Verizon Starts Throttling Bandwidth For Top 5% Of Data Users

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imageVerizon Starts Throttling Bandwidth For Top 5% Of Data Users

Gizmodo reports that Verizon has started throttling bandwidth for top 5% of data users.

It doesn't come as a big surprise as Verizon had announced its plans to throttle data speeds for the top 5% of its customers back in February for all its new customers who subscribed to a data plan from February 3rd, 2011, which means it impacts all Verizon iPhone customers.

Here is a snippet from the pdf document that BGR had discovered back in February, which provides some details about the new policy:

Read the full story here


  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    5% seems funny. Shouldn't it be based on GB usage? Oh right, then they couldn't call it unlimited.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    How bout companys build there network to handle what they offer.
  • Barron
    Barron Posts: 0
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    I agree with Chris, these greedy companies need to improve the networks instead of punishing the customers who've been loyally paying their monthly bill.
    RONxBURGUNDY Posts: 15
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    This will most likely only be punishing the people who are illegally using their phones as hotspots. I'm pretty confident the top 5% probably deserve to have their "interwebz" slowed down if they're using that much more than everyone else monthly.
  • shthead
    shthead Posts: 5
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    Illegally using their phones as hotspots? Are the data police going to come to your door and read you the constitution? Illegally! WTF! Show me the LAW! That whole tether fee is complete bullshit.. You way for the data, you should be able to do what you want with it.. It costs the same whether the data is going to your phone or a laptop.It's all about greed as usual and consumers keep paying for the bullshit.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    You should be president
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Oh no, they are going the AT&T way.
  • Q.p.
    Q.p. Posts: 8
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    I think they should have to send you a message telling you that for the next period of so many days your bandwith will be restricted because if not then who's to say there not doing it all the time and you just don't realize it also if your in the top 5% then you should be notified of your current bandwidth usage like how much your being restricted I mean they think they can do what they want and not give the consumer any info about it!!! AT&T freakin sucks a big fat one!!
  • Benjamin
    Benjamin Posts: 5
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    i was recently living in the middle of the new mexico desert, so i had to use my phone for everything, and racked up a good 22GB these past few months and yes to answer your question i have noticed a CONSIDERABLE DECREASE in my speeds at times it will drop to as low as 24kbps when normally it would be around 2 mbps and this pisses me off most severely but i am in the process of fixing that bs throttling crud on my phone i will let you all know if it works.. DROID 2