Apple Planning To Launch iPad Mini With 7.85-Inch Screen Early Next Year?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Planning To Launch iPad Mini With 7.85-Inch Screen Early Next Year?

iPad mini rumors are back. Taiwan's United Daily News reports that they've received 7.85-inch screens with the same 1024x768 resolution of the current iPad, which they claim are for iPad mini.

United Daily News claims that AU Optronics and LG Display have also sent samples of 7.85-inch display to Apple, who is gearing up to launch iPad mini early next year.

Read the full story here


  • Kattman
    Kattman Posts: 0
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    Lies Lies and More Lies, thing about apple, if they dont say it, it doesnt exist...iphone 5 in 2011? yeah right, I feel sorry for all of the idiots who didnt wait to see the finish product in china that made cases and lost money this year!
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    When was the last time Apple reconsideredany decision? They don't. However, I call BS on his explanation that the screen becomes too small for the software. The iPhone is way smaller than even the 7" screens, and iOS is expressed VERY well on it and was there BEFORE the iPad came out.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I dissagree, its not true. Apple hasn't changed the size of anything in its history of sales besides thickness and capacity. There were rumors of a smaller iPhone and all we saw was a 8gb iPhone 4. Same thing happened with 3Gs ...... I can't be the only one that see's the patter with macintosh. I see a 128 GB iPad with probable LTE support to duke it out with the motorola xoom. A6 chip and the rest of the speedy increments that the iPhone 4s has. Tawk Done!
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    Definitely a lie, because Steve Jobs himself said that anything under 10 inch screen isn't considered a tablet, and ipad is a tablet. So even if Apple does make a 7.85 inch screen, then I'd call it a iKindle instead.
  • doh
    doh Posts: 2
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    Well jobs is dead so what he has said in the past ain't worth jack
  • Bentech
    Bentech Posts: 1
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    No opinion on truth of the iPad mini statement: time will tell. I welcome a 7" iPad!!!
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Apple goes bigger and better they don't go backwards. The iPad 2 will drop in price and the iPad 2s/3 will be next however I think they will Do one a year and not mess with the little guys.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    More hogwash, Apple will stick to 10 inches.
  • silverwin
    silverwin Posts: 10
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    once a rumor, its always be a rumor. Don't wanna believe it anymore since iphone 5/4S. Its a BIG disappointment for me.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    It's not the size that counts .... Its how you use it!
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Contrary to popular belief, Steve's opinion isn't the be-all and end-all about what's 'considered' a tablet. And neither is yours. (re: ikindle)
  • Madas
    Madas Posts: 6
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    They also said that apple was making a wider Screen for the iPhone to compete with did not happen. Why? Apple leads not follow and the iPhone is the perfect size as well as the iPad.