Sprint Reportedly Goes All-In For iPhone Deal; To Exclusively Get Redesigned iPhone 5 With 4G WiMAX

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imageSprint Reportedly Goes All-In For iPhone Deal; To Exclusively Get Redesigned iPhone 5 With 4G WiMAX Support

Wall Street Journal reports that Sprint has agreed to buy 30.5 million iPhones over the next four years from Apple for an average price of $655, which works out to $20 billion.

We've heard rumors that have claimed that Sprint - the third largest carrier in the US, will be offering Apple's fifth generation iPhone, alongside with AT&T and Verizon. Sprint's recent moves also seem to suggest that Sprint has been gearing up for the iPhone launch. 

Read the full story here


  • Chad
    Chad Posts: 26
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    That would not be good for us Att/Verizon folks awaiting the ip5!!!
  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i cant see apple doing this as this would piss off the majority of people who already own an iPhone and those are the people more likely to upgrade and get the new one. by putting it on a smaller carrier like Sprint, Apple would basically be telling AT&T and Verizon **** u, and i dont see them doing that cause not many people i know will jump to sprint. Sprints not an option for me as my area is controlled by Verizon and Ma Bell. so i wont be making the switch. If there is an iPhone 5 then everyone will get it at the same time. I can see Sprint getting one that works on their WiMax but cant see them being the only one to get the iPhone 5.
  • Isaac
    Isaac Posts: 22
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    I agree it don't make sense for apple to do that AT&T and Verizon would loose big money if that were the case
  • Andriod
    Andriod Posts: 2
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    I would wait out my contract for 6 months move to Verizon and get a android and say the hell with the iPhone.
  • Duke
    Duke Posts: 56
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    LMAO. I don't think apple has the balls to do this. It would create a **** storm like you wouldn't believe. Either way, my contract is up. Tomorrow is going to be interesting to say the least.
  • C. Cook
    C. Cook Posts: 1
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    So, at the local Starbucks this morning I ran into an Apple Rep that I see on occasion and we started talking and he says they are not releasing the iPhone 5 tomorrow, but instead they are announcing the iPhone 4S. He went further into saying that he is 99% Sure of this, however said they dont know until the night before the launch! I think everyone is clueless as to what is going to be announced tomorrow! I just want it to be released already so everyone can start rumoring about the iPhone 6.
  • Doz
    Doz Posts: 27
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    I have no idea why ppl r speculating or speculated whether apple will launch iPhone 4 S or iPhone 5. This is the deal: why would apple launch iPhone 4 S this month or year and yet worked extremely hard to up the iOS to 5. So logically, they would deeply and geekly appreicate a poetic kick in their launcheon conference that goes like this: "iOS 5 marries iPhone 5...innovation 5 decades ahead!!!"iPhone 4 S will be a spoiler, unless it's included in the release alongside with 5.
  • Texan
    Texan Posts: 39
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    go on! Leave! never come back! ever! never! ever!
  • Rob Lee
    Rob Lee Posts: 18
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    Tomorrow had better bring some good news as my contract is currently up! I love my iphone 4 but the Samsung Galaxy S 2 does look nice as hell! If Apple goes 4s, I'm going Galaxy S2!
  • Kelz
    Kelz Posts: 4
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    No matter what they announce, I'm not going anywhere. I need a new phone, but if it's not anything different I'll just go with the iPhone 4.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    None of the moves that apple is doing either make sence or at the least, predictable. Jobs leaves, no summer iPhone release, iOS with nothing new.... I'll b watching to see what they unvail tomorrow.
  • kumat
    kumat Posts: 0
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    If tomorrow they only bring iphone 4s with same screen then I might say goodbye to iphone and hello android.
  • Joao Reis
    Joao Reis Posts: 10
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    Yes me too, of course if that happend i also think that meant some kind of decline from Apple, and Android stepping up it could be lost Apple´s brilliant Mojo from 5 year until now
  • J.Ruff
    J.Ruff Posts: 1
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    Its good business either way for sprint. Even if just a small percentage of the current At&t/Verizon customers switch over, that would still mean Sprint would have new customers they would otherwise not get.
  • tyler
    tyler Posts: 25
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    this is bull at&t and myself as a verizon carrier apple would not do this to their first 2 people to start carrying their iphone and due to the fact verizon then at&t then sprint are the rankings for service i doubt they will give it to 2nd to last out of service when you have verizon and at&t who have better service
  • Raven27
    Raven27 Posts: 2
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    Surely Apple won't do this. After hanging on to the 3GS for an extra 4 months, I will not buy the 4S. And I refuse to sign up with Sprint. That company is a joke. If this story is the truth... ...goodbye Apple, hello Samsung.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    What do you mean "loose" money?
  • Mundo
    Mundo Posts: 0
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    Well I am 99% sure that your apple rep is wrong.
  • Steveo
    Steveo Posts: 60
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    This is such bullshit. I think Iphonehacks just totally makes this **** up to have a new headline. No chance.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    Okay, for you people that don't already know. Sprint roams on Verizons network. Which means if i don't have Sprint coverage I'm piggy backing on Verizon. Which means Sprint customers have service anywhere Verizon does. And Sprint doesn't charge me to roam, no matter what you may have been told. I have the HTC EVO 3D which is an amazing phone, beats iPhone 4 but so did the original EVO. I'm a mac person, so if the iPhone 5 does come to Sprint I'm going to pay extra for the upgrade, even though Sprint allows you to upgrade every year. If Sprint doesn't get the iPhone 5 then ill probably just wait, because I've had both At&t and Verizon and their customer service/billing stinks.
  • jetblac
    jetblac Posts: 8
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    So, October makes 10 years since Apple changed the game with the iPod. Anniversaries are big things, so, look forward to Apple coming big tomorrow; not only because it's their anniversary, but because Android is gonna tear them a new one if they come out with a half-assesd phone.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Hogwash, this is never gonna happen. Apple cant ditch its current carriers for more $$$$$
  • City23
    City23 Posts: 25
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    Really, you idiots really think Apple cares about if AT&T or if Verizon loses customers to Sprint. Apple only care about which cell company will purchase more. If Sprint buys 30 million like it's posted than that's how business works.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    A buddy of mine works at McDonalds and he just told me that their going to do away with the Big Mac and replace it with iphone burger. I know its hard to believe, and yes he only makes minimum wage, but he's one of the best chefs in the McDonald franchise. He's definitely in the loop, one the reasons McDonalds is what it is today. Now I can't divulge my source, but you can't bet your life its going to be bigger than the invention of the phone itself. Remember where you heard it first. Oh, one more thing, McDonald is offering a special promotion on lanuch, buy 1 iphone buger get a free iphone 5, limited quanities, so hurry in, sorry no rain checks.
  • bob0917
    bob0917 Posts: 15
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    People Apple is winning in court over Android. They have Samsung where they can't sell their products in several countries. The US is next. Even if it iPhone 4s it is still the same internal as iPad 2 which is beatin Samung Galaxy 2 spec right now so even a 4s is going to be king of the hill will the rumored spec. You can sell a iPhone 4 and make money a better phone even if it looks the same why not get a better phone and cash to?
  • jo huff
    jo huff Posts: 4
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    Had Sprint the internet wasn't great had the Samsung galaxy s 2 it was a great phone very fast. sprint charge to much for there fees 4.98 cents on top of tax. cancled there contract and got tmobile prepaid wich is more reasonable . Also got an htc sensation wich is just as fast. Infact is said to have a better gout than the galaxy s 2 .
  • jo huff
    jo huff Posts: 4
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    sorry meant to say I Got a HTC sensation and its said to have a better gpu than the Samsung galaxy s 2.