Samsung Plans To Get iPhone 5 Banned in Korea; Official Hints At NFC Enabled iPhone 5?

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imageSamsung Plans To Get iPhone 5 Banned in Korea; Official Hints At NFC Enabled iPhone 5?

Add Samsung's lawyers to the list of people eagerly waiting for the launch of the iPhone 5. A report carried by The Korea Times quotes a Samsung official saying that the company intends to seek a ban on the sales of the iPhone 5 in Korea as soon as the device lands on Korean shores. The official claims that every Apple device that includes mobile telecommunications in any possible form violates Samsung's patents.

Read the full story here


  • Ryan1425
    Ryan1425 Posts: 0
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  • Jm
    Jm Posts: 11
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    Considering this entire phone market wouldn't even exist today without Apple's leadership and with this current power struggle from Samsung, all it does is turn me from wanting to purchase any Samsung device moving forward. When is enough money enough?
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    JM...same can be said about Apple with regards to when is enough money enough
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Apple started the lawsuits against samsung they got the galaxy tab banned from a couple countries so I know samsung is deff trying to get revenge on that
  • WritingForProfits
    WritingForProfits Posts: 24
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    All these companies, including the smaller trolls, are constantly suing one other. Most of them just didn't make the headlines until recent years when Apple started their aggressive lawsuits.Whether we love or hate Apple, they do deserve some credit for what they've done. The other companies practically copied the iphone design and ui. I'm not gonna argue with those who keep citing prior art such as capacitive touchscreens being commonplace before the iphone. We all know that Apple didn't invent the phone, the music player, the internet communications device, or the touchscreen. What they did do was implement it in a way that made sense and worked for the general public. Does that give other companies the right to just copy their design?The lawsuits are getting way out of hand, but each company should be able to defend their properties. Most of them will just get settled with very few resulting in a ban of a product.
  • WritingForProfits
    WritingForProfits Posts: 24
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    Forgot to add, it was my understanding that the method or process of accomplishing the end result can be patented and not just the end result itself.Hence, the whole "swipe to unlock," "pinch to zoom" gestures and other finger gestures that Apple has been fighting over. Stupid as it may seem, do these other companies really have to copy it? No, but they do because the general public got used to those gestures thanks to Apple.
  • anakin
    anakin Posts: 18
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    Actually, google and apple both started working on a mobile smart phone around 2005. The difference here is that, while apple rushed and beat google for releasing the iphone less than a year before the first android phone, google was working building an alliance of phone makers to create the next generation multiple brand of smart phones.Also, google kept silent until 2007 for fear of revealing too much to Apple which is why you never heard of them and apple fanboys just assumed google copied the iphone later on.
  • Brendan
    Brendan Posts: 5
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    I think Samsung should stop complaining about apple products and indeed focus on its own phones e.g the Samsung Galaxy and make it work hald as good as the iphone
  • psp
    psp Posts: 69
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    y not spend the time to make a better phone, instead of seeking for injunction
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Samsung should seriously grow up.
  • Try_B4_Hating
    Try_B4_Hating Posts: 2
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    I love healthy competition. It gives us consumers better choices. I don't like sticking to one system. You could say that the Apple Iphone is actually an Samsung phone , seeing most of the components inside is made by Samsung. This is what capitalism is all about.
  • Thd
    Thd Posts: 7
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    Apple is like BASF We didn't make the UI in smartphones we make the UI in smartphones better!! Android base electronics gotta sue Apple&Microsoft Apple has won major court battles against Samsung&Htc. Yeah Apple infringed on patents they lost court battles too but Google need phone makers to go after Apple for Android to survive cause the Htc lawsuit will cripple Android and Iphone sold more than 3million in Samsung backyard Ios is 3x what Android is in Europe in time Microsoft will be a pain in the ass to Android cause Window os will complement the phone just like Osx lion
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    Maybe instead of suing Samsung and whatnot when the competition starts catching up why not try to better yourself and stay one step ahead (instead of resting on the popularity of your device).You don't see Google complaining that iOS 5 is practically ripping off Android's notification system.
  • CAT8
    CAT8 Posts: 1
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    Apple poked the wrong guy. Sammy is a meanie dino :D
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    what ever the outcome of this corporate ****-fest the comsumer will pick up the tab in the form of higher prices. happy days!
  • For those saying that Samsung should grow up and stop complaining. You should know that Samsung is mainly counter-suing while as Apple is the one that is initiating the patent war. A smart idea from Apple to create many patents, which spikes profit and leads people to believe that external companies are being unfair to Apple. As much as I love Apple and their products, you should not be narrow-minded. Much of Apple's internal hardware are Samsung technology. For those saying that other companies breaking Apple's patents are stupid or immature, think again. Apple has created many, many patents. Over 300! Some of which are clever and unjust. For example, people saying Samsung has copied Apple's UI (User Interface) and that they got when they deserved when they got sued, did you know that Apple sued Samsung because their products was square? or rectangular? or because the icons were square? Square icons weren't even Apple's idea yet they sued Samsung for using square icons! Much of Apple's patents are design patents that they copied instead of utility patents. You should know that patenting is a great way to gain an advantage in the technology world, but Apple overuses the right to sue, by patenting what is not theirs because those who let people use their ideas, got their ideas stolen by corporations like Apple.
  • got what they deserved*
  • WritingForProfits
    WritingForProfits Posts: 24
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    Samsung is just the manufacturer of the chip. Apple is the one who designed it. Being the manufacturer, they're given trade secrets which they could potentially use in their own competing products. There's definitely a conflict of interest here and Apple is already looking for other manufacturers for future chips.ARM is an architecture like x86, x64, powerpc. Apple designed and owns the A4/A5 chip. Samsung assembling the chip is like foxconn assembling the iphones.
  • Free4evr
    Free4evr Posts: 0
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    @ 'I'll let you know what's up' - Totally agree with u...
  • WritingForProfits
    WritingForProfits Posts: 24
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    They're playing big bank takes little bank.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Almost ridiculous battle over Korea. Does samsung really thinking having ales banned in Korea will stop Koreans from getting iPhones with japan and china so close? I spent time in Korea. The youth there love their tech, and they will go to any lengths to buy their toys and strut around.