iPhone Firmware 1.1.3 & iTunes 7.6: Adding Custom Ringtones for Free
iPhone Hacks reader CerealKiller sent me a tip to remind me that the simple hack to add custom ringtones for free still works with iPhone firmware 1.1.3 and iTunes 7.6. Adding custom ringtones has probably been one of the most popular ways to personalize the iPhone so I am sure...
I did all the process, and everything worked fine, iTunes says ringtone is on iPhone and library, but I can't see the Custom ringtone on iPhone.
It's just for 1.1.3 ?
I'm on 1.1.2 an Windows -
all you need is iringer to do this.. its a free program and works great
See the link - simple with Garage Band. I think Apple left this easy method just to keep the hacking down.
I have only tried this on 1.1.3 with a Mac, not sure about 1.1.2. Sorry.
Leech, make sure you have the Sync Ringtones option enabled on your iPhone settings on iTunes...
Is this working on windows Vista? cause when im changing the m4a to m4r it doesn't change. only the file name is changing.. help please
The length actually has to be less than 40 seconds. Not 30.
I have a ZiPhone, and i followed the process exactly as you showed it, and it worked beautifully! Good work! :-D
Thanks a lot!
I'll try this right now. Seems simple enough
Anyone knows what iPhone cover the user has on in the video. Looks quite cool. Where can I get it from?
Looks like a graphite pattern (Ferrari dash). -
It's a "Carbon Fiber" hard plastic cover, got it from one of those side stands in the mall's. Great cover, have dropped my phone many of times, the cover nor the phone has a scratch. And more "Kawasaki ZX6R" like. haha!
i got two songs to work perfect, but i started messing around with some settings and now i can't get any to show up in the ringtone library on itunes. i convert them to aac, change ext to m4r and they are less than 40 seconds. any ideas anyone?
nevermind, i'm a tard
got the hack to work but i cant add anymore than one song and when i put another it will copy itself twice someone help
Yes iTunes 7.6.1 works, already tried it. And if it copies itself on the iPhone, your phone has to be on automatic mode and you iPhone library has to be organzied.
same problem, i cant change m4a to m4r on windows vista
On my computer the songs just show up as the title of the song. No .m4a or anything behind it. I'm sure it's just my setting somewhere. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Russell -
To chosen2nd:
Start -> programs -> accessories -> windows explorer -> click on Organize -> folder and search options -> click View Tab -> and uncheck box "HIDE extensions for known file types
This should fix your problem. Enjoy!
So the initial conversion and upload worked, but I want to add multiple custom ringtones to my iPhone. I attempted to follow the tip--but while you can easily set the iPhone to "Automatic Sync" I see no way to mke sure your iTunes Library is checked under "Organize Library" (iTunes/Settings). To my knowledge, there are no "settings" at all in iTunes. Help, please, because I'd love to add more custom ringtones!
After you convert to ACC and go to show in Windows explorer, then how would you change it from m-peg 4 to m4r?
I dont think this works for window users ... or can someone explain how to with windows? If possible
Using Firmware 1.1.4 iTunes 7.6.1 (9).
I tested this hack and found that works, sort of.
After the 2nd and 3rd song, I found that the last song replaces all the custom ringtones with as many copies. (i.e. There are now 3 of the same ringtone.)
Now, I can't remove them nor replace with a previous ringtone. When I do a 4th new ringtone, I end up with 4 of the same ringtone, replacing all others.Is my only option to restore?
1. Make sure track is 30 seconds long.
2. Convert to AAC via iTunes.
4. Rename new AAC file extension to ".m4r".
5. Open it with iTunes.
6. That's it. iTunes believes its a ringtone, and you can sync it to your phone.I've been doing this since 1.1.2, when Apple restored the functionality after removing it in 1.1.1.
Where has everyone been?
quoting Judson:
I [also]see no way to mke sure your iTunes Library is checked under "Organize Library" (iTunes/Settings).Using this method you can only have 1 custom ringtone. that plays. having multiple doesn't seem to work.
To JUice85, the way you can resolve that is go to the iPhone summary tab in iTunes, make sure the only check box is Auto sync, not manual. then go to the ringtones tab and only check one ringtone or none. and then sync, that should get rid of what seems to be multiple copies of the same tone.
I have set up MANY iPhone's using this method, multiple ringtones all work fine for me.
It works on 1.1.4 with WinXP, only for multiply songs u should checked the auto sync buttom and turned of manually managed songs...this rocks!!! Thx alot guys
I am running Windows Vista, iTunes 7.6 and iPhone 1.1.4 - I have followed all the instructions and can see the ringtone in iTunes as a ringtone - it even seems to sync correctly to the iPhone but it doesn't show up in the Sounds > Ringtone section of the phone anywhere. Is there something I am missing? When I look at the ringtones on the phone through iTunes it says my ringtone is there, but I can't see it on the actual phone which means I can't set it as a ringtone - any help anyone?
it worked perfectly on a jailbroken 1.1.4 iphone thanks buddie!!!!!!
Did everything that was said, but the song always still manages to duplicate itself on the iphone... any help?