Apple Removes Print To PDF App From App Store For Using AirPrint

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imageApple Removes Print To PDF App From App Store For Using AirPrint

Tibp reports that Apple has removed Print to PDF app from the App Store. Print to PDF was a useful app that allowed users to save their emails, email attachments, websites, and photos as a PDF document by adding Print to PDF option as a printer to Apple's built-in printer feature.

Developers of Print to PDF managed this by ingeniously using AirPrint - Apple's wireless printing feature.

Print to PDF team has issued the following statement on their website:

Read the full story here


  • Marusya
    Marusya Posts: 58
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    first - That sucks... second.. I need and iphone 5.
  • Cubanazo
    Cubanazo Posts: 7
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    and third...stop criticizing and get a life!!
  • Bradley
    Bradley Posts: 8
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    I wonder where Apple is going with all of this... It's obvious this was a needed feature by some, even I could find it useful.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Now that is what is known as monoply!
  • Lewy
    Lewy Posts: 2
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    I agree. And our govt never says 1 thing to them. They are a major monopoly. It is Microsoft all over again.
  • Truth Hurts
    Truth Hurts Posts: 1
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    This is ridiculous. The feature should be built in to the iPhone since it's obviously easily implemented. These turds just want to sell AirPrint capable printers. I hope they release it in Cydia.
  • All Pofits
    All Pofits Posts: 1
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    I seem to have read that Adobe and Apple are not getting along, hence anything Abode (pdf...) are not allowed on iphone. Anti-trust or something like that...
  • Roi Poulsen
    Roi Poulsen Posts: 6
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    Well how about that... all these years, people have been complaining about microsoft, not beeing open source, and trying to controll the users..What is apple doing now ?? They give their users absolutly no freedom.. controlling everyone and everyting like bigbrother..Not good!
  • Not The First Time
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    Apple has pulled an app after approval and available on the app store. Apple will probably have an app or feature for pdf printing shortly. Way to squash competition.
  • steph
    steph Posts: 6
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    Any news from upcoming ???I've used this app very often...
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Had to be be one of the most used apps by us as we travel in Asia a lot and email not always that good. Upgraded iPad2 to ios5 - the app is still there but no longer works - pity about that - feel just a bit dudded.
  • AT
    AT Posts: 3
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    First I find it annoying when people call it Apple a monopoly. Go look up what that means. Last I looked Apple had many vibrant competitors. Second I just discovered this stopped working in iOs 5, and checking if that is just my own peoblem let me to this page.Usually when Apple pulls a stunt like this it's because they plan to add the feature themselves. It does suck for those of us who bought the app and it's sucks for the developer, but let's put this in perspective: I lost a buck, the developer still gets the money from those who already bought it, life goes on. I love my iPad and iPhone and have tried sucky Android and wouldn't touch it. Metro is neat, but it's oriented towards social networking, not my thing. Is Apple perfect? No, but then neither are you.
  • pl
    pl Posts: 2
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    I used this app every day as I use Paper Port. If MicroSoft tried pulling apps and blocking software there would be national investigations. Some how because Apple is the darling in every ones eyes they get to go around like a bunch of computer geeks and tree sitters and do jolly well any thing they please. Give me back my App!! I paid a lot of money for IPad and now I am getting treated as if I should be thankful to be treated like good old Apple days -- being ignored and never answering customer service calls.
  • crossoz
    crossoz Posts: 1
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    just upgraded my iPad2 to iOS5 and now cannot reload this really useful app. Do I get a refund?
  • Riley Major
    Riley Major Posts: 1
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    This app's capabilities should be built into iOS. But if they weren't going to do that, they could at least have left this app alone which has been functioning properly for some time.I think this is an unnecessarily restrictive step by Apple. It's not enough of an inconvenience to cause me to abandon the platform by any means, but it's a black mark.And yes, though I already have this installed on my devices, it no longer functions, presumeably because I've upgraded them to iOS 5,
  • Rex g
    Rex g Posts: 1
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    That was the best app. There is no other app like it cant figure out why they took away an app that actually works and they let ya buy the crap that dont makes no sense.
  • Pete B
    Pete B Posts: 1
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    Probably was one of the most used apps I had downloads, easy and simple- Have not found any satisfactory replacement. Unless Apple can explain with a decent reason, very disappointing.
  • FO
    FO Posts: 1
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    The Apple apologists continue to amaze me. This is a company which constantly screws over its customers, steals other's ideas only to be hailed as visionary, and uses anti-competitive tactics far worse than any other in recent memory. Remember when Microsoft was pursued legally for their war with Netscape? Stunts like Apple pulls are more akin to if Microsoft forcibly uninstalled Netscape from people's computers rather than just bundling IE with the OS. Apple is a horrible company and until recently run by a horrible man. They only get away with this stuff because they have a flood of hipster fans who worship them regardless of their practices.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Apple is slowly sinking in my eyes...
  • Fjord Prefect
    Fjord Prefect Posts: 1
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    Hardly a monopoly. There are plenty of Android tablets and phones out there offering an alternative.
  • Danny Mitchell
    Danny Mitchell Posts: 1
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    I just purchased my ipad2 last week. I was warned to stay away from the Apple monopoly prior to my purchase. oh well, live and learn...I Agree with earlier comments, that print to PDF should be included with IOS. But I understand, it's not about my wants, it's about thier revenue.
  • Michael Lumb
    Michael Lumb Posts: 1
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    I am wondering if anyone has the app file for this app? I've been looking for it because I bought it and used it, but lost it when I upgraded to iOS 5 since by backup didn't work. I just need the app file to add to my application directory to install back to my device, it will still have to be authorized to my account.Anyone have it?
  • Kannan
    Kannan Posts: 4
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    Yes it's a very very useful apps on AppStore. And it's a unique brilliant apps by the developer. Because of some important features by developer, apple must need to consider and let them to come back again. For apple the "print to PDF" developers made this as an extra features. So I hope they will let them back to use the "air print" to "print to PDF".
  • Kannan
    Kannan Posts: 4
    via Wordpress
    Yes it's a very very useful apps on AppStore. And it's a unique brilliant apps by the developer. Because of some important features by developer, apple must need to consider and let them to come back again. For apple the print to PDF developers made this as an extra features. So I hope they will let them back to use the air print to print to PDF.