jurisdiction outside Germany so decided to enforce it only in Germany.

Read the full story here


  • YoYo
    YoYo Posts: 11
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    Stupid zi germans.
  • Derek
    Derek Posts: 21
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    Apple ? what a load of old Bol***s, it's about time someone stuck one up them, it just shows that they are affraid of the Samsung and how good it is
  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    I say cool. Score one for Apple. It's pretty obvious that if the iPad didn't exist, Samsung's tablet would either look nothing like this or not exist at all. They even copied it down to the packaging. Seriously? Apple must have a pretty good case if a court ruled in their favor. If their case was ridiculous, it would have never made it this far. The 'Space Odyssey' argument is very weak and it's obvious that they were just looking for any excuse they could find after the fact. Did they also get the ideas for the user interface and packaging from the movie?The only thing I don't like about this is that Apple depends on Samsung for parts and there's a good chance this could tarnish their relationship.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I am shocked that Samsung still supplies anything to Apple. If I were Samsung, I would simply say that I am not going to supply any more parts until you drop these stupid law suits.Solves the problems without tying up courts all over the world. Of course they would need to finish honoring any outstanding contracts until they are completed, but after that...
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    As business' money needs to be made, lawsuits or not. Samsung won't turn away from supplying parts to apple, that's like saying 'no thanks, I don't want your billions of dollars!'
  • YoYo
    YoYo Posts: 11
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    Do you really wanna go that road? If cell phones didn't exist... should I stop here?
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Maybe Samsung will, but for now I am sure they have existing contracts to uphold. Good for Apple, people shouldn't be copying other peoples designs.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Maybe Samsung will, but for now I am sure they have existing contracts to uphold.Good for Apple, people shouldn’t be copying other peoples designs.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    A quarter of Samsung's revenue comes from their semi conductor business.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Well if you copy you will have to pay.
  • sprint 23
    sprint 23 Posts: 0
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    One way samsung can stick it to apple keep suppling parts to apple since its one if its biggest buyers BUT rise the prices!
  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    Just surprised how shallow and naive some apple fun boys are. This patent crap is just BS.. Just because someone put something on paper means they are the only ones that can make it. Unfortunately there are idiots that think its a good thing. Maybe Motorola need to sue all company's making cell phones since they started first or maybe Levis need to sue banana republic for coping making jeans. Grow and sense and call a spade a spade. This BS is just to have control and not for the consumer.
  • Stormy
    Stormy Posts: 0
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    And guess who Apple will pass the increased prices on to?
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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  • RR
    RR Posts: 0
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    The truth is the galaxy tab is pretty nice and poses a financial threat to crapple and so crapple is doing whatever they can to stop the sales of it where ever they can. Crapple has always been a greedy company and will allways be a greedy company. In the end there greed will be the ruin of them. To hell with apple . Long live Samsung and others out who fight the Giants.
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    Okay I agree that apple is selfish and greedy and that's why apple is losing to google in these quarters but remember apple sue samsung and apple doesn't want to work with samsung and apple has fired samsung for iPhone 6 and guess who going to make it the people in taiwan are so goodbye samsung and in this situation I think apple right samsung was partners with apple and apple made samsung come out of the dead but samsung betrayed there partners and started to compete with there partners who freaking does that instead samsung should have continue to work with apple and not compete because samsung made alot of money but that wasn't enough for samsung they wanted the whole Cake when samsung should have been out a long time ago but apple made samsung into a monster which is now working with google because samsung wants to be on top which is crazy cuz they just betrayed there ex best friend apple and now samsung will pay for damages and google are a bunch of retards cuz what makes you think that samsung won't betray you if u came with an idea and u had them build it and u made them rich and all of the sudden your partner decides to copy you and take the whole cake.well Microsoft and apple are working together to stop google and samsung and I can't believe google is helping a company that copy's and why is the USA last to get a samsung phone?but google still loves samsung and thank goodness for the courts having cmon sense because for a second I thought samsung was going to be on top of everybody and if that would have happend I copy samsung and see how they like it there were suppose to just freaking build the stuff that's it why do people get greedy
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    Samsung apple thought you technology u never knew about but then u learn it and wanted to betrayed your apprentice just like star wars when darth vader learn the force and wanted to become the king and what happens To Darth he dies Checkmate and please companies around the world please build stuff in the USA so I could copy next lol unless u Patton it then I guess I'm bringing that technology to Cuba but the truth is they don't trust America cuz will steal and leak information and even learn how to fix our phones ourselves and we would innovate to another level And there scared of us
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    If apple would have made it in USA then there would be clones all over the USA and I bet u somebody in the the USA would have got sue for stealing there ideas
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    And that's why there so many clones in china and there no clones in the USA because we don't build it
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    Have you all ever hold on a Galaxy Tab 10.1 ?Cool........Good for consumer.......No wonder Apple so scared..... and keep on sue all the people......
  • pony
    pony Posts: 3
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    The samsung galaxy tab P7510 smart cover is designed as ipad smart cover. The smart cover can protect your Samsung Galaxy Tab P7510 from daily damages like dust, scratches, fingerprints, etc.