Apple Holding Media Event On October 4th To Unveil iPhone 5

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Holding Media Event On October 4th To Unveil iPhone 5

Apple has started sending out invitations for a media event next Tuesday, October 4th, with the tagline "Let's Talk iPhone", clearly suggesting that Apple plans to introduce the much awaited next generation iPhone at the media event.

The graphics of the invitation shows iOS icons for Calendar, Clock, Maps, and Phone.

The media event will be held at the company's Town Hall auditorium at its headquarters in Cupertino, California and is scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM Pacific Time.

Read the full story here


  • Bullfrog
    Bullfrog Posts: 44
    via Wordpress
    Just do it already, and it better be good.
  • The curious "1"- means they only will release 1 iPhone. Leave it up to Apple to never give what you want, but still leave you wanting more.. that's just evil.
  • Duke
    Duke Posts: 56
    via Wordpress
    It's about damn time. If they would've kept this up much longer I may have considered jumping ship. The specs and reviews I've seen for the SII and HTC Amaze are really tempting. I'm hoping for a good one next Tuesday. not disappoint me. If you do, there will be consequences
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
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    Does iphonehacks know the link to where Apple will be streaming the event?
  • maniac
    maniac Posts: 3
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    As you say. I'm really bored with my "4" already...
  • mickey
    mickey Posts: 54
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    Finally the moment of truth! Will apple release the new iPhone 5 with the 4S or just the 4S alone? I can't with till the 4th :D
  • maniac
    maniac Posts: 3
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    Don't be a fool, bro:-) It's not about specs. My dad has the SII and e.g. photos and videos from it are ugly oversaturated and even iphone 4 is better quality. OS aswell, iOS is reliable and perfect. Android is mess and buggy. Think Different my friend;-)
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    If Apple decides to stream the event then the links will be available just before the event starts. We'll share it as soon as we get it. So stay tuned.
  • Divxclub
    Divxclub Posts: 54
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    About damn time god damn it ! I gave them till Tuesday to announce Presentation and ...they listened :D Finally official day world can meet new iPhone yay !
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Just one week to go, after which everything changes again.
  • Duke
    Duke Posts: 56
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    I don't want to but I have been in hell for the past 2 months using this iphone 3G (my 3GS phone was lost on a business trip). The slowness compared to my 3GS is horrible. Not to mention I can't even install certain apps because of the hardware limitations of the 3G phone but I digress. Let's just say this, a slight upgrade of the iphone 4 will not cut it. I need upgraded hardware and software to meet my needs. If the new iphone doesn't deliver on both fronts I have to at least consider the competition.
  • Tristan
    Tristan Posts: 25
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    What consequences? Will you ruin the company? Kill all the staff? Or go home and cry, and refuse to buy whatever phone(s) they announce?
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Let's *talk* iphone ... get it? It's all about Assistant, and talking to your phone! :D Clever.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    i.e. greater voice command control of your phone and conversing with the Assistant app.
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
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    The iphone 3G and 3GS were very good phones in their time. I've been using an iphone 4 since release and when I'm setting things up for people who are using a 3GS, even that feels like it's ancient and slow.The iphone 4 holds its own even when going up against dual core competitors. It's hard to explain without putting the phones side by side for comparison. I suspect whatever phone Apple has planned for release will out perform the android alternatives.You can always try an android out for yourself, that's the only way you'll know which phone works best for you. We're all different, but from my experience, I wouldn't touch an android even if it was free. All in all, they're practically the same, but it's the little things like choppy zooming, stuttering scrolling, random hangs, etc. (on android), that annoys the heck out of me. We really don't appreciate how smooth IOS is until we experience android. Truth be told.
  • This One Guy
    This One Guy Posts: 1
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    Just when I was about to upgrade my 3GS to a Motorola Atrix.. Damn you Apple.
  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    Oh for crying out loud There is red ONE on the icon with phone-this surely means that there will be two iphones-come on They couldn't be more obvious!
  • TommyD
    TommyD Posts: 0
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    How does the red 1 "surely" mean that there will be 2 phones? Am I missing something, or do you need to go back to kindergarten? And if there's going to be to be a 4s, where are those purported cases? Also if there was another prototype lost, why haven't pics of it been leaked like when the iPhone 4 was?I hate rumors and never believe anything except for what comes straight from the horses mouth.
  • Thom
    Thom Posts: 18
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    Its going to be a revised model for Iphone 4. Only 1 model to be announced.Why? 04/Oct, why not 05/Oct for an iphone 5?So the 4 probably has some significant meaning.a RED 1 indicated only 1 phone model. If theres 2 different models shouldnt it be a 2?Also, this seems like a low key launch compared to the previous models. (campus)So my bet its just a revised 4 model or 4s as what many ppl have been talking about.