Sprint Claims Small Number Of Complaints Of Slow Data Speeds From iPhone 4S Users

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imageSprint Claims Small Number Of Complaints Of Slow Data Speeds From iPhone 4S Users

Many of Sprint's users have been complaining about slow data speeds since the iPhone 4S launch last Friday.

According to PCMag, Sprint has released an official statement denying that the iPhone 4S has had a negative impact on its network.

Read the full story here


  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    Really? I have been on sprint since the release of the evo4g and the network has slowed down to almost a crawl. When I received the evo I started doing speed tests they started at 2.5 MBA I was impressed. But now I'm lucky to get 800kb downloads. This past week it has drooped to about an average of 150 to 200 KB. This SUCKS. THANKS ALOT SPRINT.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
    via Wordpress
    3G speeds were definitely slower than expected. On my iPhone 4s with Sprint, I get an avarage download speed of 200-400kbps. This isn't just my location either, I've tested the network all around my county and I've never gone above 1mbps.
  • ARP
    ARP Posts: 1
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    The 3G speed is ridiculous, I feel like I'm back using dial up speeds. I called and complained today and they registered a ticket for me, the rep said that they are working to fix the towers in some areas. A little to vague for me. New Sprint customers have 14days from phone activation to break your contract for free, I'm considering it if my 3G doesn't greatly improve soon.
  • Sonny
    Sonny Posts: 10
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    I bet since the iPhone is now carried by sprint the will probably get rid of the unlimited data plan
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Sprint had NEVER been the fastest. Which is why I went to AT&T in the first place. I rather pay a higher price than slower speeds.
  • Neil
    Neil Posts: 46
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    I am receiving 0.12mbps for downloads and 0.37 for uploads with full signal. I am hoping Sprint will fix this soon. If not I will return the iphone. This way slower than tmobile edge network.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Well considering they are like 1/10th users of AT&T that is obvious.
  • jjdeluxe
    jjdeluxe Posts: 2
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    I received the Sprint 4S on launch day and have checked 3G speeds a number of times in since. my average speed is about 1.2m down / .5m up, peak 1.6m / .75m up, never below 1m/.4m. tests performed typically with good signal (3-4 bars). los angeles area.however, once while roaming (carrier reported as Extended): 0.08m / 0.12m (latency 939ms! which is a bummer when you're talking to a remote SSH shell)i am really satisfied with the phone overall... siri works well ("remind me to meet with jeff at 1 pm").i have to say, my biggest beef is the battery life. there is no way i would make a whole day without a charge, 4-5 hrs tops. that's with about 30 mins of talk and 10-20 other interactions with the phone (siri, photo, email check, etc). Fortunately, I am rarely far away from a charge opportunity...
  • C3
    C3 Posts: 2
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    Im using my 4S on sprint and I've noticed that YouTube is by far the slowest ive ever experienced, my 3GS was much faster. I don't know if it's a YouTube comparability issue or sprints network....
  • Stew
    Stew Posts: 7
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    I doubt sprint will do anything to improve their 3G speed. It make sense to invest in 4g than waste money on 3G. The next iPhone will be using 4g so it is pointless to put money in 3G when it's going to be useless next year. They should lower their data plan to entice those users who plan to use the iPhone mainly for wifi.
  • Blake
    Blake Posts: 17
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    I bet most of their complaints are from new customers from AT&T. Grass isn't always greener, is it?
  • Boomerang
    Boomerang Posts: 19
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    sprint is a joke, my cousin just returned his iPhone 4s today. The best speed he saw on sprint mediocre network is, 0.76mbps down and 0.32 up. I did a few test right along side him with my AT&T iPhone 4, and got 6.17mbps down and 1.37 up. Yes I owned an iPhone 4, and not the 4s. Sprint sucks big time. AT&T all the way, and this is NYC I'm talking about here.
  • Katrina leaving Sprint
    via Wordpress
    I am leaving Sprint after experiencing at least 3 dropped calls a day, slow Internet & lackluster 'data plan' features. I live in the Dallas/Fw area & service is pathetic. The people at the call center are nice-it isn't their fault their own company offers such underwhelming performance
  • Truth N. Advertising
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    Sprint. The only carrier offering true unlimited DIAL-UP!