AT&T Claims iPhone 4S Is 4G Capable



  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Posts: 80
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    they were not dissing Steve Jobs they were stating that Steve was the thing that kept apple going
  • Teddy T
    Teddy T Posts: 1
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    I've gotten that 5% text twice already. I received an e-mail in the morning saying this was going to start happening, got a text that night saying I was in the top 5% and my data speeds would slow down. Thing is, when I DL most of my data, I'm at home using my wireless connection.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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  • Eugene
    Eugene Posts: 10
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    Thats why you all have to go to Sprint!!!! Sprint still offers unlimited 4G service for no extra cost!!! yay!! Go SPRINT!!! I have the iPhone 4 and with Sprint the EVO 3D. . Yeah the EVO... So much better!!!
  • Snow
    Snow Posts: 0
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    I believe you meant 'someone's post', but I could be wrong.
  • Barbie
    Barbie Posts: 1
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    Just got Sprint, Samsung Galaxy 2S Epic 4G. No 4 G towers here, but it's as fast as my home wireless PC! Incredible speed, incredible prices - Thanks Sprint!!!
  • Zorn
    Zorn Posts: 1
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    I use my data alot i even go over but i never got one, but my buddy has an old pantech and got one with no data plan. So im calling fake on those text
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I believe that "someones" would have been a grammatical error not a spelling mistake. Man, 3 for 3 wrong!
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    I'm McLlovin' my unlimited 4G (speed not capacity or volume as in GB) at $30/mo. I love being grandfathered in on the pricing game change...but if they're throttling us too...what's the point? We're all paying $30/mo, and it's either we hit 4GB and then we're done or we hit 3GB and then get throttled so that it's nearly impossible to get over the 4GB download barrier. Cell companies are in business to make money...just ask anyone that has had their $700 iPhone stolen...all the carriers will allow the "reported stolen to the police and carrier" iPhone (or others I'm sure) to be registered again for service. Whats THAT?
  • Charismar Inc.
    Charismar Inc. Posts: 1
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    Somebody had their wifi on. lol
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I updated my software this morning and now the display shows 4g.
  • ben tetz
    ben tetz Posts: 0
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    So it my data going to be tethered at 3GB (3G) or 5GB (4G). I wonder what AT&T does to fix the unlimited issue. I bet they advertise 4G iPhone 4S and unlimited users get tethered at 3GB of data. Only AT&T can have one's cake and eat it too.
  • ben tetz
    ben tetz Posts: 0
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    I meant throttled, not tethered.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    The reason Sprint still allows unlimited data, is the same reason you could 'hear a pin drop' on their voice network. (From an old 1980's marketing campaign)There is nobody there!
  • Kent
    Kent Posts: 6
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    I was surprised the other day when my iphone 4S went from 3G to 4G on my phone's indicator. A pleasant surprise since I did not know that ATT was going 4G in my area this soon (East Idaho). Normally 3G was about 1-2 Mbps down load and at the most .11 Mbps upload on my speedtest. Now I am getting up to 4.5 Meg download and over 1 meg upload! This rocks!
  • iPhone
    iPhone Posts: 104
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    Yeah I notice my iPhone change from 3G to 4g 2days ago after I update my iPhone to 5.1. I don't see any different in speed but they both still loading page fast as slways
  • Ezekiel bates
    Ezekiel bates Posts: 1
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    Have any of you guys tried watching netflix or any music videosOn your iPhones 4s... without using wifi as your source for internetMan 3G does suck in that department..a lot of long buffering and interuptions with the buffering as well..will 4g make a difference right there??? I mean other than this my iphone 4s 64 gb is the business..Just hate i can't watch a video or Netflix for a little past time that's all..Oh bigger screen could be nice as well .. Looking forward to iPhone 5
  • Cory
    Cory Posts: 8
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    I bought an iPhone 4S when they were released. I have AT&T service. My iPhone, until recently, said 3G. About 2-3 weeks ago, I think, I wirelessly updated the phone and since the update my phone has said 4G where it used to say 3G. The performance does seem to be much faster.