Camera+ Developer: iPhone 4S Outshines High-End Compact Cameras In Some Ways

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imageCamera+ Developer: iPhone 4S Outshines High-End Compact Cameras In Some Ways

Apple's new iPhone 4S comes with a vastly improved 8-megapixel camera that has received rave reviews.

Lisa Bettany, a developer of Camera+, one of the most popular third-party camera apps has posted an article, which compares the camera quality across all generations of the iPhone.

Read the full story here


  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    I gotta say, the quality is really nice.
  • Vinny
    Vinny Posts: 35
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    The difference between the 4S and the Canon images are very similar. Considering the camera on the phone is far smaller than the dedicated camera, the quality is outstanding.
  • Roberto
    Roberto Posts: 14
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    The 4s' camera is NOT vastly improved over the 4. The images are softer for one thing and seem to lack focus. Also the 1080p video would at random intervals have this slightly vibrating of the image. It is faster at taking pics, a little less noise, and a little more megapixels though but I bet they send the same sensor size because IMHO you don't see increased detail.
  • Vinny
    Vinny Posts: 35
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    Woops. I should have proof read the first sentence.
  • Aung
    Aung Posts: 2
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    The reason I bought S95 is it's really superb at night shot (low light shot). I bet S95 will obviously better than iphone 4S camera if you take photo at low light (both without flash)
  • Aung
    Aung Posts: 2
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    I also iphone owner. I love iphone but I doubt iphone camera can compare with high end camera. I usually took photo with iphone for snap shots but if I want to take memorial photos, I prefer S95.
  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    I think that the person using the higher end cameras is not adjusting settings to get the best possible shot.The iPhone 4S I am sure can do an acceptable job, but it lacks things like Optical zoom and various other controls (some can be overcome by software, but optical zoom cannot).
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    While there's no doubt that the 4S's camera is good, it is retarded to compare it to the 5D by posting these tiny pictures. Show me a picture that will fit my screen (1600x900) and then we'll talk. The 4S's camera appears a little too warm, probably overcompensated for the iPhone 4's blue-biased camera.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Ooo, so the developer of Camera+ - an iphone app, decides to do a review favourably comparing the iphone 4s camera to compact cameras. That'd be a really unbiased review now, wouldn't it?(The comparison between iphones is valid though.)
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    For a camera which is part of a mobile device, the iPhone 4s has the best camera in the industry. The results are no way as good as compacts/dslr some people are boasting about. The image lacks in any detail of the buildings shadows, the 5D mark 2 shows buildings,windows and it's shadows. The photo is a bit too warm to be realistic and with that reason you lose a lot of detail. The camera itself shouldn't be 8 megapixel, way too much noise. Pro tip: if you want to get the highest resolution drop the quality down a notch....less noise and more sharpness.
  • FredMC
    FredMC Posts: 73
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    Keyword for this article is comparison against high end COMPACT camera
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    Go into a completely pitch black room with a 4 and 4S. Take a photo with flash on both of the same location. You will be amazed at the low light / flash assisted difference between the two - it is literally night and day.
  • has
    has Posts: 27
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    iphone cameras all suck !
  • SaKo
    SaKo Posts: 74
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    I just took 2 photos in a dark room, (both with flush on) one with iphone 4S one with iphone 4. On 4s i see only bright thing, no picture, but on 4 you pretty much can see the pic. But in a day time outdoor photos with 4s are amazing. very clear...!
  • CHris Morris
    CHris Morris Posts: 1
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    The key difference for me is Depth of Field, with a DSLR you control the the area of focus with great precision, with compacts and iPhones you have no control. This is why a vast majority snaps taken with cameras and compacts never have that professional feel, its not resolution anymore its DOF
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    The iPhone 4S camera is the current best of the crop.
  • Tony S.
    Tony S. Posts: 2
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    The iPhone 4S ... When used in a dark environment, with the flash/Led Light turned on in either "Auto" or "On" position, has a major issue whereby the Flash/LED light overpowers the camera lens; thereby netting only a "WHITE" picture of nothing but Ghost White light which basically blocks out the subject intended to be photographed. This is a major flaw with the iPhone 4S considering the fact that Apple boasts the quality of their "NEWER" "BETTER" camera/features. This is one of the main reasons I purchased the iPhone 4S and I for one, am very disappointed.
  • Tony S.
    Tony S. Posts: 2
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    I have the same problem and it's pissing me off to be honest with you. :/
  • Moo
    Moo Posts: 2
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    Where are the originals? I can post photos that were taken on a poor performing sensor that look good at web resolution...These images prove nothing about usable iq for anything but screen, and comparing it to a 5D mk II.... Please, what we're meant to think its comparable???????
  • Moocow
    Moocow Posts: 1
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    Where are the originals? I can post photos that were taken on a poor performing sensor that look good at web resolution...These images prove nothing about usable iq for anything but screen, and comparing it to a 5D mk II.... Please, what we're meant to think its comparable???????