Speed Test: iPhone 4S Vs. iPhone 4



  • Disappointed Dice
    via Wordpress
    "the S stands for speed" jobs speaking about the new iphone 3gs at its release. WELL not so much for this time around. I fully believe that iphone 4s stands for 4s(iri). Personnally, all this extra time for launch, and this hype of the DUO CORE chip is dissappointing, of course its underclocked, and same ram just seems like purpose of the chip is to help lower consumption and less heat produced. Yes the cam does a nice job in low light settings, so thats a plus, but as far as useability its all iphone 4. Agian my personal view was iphone 4s was produced due to the diffrent carriers now offering it. They wanted to make one assy line agian. SIRI is CRAP!, and aint it a **** that apple decides to pull the app for all other devices except 4s....... Not that any one is missing anything grand. And really why da hell does siri have to sound the way it does, comon apple, of course i would of preffered a sexy voice talking to me, but at very least make her sound smooth and fluid like with its replys. ios5 claims 200 new features, ive yet been able to see a full list, all ive seen are post "200 new features!, and heres a few" which are always the features that the author found intresting.... Twitter.... Is one of these features, and imo waste of time, now the messageing notification is awsome, wireless sync, great!!!. They even polished up the emoji keyboard with some newer icons, nice!. And i do dig the ability to customize a vibrate alert per contact. Very nice!. But im clueless as what all features are, and ive been non stop on this thing all nite trying everything out. For those who were hella smart and held off with thier iphone 4's, wise choice. Nothing you are missing. (Excluding cam) trust siri is a joke and is turned off on my new iphone. Update to ios5 and you have the iphone 4s experience. --If i recall right, wasnt it in the 80's when Jobs(RiP) got in to a pissing match with a ceo or some topgun in apple, jobs bounced, apple went stright down?.... Jobs comes back, brings apple to top. Now he's gone, and apple puts out the iphone4S...... Just saying.......
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
    via Wordpress
    Compared to 3GS....yes it is. Compared to i4....who gives a flying f***??
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    Well...You sure seem to be a "OMG I GOTTA HAVE THE NEWEST AND GREATEST NOW OR IM GONNA FUKIN DIE!!!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" type of guy.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
    via Wordpress
    Lonely losers that cannot score chics will have a heart attack if they can't have Siri. But, for those that still want the electronic know it all ho, she will soon be available to i4 users as well.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    Really? Cmon. Give us a break. I have an iPad 2 and did my own comparisons. The differences are not all that great to my iPhone 4 and not enough for me to upgrade to 4S. Now if u compare it to a 3GS, then yeah, the differences are amazing. And that is what apple users want. Nothing short of amazing. I4S simply plays catch up. The rest that are smarter, will wait for the iPhone 5. But then again, i really dont care So go ahead, waste ur cash.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    All of you on this thread are serious impatient nerds. It's a win/lose because the upgrade isn't that amazing you turds. My first iPhone, the 3GS 32gig @ the cost of $199 because I waited for all the bugs to be worked out from first iPhone and for them to make a faster one. Just now I upgraded to iPhone 4, at the cost of $99 for a 16Gig. But wait...my prices are wrong...you say. Not if you have an inside connection they're not. Next year when i5 comes, I can easily sell my i4 for $200, and get i5 for $100 out of pocket. Bottom line is....patience wins over whatever BS you impatient Apple store line campers have to say.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    Who cares about flash when you have SkyFire web browser and most sites are embracing HTML 5....you brainless turd.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    It's sad to see u have no life and wasted an hour to type something nobody will read. I just saw a bunch of text and thought..."wow, what a loser, I'm gonna comment with what you just read....now"
  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    yes it is so much quicker. its 2 seconds quicker than Iphone4.
  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    this time '4S' stands for '4 suckers'
  • Cece
    Cece Posts: 2
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    WOW! A whole two seconds? REALLY? I can't wait to get the 4S now. Sike! I'll still wait for the 5. until then, my 4 is perfect.
  • Fahhad
    Fahhad Posts: 1
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    Your right, man my money is also important. I am waiting for Iphone 7. Which will have a OCTA-COre Super fancy proccesor.