France Telecom CEO Claims iPhone 5 Will Be Released On October 15th

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imageFrance Telecom CEO Claims iPhone 5 Will Be Released On October 15th

Mac4Ever reports that France Telecom CEO Stéphane Richard has reportedly claimed that iPhone 5 will be released on October 15th.

It is however not clear if Richard has based this claim on information he has received or based on the rumors and speculations he has heard so far. It would be odd for a top executive like Richard to comment based on rumors.

This is apparently what Richard told reporters:

If I believe what we heard, the iPhone 5 will be released on October 15.

Read the full story here


  • ThePinkStinkyTaco
    via Wordpress
    Well when it finally gets released, the whole world will see a phone that is still missing something compared to an Android phone. If that previous rumor is correct as far as specs... psshh it's not even worth upgrading to! I mean I don't need a phone upgrade that will load Angry Birds 2sec faster than the previous gen. I want a phone that has a rediculously nice screen, upgradeable storage, more ports and a customizable interface.Honestly I think the iphone 4 is what the phone should've been when the iphone 2G debuted. Apples marketing strategy is rediculous on how many followers yearn for the next upgrade because they leave a feature out. Pheh look at the iPad 2? honestly a refresh and it finally got the front cam...and a shitty one at that! No thanks... now where is the back camera? Oh...I forgot Apple u are just saving it for the iPad 3 right? I can't wait until my HP Touchpad dual boots WebOS and Android... And for the haters I love technology(I own every model 2G,3G,3GS,4 iPad1) So yeah I guess I am a fanboy... but I love Android as well...i've been using my Xperia Play and Samsung Gtab more lately. It's convinient to have a device that is more freely open like a PC in my opinion. The whole "i-line" seems to be more of an addiction or cult. If you don't own an iphone...u are not cool! That is the vibe a lot of people give around here anyways. Probably not going to happen...but I hope the iphone5 doesn't sell as good as the iphone4. Apple needs to stop milking it's customers and make their devices feature rich and stop leaving stuff out. If Android wasn't so fragmented I bet software companies would be making more rich polished apps for the marketplace. Thats the only thing I give Apple is there clean polished apps.END RANT :)
  • ThePinkStinkyTaco
    via Wordpress
  • dirty sanchez
    dirty sanchez Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    "No thanks… now where is the back camera?"FYI iPad2 has a back camera.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
    via Wordpress
    Tool! You call yourself a fanboy, but know nothing about the products! IPad 2 has a rear camera! All you are going on is the rumours you've seen 'floating' about! Which by the way are getting very boring! Why don't people just wait and see?!Android my have better specs in some ways, but they're still a league behind the iPhone! The iPhone with 512mb runs better than an android with 1gb. And the UI on apple products is so much easier to use. Plus the sheer lack of android apps compared to the only REAL app store!
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
    via Wordpress
    Sigh, another month of wait.
  • Toqeer
    Toqeer Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    Android leaves a lot to be desired in many respects, the number of available quality apps for a start and of course the very rough around the edges ui, however it has far more potential than any iOS device I have used and google have made greater leaps than apple relatively. If this rate of progression should stay true then google should eventually out do apple. iOS on the other hand is purely a phone sitting onto of an mp3 player, the only reason why I still use an iPhone is because of the number of diverse apps available and the fact that iOS is so stable and safe as a ui, battery life is far better than any android phone I have used and multitasking is a breeze even though it may only be a primitive experience in itself. IOS 5 and icloud only strengthens the google user experience as slot of the features between the two os will be similar. Android currently holds user data like contacts in a cloud based system where as apple will do more, android itself offers a more intuitive os and front end with the ability to load apps and widgets from home screen, apples iOS still does not offer any widget based home screen and will adopt androids status bar idea.
  • janiha
    janiha Posts: 0
    via Wordpress
    Wow, for an Android supporter, you sure spend a lot of time and energy on reading, thinking and arguing about iDevices! There are scientific studies suggesting that the worst homophobics are closet gays. Are you sure you're note a closet Apple-fanboy?