Verizon Sides With Samsung In Its Legal Battle With Apple

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imageVerizon Sides With Samsung In Its Legal Battle With Apple

Verizon, the largest wireless carrier in the United States, has sided with Samsung in the U.S. round of the Apple versus Samsung legal battle. The carrier opposed Apple's request for an injunction against Samsung's Galaxy line of products, saying that it would hamper the development of Verizon's 4G network.

Read the full story here


  • Jm
    Jm Posts: 11
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    Verizon has **** on apple since the first iPhone. If steve jobs had any sense he never would have allowed Verizon to have the iPhone. If Verizon is relying that heavily on the android technology they have already failed
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    As an iOS developer I don't like the direction this legal battle is going. Apple only took this aggressive stance after been drawn into alleged patent infringements but they need to set an example to the industry that this isn't the way to go. I can see a time when I as a developer will be unable to do my job because I don't hold xx billion in patents, leaving only the major software companies writing the majority of commercial software. I can't blink without infringing someone's patent and incurring the wrath of some unknown patent troll who sat around like a praying mantis waiting for me to blink!
  • TommyD
    TommyD Posts: 0
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    If this is true then I don't see Verizon keeping iPhone for very long, or getting iPhone 5 at all. With how bad they and other carriers, wanted to have the iPhone, I don't understand why they'd want to risk losing it.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This wont have any affect on Verizon keeping the iPhone or not.
  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Posts: 16
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    this seems to be all about who has the biggest ****...(ME)
  • Tj
    Tj Posts: 102
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    I personally think that the judge should accept Verizon's request. Apple is notorious in choosing its technology. Don't get me wrong. I like Apple's product, in fact I own an Iphone 4. Apple tends to choose "parts" that is to be put into its products. They don't tolerate failure and defects. That is why I can say that they won't support LTE in these few years, not until LTE is officially announced stable and wide spread enough. It is always up to companies who make "Fragmented phones" "that sometimes may have accidentally made in a shape similar to Apple's product" to utilize the new technology and deploy them in their phones while risking their products being defect or not so complete in one way or another. That is why it took Apple sometime to actually put 3G into its phone even when 3G was already a common thing. I am just analyzing this from a very objective angle. Apple have been acting like a spoilt brat these years, suing other companies, and even trying to patent "form factors" or shape or whatever you call them. For me, it is only logical for the shape to be similar to ipad 2's as that on of the shape that doesn't waste space. and man Rectangle is universal. You mean you wanna patent the shape rectangle. Under Apple? Don't joke around. It is like one of the stupidest things I had ever heard. Also, you wanna ban someone's product just because the product "closely resembles" yours? "#$%&'() Does that mean that the person who sew the 1st shirt in this world should ban other shirt making companies for producing and selling "shirts" that "closely resembles" what he has made then? Grow up Apple. You might be the person to discover the "Constant" for the best form factor for utilizing space and design but it doesn't grant you the power to stop others from utilizing similar form factor. Talk about all the things that have similar form factor in this world, shirts, cars, aeroplanes, cameras, pen, pencils, erasers,... the list goes on. If Apple wins again, I would really like to ask the judge to consider granting patents to the first person who created pen, the first person who created pencils....ON FORM FACTORS! #$%&'() u Apple!
  • LoneWaffle
    LoneWaffle Posts: 17
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    You're a complete idiot. I can't get behind what you're saying at all. Nobody had a product even remotely similar to the iPad, then the iPad comes out and Samsung releases their obvious, unimaginative and complete rip-off and claim it was an 'accident' or 'coincidence'? Their are the ones that need to grow up and come up with their own product ideas. Your argument is so lame that nobody should even bother to try and come up with the next great idea, because someone would just rip it off anyway. Their has to be protections for people creations or they WON'T CREATE! You can twist your retarded logic into applying to any creation. Their were absolutely no phones AT ALL that were like the iPhone, then there were a hundred copycat (rip-offs) after Apple had the vision to build it. I'm so tired of people claiming "Apple didn't invent the iPhone, their were touchscreen phones out before the iPhone." There was NOTHING like the iPhone AT ALL! They were touch screen toys by comparison, with no vision or drive to deliver a truly excellent product. Apple has put all of these other tech vendors to shame, showing how truly lazy and out of touch they are with delivering what people want. You remind me of Bill Gates making that stupid argument after stealing Mac OS, saying "All cars have steering wheels and nobody tries to claim that they invented it." We weren't talking about the steering wheel, we were talking about the entire car that you stole, repainted, and slapped your crappy logo on.Keep in mind that Samsung is a Korean company. They see nothing wrong with what they've done because Koreans don't have a real concept of intellectual property rights. If you go to Korea, there are about 50 companies named Phillips with the same logo, and they don't see anything wrong with that. Their are companies producing Gibson Les Paul guitars, with the Gibson brand and logo, entirely ripped off, and they don't understand why they aren't supposed to do that. I guess reputation and damaging the reputation of others aren't important and their country.Samsung is another Chinese style grey-market rip-off that happened to go global. Lets see how badly they try to imitate the next iPhone.
  • LOS1NeR
    LOS1NeR Posts: 32
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    Sue the pants of them Apple!! Imitation is a form of flattery. But Apple does not see it this way. Why should they, they work so hard to innovate and put out Hardware that make all of us drool, and for some schmuck's to come and copy and imitate what it cannot be, is wrong. Make your own Hardware/Software get of Apple's **** already.
  • Gabby
    Gabby Posts: 0
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    Apple started all of this so they have it coming to them, I hope Samsung win ,then HTC who are next.
  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    Glad you wrote this... This is exacly my thoughts... saved me alot of typing :) hehe
  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    you make me laugh... so Samsung took the iPhone and just changed the logo?! Is that what you are saying? Comon man!!
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    One , two it's time for youThree, four to hit the floorFive, six to suck some dicksSeven, eight it'll be so greatNine, ten when Apple winsSince this is all so childish I figured I give a nursery rhyme.
  • applereacharound
    applereacharound Posts: 1
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    Apple is being a wimp. If apple thinks its so badass and innovative it can make a better version of the iphone and call it something better than adding a letter in front of phone. Stupid company. Nokia is innovative. Not this bull crap i wanna sue everyone bc they took oir idea and made it better because it takes us(apple) to long to produce something worth while.
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    Apple are trying to monopolize, its up to the consumer to choose android or ios of corse these products will look similar! I like apple and android. Apple are wrong on this occasion! What are are you saying lonewaffle we all have to have apple products with no choice? Competition is good for the customer as it keeps prices lower and the product better quality. Open your world to new possiabilities. It seems apple has you in its net!!!
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    And by the way your iphone you love is full of Samsung chips THAT'S WHY ITS SO RELIABLE!!
  • LoneWaffle
    LoneWaffle Posts: 17
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    right, Nokia is so innovative. That's why when Apple, a previously non-phone company, instantly embarrased them by making them look obsolete and behind the curve with a single introductory product launch, even though Nokia had been in the game for decades already. Apple showed what phones could've been, but the lackadaisical companies at the time weren't ambitious enough to do.
  • Tj
    Tj Posts: 102
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    Thanks! It just happened to pop into my mind after seeing so many suing and prosecutions on patents. It is like there is someone out there that is trying to destroy a market and threaten consumer through monopolization of a market. And I myself can't stand those who are so bent on controlling others in what they can do when that something is a feature or ability that all others have already. I am a jailbreaker myself and I dont update unless I can jailbreak. The iphone is a great device, the OS is great too but sometimes it lacks functionality that is trivial but important. I can say that the app store is a great place for developers to get their goods selling. But it is sometimes full of traps and rules that dictates it. I still remember that they wanted to band a certain program that compiles Flash to iOS compatible format. In the end, Apple stood down as it comes to realise that it is a win win situation. Well, this makes it clear that the reason FLASH is out of iOS devices is it hinders profiting, as the 1st reason, from a company 's point of view. A company is supposed to make money, not lose them. It is in the law definition, well, at least in Japan. Then the added all the faults of FLASH to back and hide the main reason for the ban of FLASH. They can innovate all they want but they must too realise that an innovation will become the standard of the future and they must be ready to give up certain grip of the innovation they have made for the entire community to grow to greater lengths. Nothing stays constant. They should know this the best. Touch screen devices may have been your innovation, but it is getting more and more common. As things get common, it lowers the cost of manufacturing and the technology grows, as more and more people are working on it. If there is only 1 company that is developing a technology, then there is no innovation. Compare Android tablets and iPad. You will see that Android tablets have more things packed in a device compared to the iPad. Of course you may argue that iPad is better because it have more apps and blah blah blah. Yet what we fail to notice that iPad can be better, probably way better that what current Android devices are able to achieve. Most of use have fallen into the trap setup by Apple. They are controlling us. All companies control consumers but Apple is the only company that has extended its control so extensively without anyone realizing it. It is in a way a sad thing. Apple tends to push people into their own ecosystem. I must say that Apple has a very very good marketing strategy. They have managed to gain popularity with mid level hardware, minus their ever innovative touch screen.On the other hand, I suggest that other companies start thinking on their marketing strategy. No matter how good your device is,if you cannot make your target consumer thinking a good reason to buy your products, you won't and will never stand out and up. Apple did its own gamble and won but it did get too proud and light headed with its success and went out of way. Anyway, to the tech companies of this world. Be original once in a while and shake the world with your innovation and be dare to take the risk. Big success always will come with hard work and lots of risks.Anyway, I hope that Verizon's request will be accepted. I vote for the consumer. One less phone to test out the LTE = LTE deployment slower. Apple is not going to hinder the progression of networking in US is it? If so, you are hindering the progression of broadband in US. Oh ya, why not you be the 1st to test out the LTE with your new phone, Apple?
  • You just sound like a racist. I'll mod an Ipad, I'll change the shape to a triangle, oval, circle, pentagon, trapezoid, diamond, and I'll leave the default square/rectangle. Which one would you choose? You do realize Apple has over 300 patents, much of them being design patents rather than utility patents. Did you know Apple sued Samsung because the icons were square, because the shape was a rectangle, etc.? Sure there were some other sensible things that Samsung got sued over, but you're overlooking the ones that make Apple seem not so great. You're an Apple fan-boy, so don't claim the best until you've been through all of them. And keep your facts straight, all of them.
  • You are surmising. Apple mostly develops software not hardware. The Processors? The Cameras? The Thunderbolt feature? Not Apple's. This it how it works: Apple creates software. Apple orders hardware that is compatible with the phone. Apple is then supplied the ordered hardware. With the components of the phone, manufacturers then develop the phone. Software is then installed, tested, and sold in stores.
  • You are correct. More than 20% of the Iphone Hardware is supplied by Samsung. However, Apple is trying to reduce its reliance on Samsung by using other companies from other countries.
  • Anomym
    Anomym Posts: 1
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    Ya, that is what Apple has been doing all along. They take a company to supply them with good stuffs, get strong then feels like they no longer need them, they throw them away like trash or rubbish. That is why they are trying to use other companies. See for yourself when are they going to throw away the new company they got. Apple is notorious for being a vampire. They find a big fat cow, suck it dry, throw them away and find a new one. They are at it, remember what iphone was when it first came out. They relied on Adobe. Rode on it, suck them dry and make themselves fat and then throw them away. It is the way of Apple all along. See for yourself. They are just repeating this cycle. That's all. Right?
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    I am in LOVE with LoneWaffle's reply!