Is Samsung Really Copying Apple? You Decide



  • Spacewolf
    Spacewolf Posts: 1
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    If you care, you are a douche.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I think they should have stuck to a micro USB connector, had a bit different design on their power adapter and definitely done different packaging. If Samsung makes these slight changes, I don't think Apple would stand a chance in court, the device it's self looks very different in my opinion.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    The hacking community didn't invent any of these things. App Stores, multitasking and wifi hotspots are all ideas that have been around for the last 20 years!!
  • possibly
    possibly Posts: 1
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    @ricenggaI wouldn't be suprised if that happened. Much like early movies from Dreamworks and Pixar.Dreamworks found out what movies/themes Pixar was working on them copied them. Dreamworks rushed out their movies and Pixar spent years making theirs good. This made it so the Dreamworks movies sometimes released before the Pixar movies.Toy Story Nov-1995/Small Soldiers Jul-1998Antz Oct-1998/A Bugs Life Nov-1998Shrek May-2001/Monsters Inc. Nov-2001Shark Tale Oct-2004/Finding Nemo May-2003 The same thing is happening here. Apple spends a long time in R&D to design these products. Samsung spends very little time since they are just copying what Apple is doing.
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    Everyone copies everyone else. It's not just with the iPhone, look at flip phones back in the days. All of them basically looked the same - hardware and software. Anyway, iOS 5 definitely copied Android and the JB community.
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
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    Wrong. IOS is not a copy of Android. They share some features. The features in smartphones evolve over time and an improved notification system would eventually come, that doesn't mean it was copied.People claiming that IOS5 is a copy of android are obviously ignorant. Smartphone operating systems continue to improve through customer feedback. You copy designs, trade dress, actual code, methodology. You don't copy features like making a phone call, read/send text, notifications, wifi sync. Grow up kids.
  • зло
    зло Posts: 22
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    And who cares about this? Apple of course .We can only benefit from it .Cheaper and the same product .If you talk about fairness. Then all products should be free and widely available .Do I need to sorry someone who has grown multi rich at the expense of monopoly? The more of these product the better for all of us .A most important and technology will improve. Because of competition .
  • Old Timer
    Old Timer Posts: 15
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    What your all missing is that both Jobs And Gates are thieves the stole dos from some guy in Texas and cop pied icons from Cannon I think. Point being people have a concept of what a smart phone should do and look like so companies trying to make people happy with there products make items similar to the most popular devices trying to get buyers. I think Apple should drop it and be happy they made a difference which is one of there logos. Products that promote change or make a difference. Bunch of horsefeathers if you ask me.
  • ricengga
    ricengga Posts: 16
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    yeah there more quantity v.s. quality i like quality so what ever it looks like I'm sure apple will make us proud and make it worth the wait...
  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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  • mtealo
    mtealo Posts: 12
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    oh oh oh the headphone port?
  • mtealo
    mtealo Posts: 12
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    and does anyone remember the ipaq hq6968? same dock, same square shape, same touch screen, same etc...
  • borisrowo
    borisrowo Posts: 2
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  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    Haha! amazing comment truly
  • myoung
    myoung Posts: 2
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    I do tech repair. I fix 3 to 5 iPhone screens a day. 5 cracked cases a month. Pretty much zero Samsung galaxy phones. Cause the use better glass. Walk around and see how many broken iPhone screens there are and then see how Many high end android phones have them.
  • myoung
    myoung Posts: 2
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    And the lg prada phone. Or one of the Sony music phone that had touch screen and built in 4GB hard drive and camera. Came out a year before I even heard of the iPhone.
  • AnonymousDeveloper
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    Why cant we be friends? Why cant we be friends..........
  • Ottis
    Ottis Posts: 1
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    Why has samsung got away with this so long? I'm not here to have kiddy arguments but it's blatant that samsung are copying apple as the examples proof that and for all you against this if you designed something and then someone came along and took your design and made lots of money hence samsung would you be happy? I don't think so I will never purchase another samsung product again I will stick with Sony and apple at least I know there all about originality. Sorry I hate copycats it's cheap and it's wrong hope samsung lose lots of money so I can have a good laugh
  • Rmleloup
    Rmleloup Posts: 1
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    K, lets go on severalpoints from auser of an android galaxy s phone, and a ipad 1. Both first gen of each.Android market vs app store.Market, search feature, organized in boxes, no real tabs, but lots of apps on a google like result list that you scroll vertically.App store. The same virtually on all iDevices, searchable for iphone and ipad sized apps, separated, easier to see for its lighter coloured scheme, etc. Easier search features to narrow things down, but very different.Main/home screen.Ipad, no folder feature initially. Iphone didnt have it either for awhile. Max screens for ipad was 11 total.Android google os for my galaxy, had folders, can move screens around, wigits, a background, widescreen that you could see parts of as you change windows left to right and back. Ipad/iphone is single background, always the same.Home screen again for droid, live wallpapers. Easily the one of two things droid has better outright over iphone. The second thing is swype. Youtube it people, i can do this entire article 3x faster then my keyboard, on my phone.Lock screen. With no addons, just defaults, the lock screen on iDevice and droid can have independent wallpaper, however again, droid can have live wallpaper there.Lock screen, bonus for droid, can see multiple notifications on it. While ipad, not so much. Just a blurb in the middle from the latest notification only.Here is a win for ipad and iphone over samsung droids. Droid, one finger at a time, two to zoom in or out. Thats it. While, iphone, ipad, multiple.Another win for iDevice over droid. Touch sensor, while droid is heat sensor. I have a stylist, that if n my pocket, heats up the rubber, then i can do swype with it, but thats it. While i can have it frozen in a freezer, and it works dandy on my ipad.Now, the ipad, honestly would do amazing with a swype feature, as i could blaze write articles on blogs, easily. While i know a keyboard is nice, i love not chipping my nails as often.In terms of shape and design, sure they may be similar to an average user, but in terms of literal designs, literal configurations to the milimeter, shapes, etc, there are several differences!Droid home = rectangle. IDevice, is square in a circle, 3 different shapes mentioned.Power button placement/design, on each brand is very different. They may have a power logo, or not, depends the device, but honestly, thatisnt a patent of either company, (power button logo) its been around pre iDevices...The iDevices, cant do flash, or java.Droid can. Nuff said for that point.A reminder, this is for non jailbroken points.Usb power for iDevice chargers vs usb power for droid.IDevices require specific propriatary chargers for most devices unless fluke they work with rare 3rd party chargers.Droid, as long as the cable plugs, it will charge. Slow or fast, nuff said there, ive tested this thoroughly with moto chargrs for flip phones, bb chargers, chargers meant for usb hubs, etc.There is for samsung, longer lasting battery packs, that have their own separate battery case, which still seals itself as a single entity phone, where iphone/ipad battery life extenders are using external packs that "stick" to the back of said devices as 3rd party addons...With the samsung battery pack that is different, it changes the shape of the phone entirely, thus making it even further different from apple.Apple outright to the milimeter, has no grounds, to sue samsung. Samsung has rights to sue apple for being falsely accused, and falsely sued. Basically samsung can freely countersue all apple attempts outright.The reason i have the ipad, is because i thought it was awesome, still is.Reason i wanted droid for phone, i waned something totally different for once.So far, i love both, they are great. I have no direct loyalty to either brand, asiuse windows and linux at home, and a virtual machine of mac osx lion as well.So honestly folks, there is no arguement here, apple and samsung are extremely different outside and inside for defaults, and they will always be.Nuff said,Rmleloup
  • Osriuzna
    Osriuzna Posts: 8
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    I don't give damn ****...who's copy who's.. as long i get what i want.
  • w3rd
    w3rd Posts: 2
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    No matter what side of this argument you are on your comments achieve nothing.
  • Juice
    Juice Posts: 9
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    tablets have always been rectangular pre-ipad. Should ipad be sued? Copyright laws need to be overhauled because they are suppose to boost innovations not hinder them.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    Lets not forget, Apple ripped off the entire i-Product naming system.iAudio CW100 was an mp3 player released a full year before the iPod. Then Apple has the gall to call iAudio copycats. That is Apple.Steve Jobs's philosophy on stealing ideas:
  • Billy Bunter
    Billy Bunter Posts: 1
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    Right on the Money. Koreans are smart but copycat to the core. Hyundai is the burning example which borrowed everything including their initial 'H' from the innovator 'Honda' of Japan. But they are smart in the sense, they know what aspect/s need a tweak so that customers buy their product. In case of cars, they won with the 'price' and in case of smartphone/tablets they are betting on the 'freedom'.
  • opoel34
    opoel34 Posts: 2
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    well, as I know, iOS derived from mac, mac derived from unix, android derived from linux, & linux derived from unix. so all of it not really original except unix.
  • opoel34
    opoel34 Posts: 2
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  • KKW
    KKW Posts: 2
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    haha that's bloody true!!!!
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Mac OS did not copy UNIX, it built it on top of it, using some of the same features of Linux. That's why when a program freezes, the whole OS doesn't crash.