Sprint Is Taking The iPhone 4S Data Speed Issue Seriously

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageSprint Is Taking The iPhone 4S Data Speed Issue Seriously

Since the release of the iPhone 4S a few weeks ago, some Sprint users have reported slow data speeds. Fared Adib, the head of product development for Sprint, was interviewed by CNET and he assures Sprint customers that the problem is being taken seriously.

Read the full story here


  • businesssuit
    businesssuit Posts: 5
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    I have Sprint and they are horrible, they were my last choice for the unlimited data plans and unlimited everything. The voice part isn't so bad as long as you don't leave the city everything else down hill. So I purchased Clear Spot device out right $100.00 but their spectrum is so high it has problems going through walls and your home in general. I am lucky that I sit by a window at work so I can get a 4G signal and then in turn use the WIFI on the iphone, if I use the 3G it just sits there and does nothing:(Sprint needs to put up more data towers or something??? Or build smaller ones for zoning laws or put them in the sewers, on top telephone poles, if they can put them under the street in sewers and turn the signal full blast then what is coming from below and what is broadcasting above should help out a lot!!! Or they need to build a better back haul system!!!
  • Tim cook
    Tim cook Posts: 7
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    We have told them to build a dual tower antenna, so they can get full signal and high speed data. The iPhone 4S its capable to do such thing. The reason why its because the tower cost almost 1 Million Dollars. Apple is not responsible for the low data speed.
  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    I dont think this is a hardware problem, since I returned my phone to Apple and got a new one......same pathetic slow speed (and I'm 300 yards from a tower). It could be a software problem between Sprint and Apple, or the way they handle the data exchange. Nothing worse than an average of .06 Mbps download speeds which causes facebook to just sit there for 20 minutes trying to update.At least they finally admitted there is a problem.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Wow, Tim Cook from Apple left us a personal reply! I'll bet everyone believes that it is really him!Moron.
  • Jesus
    Jesus Posts: 29
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    I moved from AT&T to Sprint thinking it was going to be a faster network and better voice signal. Well it's all the opposite. My complaints with Sprint iPhone 4s are very poor network signal and cannot do talk and surf. I miss AT&T on the iPhone when I was able to talk on the phone while surf the net or search for address on the map. Now I have to do one at the time. What a stress..
  • Writing For Profit
    Writing For Profit Posts: 40
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    People ask me for my opinion when they're on the fence about switching, I usually just tell them that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Every carrier has their strengths and weaknesses. None have perfect coverage.
  • Boomerang
    Boomerang Posts: 19
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    Hahahaha nice way to keep putting a spin on ur shitty network sprint. I guess I was one of the smart person, who returned my sprint iPhone 4s before the 14 days window is passed. I can guarantee u that u will never see better speed on sprint old shitty network. Sprint network is a total embarrassment. I couldn't use Siri because of poor network issues, web page took nearly 2 minutes sometime to open. I would like to see the return rate for sprint, because I don't believe anything that came out of adib r whatever his name mouth. He's just talking out of his rear.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    They have to when they have so much competition already.
  • mark reyonols
    mark reyonols Posts: 0
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    Sprints Network is a joke. Its always been bad. Just now with the Iphone problems its becoming known. You can fix a phone that's not broken its the network. Sprint 3G will always be slow. Return your phones. If your past 14 days they will switch out phones until you keep showing Siri and other features don't work.
  • mark reyonols
    mark reyonols Posts: 0
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    As you know Sprint will lie to protect their stock it will take everyone complaing to create bad press for them to take action the sams as the banks dropping their $5 Debit fees. Keep calling and posting.
  • fred conner
    fred conner Posts: 1
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    I returned my iPhone 4S on Sprint after 10 days of data so slow my wifes phone on Tmobile Edge was faster. After numerous calls and being lied to by escalations and upper managementenough was enough. Move to Verizons iPhone. What a difference. Sprint service and customer service sucks.
  • jim Gardner
    jim Gardner Posts: 1
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    Now that I'm past 14 days what do I do with this brick that just makes calls. Sprint does nothing but lie and leave us with a phone slower than edge. If it's not fixed soon or they give me a better phone if they have one I will have to eat the $350 ETF.
  • Marian
    Marian Posts: 4
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    I just switched over from ATT to sprint, and got myself the 4S. AWFUL! Net is aggravatingly slow, and you CAN NOT surf the net while on the phone. Let me correct here...there is NO NET when you're not on wifi. It just doesn't work. I don't even bother trying to look anything up, because I know nothing will load. I'm still in the my first 14 days...will be canceling my service with sprint, until they figure out a way to speed up their data service, and allow 4S users to be on the phone WHILE surfing the net. Paying an extra 10 dollars a month for shitty service is ridiculous. Sprint lost me as a customer. Peace!
  • vito
    vito Posts: 2
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    we have 2 iphones 4s with sprint and both are sucks, internet in Tampa FL around 0.02 kbps sometimes cant even run speed test because internet is so slow i cant connect to the speed test server, did call sprint many times with same complain they said there is no problem with the speed and my internet is just fine, i ask how they know that internet is just fine because i used a lot of data i ask what is a lot of data sprint rep answer 56000 kb for last month, its less than 56 MB, its a lot of data for a month of usage?????? ali baba or adib or whatever his name is telling us some BS only small percentage of people, everyone i know who has an iphone with sprint has problem with the internet, i pay $10 extra for each line for data but i cant use data at all. Sprint have to fix that or i taking my 3 lines and my girlfriend lines to other carrier
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    It took like 45 minutes to download a 5 MB podcast. I ended up returning the iPhone today. I was pretty frustrated with Sprints network. it was very, very slow. I think Sprint is shooting itself on this one. My HTC I use for work has been slow for the past month as well so its not just the iPhone.
  • zac from Ohio
    zac from Ohio Posts: 1
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    I have been with sprint for 3 years now only because I get a company discount of 25 percent which makes my bill around 108 a month for 2 lines with 1400 minutes and unlimited data. the data speeds suck butt, I get .67 download speed if I am lucky, it's always been that way so when I switched from my htc Evo to the iPhone I knew the speeds were gonna be slow. I have been calling them every other month from the start just to tell them that their speeds are slow and every time they want to trouble shoot my phone, or swap my phone out but no matter what they do it is always slow. what I like to do is wait until they change something in their contract (they do this about 2 times a year) then call them and get out of my contract( they then put me on a month to month contract) then I cancle one line and sell the phone for a couple hundred dollars and then open add a new line through letstalk.com or wirefly.com (they sell the phones cheaper than sprint). I receantly called to complain about the speeds and they gave me 4 months of service free. so yes sprint sux, they always have. there is nothing wrong with the iPhone it's their crapy network.
  • freddie
    freddie Posts: 1
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    The first day i got the Iphone 4s siri wasnt working right off the back. I drove back to the store and they said that i have to wait 1 or 2 days if it didnt work. theyll give me a new iphone 4s. well it works only when it wants too. Youtbue take forever to download thanks sprint yay suck monkey ballss
  • Kelsey
    Kelsey Posts: 4
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    Worst mistake of my life choosing sprint. I can't do anything on my iPhone 4s but call people . Isn't that why I have a house phone ? Piece of s**** service they provide . I can't go on my Facebook , I can't read my emails, Siri has worked once for me and I have had the phone for a month. Their customer service will not work with me at all. Verizon's blows them out the water. I want to just cancel out my contract but it sucks that will get put on my credit. But I refuse to pay 100 dollars a mOnth on something that doesn't work properly. It is not fair . There are rights that protect consumers . Sprint can go screw themselves.
  • Kelsey
    Kelsey Posts: 4
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    Worst mistake of my life choosing sprint. I can't do anything on my iPhone 4s but call people . Isn't that why I have a house phone ? Piece of s**** service they provide . I can't go on my Facebook , I can't read my emails, Siri has worked once for me and I have had the phone for a month. Their customer service will not work with me at all. Verizon's blows them out the water. I want to just cancel out my contract but it sucks that will get put on my credit. But I refuse to pay 100 dollars a mOnth on something that doesn't work properly. It is not fair . There are rights that protect consumers . Sprint can go screw themselves. It took me five try's just to post this comment because the connection kept failing on this iPhone 4 s. Absurd.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    I switched from AT&T to Sprint because of AT&T 's poor cellular service! Boy, am I sorry! Sprint has good cellular service but their 3G service is terrible!! I love my 4s and it works great when connected to wifi but when I try to do something on 3G, most of the time I give up! Reminds me of my old PDA I had some 10 years ago! I wish I would have returned mine in the 14 day window!!
  • YoMomma
    YoMomma Posts: 2
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    All I can say is: I MISS VERIZON :( I HATE HATE HATE sprint. I love my iPhone. But I hate sprint
  • marilyn
    marilyn Posts: 2
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    I switched to sprint when I got new 4S, I had AT&T. Wow! Big mistake! Internet is agonizingly slow!! This is probably why they offer free data!! It is worthless! Sprint is awful! Calls are dropped w regularity! What in the world!! I am stuck in a contract now!! AT&T was not that great but Sprint is horrible! I had Verizon before and wish I never left that company....
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    This speed on the iPhone is just way to slow if sprint does not fix the problem I will switch carriers in a heart beat
  • Cary
    Cary Posts: 3
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    Man this sprint iPhone got me wanting to throw it at the wall sprint service suck ass as far as the service I was told that I live in the best area for great covarage YEAH RIGHT a big lie sprint is crappy an that's it