iPhone 4S Will Sport "4G" Indicator In Status Bar On AT&T's Network

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone 4S Will Sport "4G" Indicator In Status Bar On AT&T's Network

This Is My Next reports that AT&T is working with Apple to change the network indicator to "4G" from "3G"  for their new iPhone 4S. As you may recall, the iPhone 4S supports  14.4 Mbps HSDPA, which is marketed by some carriers around the world as "4G" technology even though technically speaking it's not "4G".

So this news is surprising considering Apple's track record of not bowing to carrier demands.

Phil Schiller explained Apple's stance at Let's Talk iPhone event:

Read the full story here


  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
    via Wordpress
    There's been debate on whether the iphone 4s is HSPA+ or if it'd even be compatible with ATT's 14.4mbps data speeds. It seems that ATT seems to think it's compatible.Can anyone confirm this? Most of the articles I'm reading seem to indicate that the iphone 4s has no speed advantages over the 4 due to ATT's network not being compatible.
  • appleguy
    appleguy Posts: 5
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    This is just another excuse by at&t to raise the cost of iPhone data!!! They will claim that since the phone will have "4G" speeds it will need a copatable data plan which will essentially cost more and will eventually eliminate unlimited data plans!
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    None of the carriers really seem to explain how much video you can download on a given limited data plan and just how fast you can reach your data plans monthly limit. Its of special importance because video is the more data intensive than all other media combined. Not sure if my calculation are correct, downloading using the new iphone4s with theoretical data speeds of 14.4Mbps, you could download 2GB of data in about 18 and half minutes. 14.4Mbps is equal to 1.8MBps. 14.4 divided by 8 changes bits to bytes. 2GB divided by 1.8MBps or to better compare apples to oranges, 2000MB divided by 1.8MBps is 1,111.11111 seconds. 1,111.11111 seconds divided by 60 equals 18.51 minutes or approximately 18 minutes and 30 seconds. So, if all my calculation are correct, with a 2GB data plan I can't download a single HD movie on Itunes without going over 2GB. Just as and example Thor on Itunes is 3.68GB. So now that I've reached my 2GB in 18 minutes 30 seconds what am supposed to do for the other 43,181 and half min of my billing cycle? My point, what's the purpose of high speed bandwidth if you can only use for 1/2400 of you're billing cycle. Limited data is a Joke. The hardware gets better, but the carriers SEVERELY RESTRICT your usage. Not a mathematician, never aspired to be one, could've made some mistakes, so please, if I'm wrong by all means make the correction. I'd love to be proven wrong, since the carriers don't spell it out for you I thought I be the first to try. lolz.
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    Hey @iPhonehacks can you post a quick list of the top iOS 5 features.I'm looking for a "why upgrade" to show my lazy & simple mates that are still on iOS 3 and 4.1
  • Jeremy Wilson
    Jeremy Wilson Posts: 15
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    Thats why I have unlimited haha
  • Phone
    Phone Posts: 2
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    Your comment has no relivance. So called "4g" data doesn't not cost you anymore than traditional 3G data. It is the same per month cost. The data plans are exactly the same. It's a simple code in the system that's needed for 4g devices. There is so scheme to get more money when they cost the same. Those with unlimited can still keep unlimited data. It will sti cost 30 bucks it just simple is a different code. AT&T wants to push it as 4g because they can. Like the article states the atrix and inspire both run as 4g and the 4s will have the same speed. So why wouldn't they want to promote it as 4g.
  • Jeremy Wilson
    Jeremy Wilson Posts: 15
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    Not sure what the top 5 are but iOS 5 is definitely superior to any previous software. I've been using it since the iOS 5 gm came out and it's honestly beautiful. Notifications are non obtrusive at all and notification center is awesome! it's nice to be able to go straight to a text or Notification from your lock screen or take a quick pic from lock screen as well. Safari reader is pretty cool I've been using it on iPhone hacks :P the only other big features are iMessage which I love and iCloud (haven't really used it yet) but still cool to have I guess. Honestly if they are skeptical just put it on your phone and let them play around with it. There are many other things I've noticed but are small improvements many might not even notice or care about but its those small details apple pays attention to that makes me an apple fan!
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Ipone4S is not a 4G phone!!!! this is so stupid, lets make fun of everyone and make them believe its 4g! awesome ATT.seriously i hate companies like that.
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
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    4g is just a marketing scheme. The iphone 4s isn't a 4g phone, but it does support speeds up to 14.4mbps which is the same as a few other phones that claim to be 4g devices.Apple lists the iphone 4s as HSDPA and HSUPA 14.4mbps, which many articles claim is not supported on ATT. I get 3-5mbps on my iphone 4 now. I'll find out if the 4s is capable of more or not when it arrives next Friday.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Its great that you have unlimited data, or is it? If you downloaded at max speed for 92 minutes, or roughly an hour and half, because you download 3HD movies at say about 3.6GB you're now in the top 5%, AT&T has just throttled you down to edge speeds. lolz. Its funny that people say they don't mind that AT&T throttles hi bandwidth users because they never get any where near 2GB. If that's the case AT&T should never have upgraded their to 3G because most users don't download anything that requires 3g, whats the average size of an email, or an mp3, you could easily download that on the edge. They make a so called high speed broadband network that the don't really want you to use????????????? Verizon and AT&T suck. Loving Sprint for now, until sadly they make the change also.
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
    via Wordpress
    I agree, data caps suck but even $30 is too much for unlimited data. Your math is about right though, except 2GB is actually 2048 MB but that's not important.I don't think movies are meant to be downloaded over cellular data. The only benefit of faster speeds is to load webpages faster while surfing on the go, but even that's limited to the capabilities of the cpu.Considering that limitation, there comes a point where the download speed is bottlenecked by the cpu's ability to process the data. That's the magic number that matters most. 100mbps download speeds won't load webpages any faster than 10mbps. Then the discussion comes down to what the advantages are of 21mbps vs 14.4mbps.And in that sense, 4g really isn't important right now. It'll definitely change in a few years. It doesn't bother me when people brag about their 4g speeds. I have something that works well for me and I'm content with it. When people start calling me dumb for my choices, that's usually the only time when I'll respond and let them know how ignorant they are.
  • WritingForProfit
    WritingForProfit Posts: 56
    via Wordpress
    I think the top 5 features are dependent on each person. Mine are:1. Notifications. It's definitely an improvement, but I've been using lockinfo.2. Camera enhancements. Quicker access to the camera app.3. iCloud. Being able to take pictures and have it pushed to all of my devices is a nice feature. For email, contacts and calendar, I'm already using Google Active Sync.4. Reminders. Although 3rd party apps already do this, it'll be nice to have a native app that's integrated with location services. Being able to set reminders using siri looks interesting. "Remind me to drop off the mail when I leave home."5. iMessage. It'll be nice to send messages to ipod touches and eventually macs.These aren't revolutionary, but they're features that Apple has managed to optimize and deliver it in a way that consumers will actually use and like them.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
    via Wordpress
    Excellent point, never thought about it from that perspective.
  • Dee82
    Dee82 Posts: 2
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    This is really stupid WTF! iPhone 4 couldn't run on 4g now 4s can't either.it's really a fuckin shame the iPhone 4 is Hella expensive And its still not capable of running it even on 4g networks or LTE enable.iPhone 5 probably won't have it either!
  • Rabbit
    Rabbit Posts: 6
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  • Screenhogger
    Screenhogger Posts: 4
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    Dude just be lucky that this next phone will double your peak speeds... You're gonna buy it anyway from the looks of things why rant?
  • Pangicide
    Pangicide Posts: 5
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    I read the comments to see if there's any intelligent supplementary information that will expand my perspective on a topic. Besides Grimes and WritingforProfit, I find many commenters to be contrarians, Apple haters (although, I don't know why they're on this site to begin with), and people who plays devil's advocate who aren't even bright enough to understand the point they're arguing!!All I have to say is, I think it's great that the iPhone 4s will be able to support HSPA+, and the hardware to utilize the speed. If other phones utilize the same HSPA+ technology, and call themselves 4G then I think Apple should compete on the same level. And for the people who are complaining about the iPhone not having REAL 4g. These people are complaining purely based on specs, and not performance. 14.4 mbps is really fast when it comes to opening up websites, and downloading small files. Only Verizon really utilizes REAL 4G (LTE), and it's not even that common throughout the country. I assume Apple will jump onto the 4g bandwagon once LTE is more widespread, which I heard AT&T and Sprint will obtain by 2012. People who don't understand the schematics, or the logistics of a product line or its technology often complain, hence the complaints about not having LTE. Long story short, LTE is not practical, yet....
  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    Damn Grime, all that math you did and all of your posts you've made are remarkable :) cheers
  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    What an ignorant person. It doesn't matter that it doesn't use LTE, it's still a pretty fast phone like screenhogger pointed out. And besides, if it did use LTE, don't you think that you'd have a high chance of losingyour signal? LTE is not nationwide, so there could be high chances of your 4g just disappearing when you go to certain areas. And besides, hadn't Steve pointed out that LTE would consume battery life quicker or something? I'm not sure who said that, but all I remember is that it's one of the reasons the iphone 4 or 4S wouldn't bee LTE enabled.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    These network guys will do their best to outrun each other.
  • midkidd
    midkidd Posts: 23
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    Alright people:Steve Jobs was a visionary who believed in leading instead of following. He would not want Iphone 4S to say 4G because most of America's infrastructure is not ready to support actual 4G speeds. Apples executives want the best possible phone sales, period. They will sale more iPhone 4S if they follow the industry and claim 4G speeds. People will feel the need to upgrade, you know keep up with the jones'. Its a smart move considering HSPA+ theoretically produces similar speeds as its competitors. In my opinion Steve Jobs would not have wanted this. I believe he wanted to release an official device that could truly benefit from Actual theoretic 4G speeds, which some countries may attain... This was the new CEO who made this decision, which ATT&t was happy to agree with. Business is business baby
  • midkidd
    midkidd Posts: 23
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    Rest in Peace Steve Jobs...Lets see what this new CEO who has "hired" some of the jailbreak community has to offer... Middkidd
  • Staticdol
    Staticdol Posts: 1
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    If HSPA conts as part of 4g then let count and change theIndicator to 4g. The next Iphone 5 can be a full LTE 4gcellphone with 100 Meg speeds. This my view on the New Iphone 4s by At & T network. P.S At & t website add has the IPhone 4s as 4g !
  • Someone
    Someone Posts: 39
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    that 21mbps vs 10mbps come into play when I'm using my phone as a mobile hotspot and connecting 3 other devices, and is also why high end Android phones have the advantage over the iphone as far as hardware goes.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    unfortunately Mr. Jobs, a buddhist?, if he really believed that... is not resting in peace.4s, 4g. Splitting hairs over all of it, really. I just want to know about hotspot reliability of the 4s. Any users of that feature?