iPhone 4S 3G Speed Test: AT&T Vs. Sprint Vs. Verizon

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imageiPhone 4S 3G Speed Test: AT&T Vs. Sprint Vs. Verizon

For the first time, users have the option to choose from three wireless carriers - AT&T, Verizon and Sprint.

We had taken you through the pros and cons of each wireless carrier based on a number of parameters such as pricing, network reliability, speed, ability to surf while you talk etc to help you decide, which one is a better network.

Read the full story here



  • haha
    haha Posts: 33
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  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    FIRST ......att ROCKS Nuff said
  • RelicS13
    RelicS13 Posts: 74
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    Definately AT&T, verizon and sprint blow dog balls
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    ATT is GSM others are CDMA, what is the comparo?
  • Hendog
    Hendog Posts: 14
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    Had the iPhone 4 from AT&T, then switched to Verizon(iPhone 4 again). At&t was faster with web browsing and download speeds as long as you could get 3G access, which was rare as soon as you walked in a door. I couldn't even make calls from my apartment because of lost signal. Switched to Verizon, out in the middle of town it's a tad slower, but in my apartment, full 3G bars. Verizon is really the way to go around Hampton/Norfolk, VA. AT&T can suck me off, sideways.....
  • RelicS13
    RelicS13 Posts: 74
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    well if your in pigtown i dont think AT&T much cares for you
  • juan
    juan Posts: 46
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    6.66 down on my AT&T 4s.
  • Gobo
    Gobo Posts: 5
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    Phew. Thank goodness I got Verizon. I almost decided to change last second to Sprint as the unlimited data was just too darn good sounding when I went into the store and bought mine today. Thanks for the report. I feel better now that I dodged a bullet.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I think the "comparo" is how fast the phone can view web pages, pull up videos, and download. I, personally, never travel outside of the US so I really don't care about what kind of network it is. I just want it to work fast.
  • Dwain
    Dwain Posts: 19
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    good thing I stuck with att..
  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    WTF r AT&T sprint and version r they carriers in the US or what?
  • Carlos
    Carlos Posts: 45
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    I think speed depends where you are located i have verizon and i downloaded speedtest and the download speen in 3g was 1.50 mps and upload speed was .50 and im from South Texas
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    AT&TPotomac MD5.13 Down1.72 Up
  • Nigel Tufnel
    Nigel Tufnel Posts: 1
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    Verizon 4S in Tucson, AZ (4 Speedtest runs in 2 locations averaged):179ms ping1.48 Mbps down0.68 Mbps upI was coming from AT&T and my experience with them is very similar to what is shown in the video. They technically have the fastest speeds, hands down, however their 3G coverage is spotty and when browsing at least, pages frequently just halt loading for a while (just as shown in the video). I think for big, constant downloads where you're just streaming a lot of data (like videos) AT&T is better, but for many small requests (like web surfing), Verizon is better. Pretty happy with 4S on Verizon so far, coverage, signal strength, and voice quality + reliability are excellent, data speeds are not amazing, but seem fine with web surfing. I'll have to try Netflix later to see if it chokes.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Actually, this kind of test is useless mostly, Because of when I test at my room, Verizon is much better, but, if I go to backyard, ATT is much better. At my office, Verizon is better, but, when I drive, ATT is better ~ what is the point of this kind test ?
  • Harry
    Harry Posts: 57
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    Location, location, location. I get 3G everywhere I go within a 50 mile radius of my house. AT&T.
  • Duke
    Duke Posts: 56
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    On the outskirts of Atlanta, GAATT3.8 Down1.2 Up
  • Doxi
    Doxi Posts: 8
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    Hi, has anyone with an iPhone 4 (not 4S) noticed it being any slower since downloading iOS 5? Mine seems to be taking forever to load web pages... I'm with AT&T... I don't remember it being this show before.
  • Doxi
    Doxi Posts: 8
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  • mc
    mc Posts: 9
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    Crazy as this sounds, my iPhone 3g running ios 4.2.1 is getting 1.3 down and .1 up. That's not too bad for a 3 year old iPhone. Still waiting for my 4s to show up:(, I'm on an unlimited plan and didn't trust that I wouldn't lose it if I purchased online. I heard some peeps had trouble ordering from apple and keeping their unlimited plan.
  • Bob Lawrence
    Bob Lawrence Posts: 0
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    If anything I have noticed faster speeds on my iPhone 4 since updating to ios 5. Not only data speeds but speed in general. App load times are much shorter and general app performance is enhanced.
  • RantBot
    RantBot Posts: 1
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    C'mon now, this is a juvenile test.1) In the radius of X miles of the test AT THE TIME OF THE TEST there are: 100 Sprint, 10 At&t and 5 Verizon ACTIVE users. Which network is getting the heaviest load AT THAT MOMENT? The lighter the load == faster download speed.2) At the LOCATION of the test how far away is the cell tower for each service? What kind of tower is it? How much is each towers' signal obstructed at the LOCATION of the test AT THAT MOMENT? Closest and better tower == faster download speed. (# bars can mean many different things btw)3) You are hitting a website so by definition you are dealing with hops (http://www.techopedia.com/definition/2411/hop) and each time the number of hops can be different on ANY carrier. That's just how the darn internet works. How many avg. hops for each carrier AT THAT MOMENT? Less hops == faster download speed.All of the variables above will differ depending on LOCATION and TIME of the test for any given user.Run this test about 10 000 times and than maybe, MAYBE you can begin to make that judgement call. Ok, end of rant.
  • Iphone4satt
    Iphone4satt Posts: 1
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    I have at&t and just did a speed test on the 3G networkThe "4G like" speeds announced is trueHere's a pic:http://ft.beejive.com/upload/msn/625/alta-2007@hotmail.com/img1016205523.jpg
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I have noticed that in certain areas Verizon could be faster than AT&T and vise versa.. I have had AT&T all my cell phone life and people that I talked to that have a iPhone and Verizon says its slow and even when I tel them to pull up a video on their phone or listening to a music site it seems to buffer quite slowly like the video showed... For me it looks like on a Web browsing experience Verizon is faster but for doing anything media based AT&T may have "loaded" slower but once it was started it was smoothing sailing
  • welbo
    welbo Posts: 13
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    ATT speed is usually better, when 3G. But I'm sick of GSM poor sound quality. What would be ideal for me... Sprint CDMA voice, with a ATT microsim just for data. I wonder if that is possible on the 4s?
  • QuitProQuo
    QuitProQuo Posts: 1
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    You peeps with AT&T are suffering. They suck 24X7 and Verizon will always be the best option. Billions pumped into the network with great reliability. If your a Sprint customer .....well your credit score is most likely under 600 and thats really where you need to be.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    It always depends on location and saturation when it comes to the 3G service.The hspa+ being only available on AT&T just gives them a better edge for in-city (and not all cities) service.One things for sure, i'd rather have hspa+ .. I have friends in different parts of town and in different cities, some with AT&T, some with verizon. I hear an equal amount of griping from both sides, its hit or miss.Just get the one that fits your locale behavior best, listen to your friends in that area.
  • G Funk Money
    G Funk Money Posts: 2
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    I preordered mine from AT&T and got to keep the unlimited data.
  • G Funk
    G Funk Posts: 1
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    my fastest ever speed on my 4S was 4.50 down on AT&T. Much faster than my 3GS.