Apple Confirms iOS 5.0.1 May Not Have Fixed All iPhone Battery Issues



  • Jordan2611
    Jordan2611 Posts: 10
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    Hi Andy do as Majdi says:"November 12, 2011 at 5:29 amJust do a restore as a new phone and do NOT RESTORE FROM BACKUP. I called apple and they recommended this and my battery life is way much better"Got a full 18 Hrs yest on my 4s.....Just do not restore your idevice from your Back-up....takes a lot longer to sync and choose all stuff again but hey!!! Its worth-it...Hope This Helps. Real thanks go to Majdi. :-D
  • Brett
    Brett Posts: 104
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    I still am. After 5 minutes of my phone being on the location where the motherboard is heads up immensely through the glass... I think I am going to buy a 4s... I have no choice now.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    So iOS 5.0.2 is just around the corner.
  • Andy K
    Andy K Posts: 0
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    Majdi has the fix in my opinion. See I have never had issues on my 4S and this likely because of my decision when I got it to clean house and start from a new phone. Like most I had been going from a restore point since the iPhone 3G. I feel there is iniate restoration of junk left with each subsequent restore that eventually lead to poor performance. My 4S has run superbly as a result!
  • PsycoJuana
    PsycoJuana Posts: 0
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    well my old iPhone4 out lasting my new 4S 4 to 1. battery life sucks !!!
  • dennis
    dennis Posts: 89
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    On my part, the iOS 5.0.1 solved my problem when it comes to battery issue. The only issue that I have at the moment is, I can no longer downgrade to a lower version of iOS (5.0 / 4.3.X). Apple were able to block downgrading. Don't upgrade to iOS 5.0.1 if you wanted to jailbreak your iDevice later.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    I guess you're one of the lucky ones. Still no change in my battery lifeand I still have the 'usual suspects' disabled.
  • Bruised Apple
    Bruised Apple Posts: 1
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    4s x 5.0.1= worse crappy battery, Siri rarely works. Those are the 2 only reasons I got the 4s. I've had every iPhone to date, and this one has more problems than any of them. I even has to have one 4s replaced because of the audio issue (dead silence when a call goes through because I can't hear the person I called on the other end but they can hear me and vice versa) and no, I don't want to turn off all the features just to extend my battery life "a little". Whoever posted that earlier is an idiot. Why would you even buy an iPhone to begin with, moron?These bugs need fixing. This is not a cheap phone, and we're not even allowed to upgrade at will. My advice?FIX THIS DAMN PHONE!! Most of us are loyal Apple customers. Make us happy dammit!!
  • Bhushan
    Bhushan Posts: 0
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    I Have iPhone 4, i have upgraded it to iOS 5.0.1 2 days backand battery is draining like anythingearlier it was good for at least one day, now it doesnt even go for 12 hrsin night only(all apps were closed), it came from 70% to 58% in just 6-7 hours idle timeis there any way to undo ios 5, i would like to go back to 4.2.3
  • YN
    YN Posts: 1
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    I bet if rotten apple will recall iPHONE 4S, which I proudly bought last week.It is ridiculous if I have to tun off the features to have the battery for the minimum requirements for smart phone. I am stupid to pay for it... You too!
  • Hak
    Hak Posts: 7
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    I have iPhone 4 with the new iOS 5.0.1. Location service offiCloud offI am on 2G all the time with my WiFi on. Battery drains on front of my eyes while writing this comment. From 52 to 51. At the time I finish writing this it will become 50. I can sense the heat of the battery while writing this post. Maybe if I receive a phone call now the battery will become 49 since it is by now 50 ( I swear).Apple, you really need to have a look at this issue the earliest or you will start losing the market share you already have!!!!!!!!
  • Hak
    Hak Posts: 7
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    Maybe I shouldTurn notification offLocation service offWifi offICloud off3G offAirplane mode ONmake the brightness to no bright Switch of the phone and switch it on when I need to make a call or send SMS !!!!!!!!! Really disappointed !!!!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I have a 3Gs, battery life has gotten a lot worse.If I leave all services & G on, I can get about 5-6hrs before it dies.I think I'm going to switch to Android.
  • Bryanah
    Bryanah Posts: 1
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    My last tweet was...Is it just me or do I still have to charge my #iPhone  2+ times a day after the iOS 5.0.1 update..? (obviously it isn't just me)
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    I've never really worried too much about the battery life of my phone... I purchased a Mophie Juice Pack for my 3G, and when i upgraded to the 4 i got one for it. Good case for the phone and when my battery starts running low, i flip the switch and the case charges my phone. They run between $75-$100... And yes i know not everyone can afford that, blah blah blah.... It's a solution, not a perfect one, but a good one.
  • baba
    baba Posts: 38
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    The only problem with that I need the phone contact, is there a way to just save myContact only??
  • remi
    remi Posts: 8
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    No commentsI've charged iphone 4 ios 4.2 to 100% and iphone 4s ios 5.0.1 to 100% and left overnight to see what is different. I left at 11pm and checked when woke up at 7:45am iphone4 battery 97%iphone 4s battery 51%. I think there no comentssettings where similar on the both iphones
  • Baloo
    Baloo Posts: 1
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    I Just Brought iPhone 4 White Auto -Update on iOS 5 My Battery kept draining fast. I charge full and using it around 4-8 hours around 50%. : ( Apple let us down.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    How could it be a hardware issue whenIt's happening on all the phones withiOS 5. I have an iPhone 4 with ios 5Jailbroke with a preserved basebandAnd at idle over night it drops about10 to 12% where on the previousiOS versions it didn't drop at all or maybe 1 to 2%.
  • Mandeep
    Mandeep Posts: 15
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    Even better NorGod, why don't you just leave your iPhone in a drawer, come back 24 hrs later and most of your battery will be preserved. I mean really how can you be so stupid, but then again I'm not surprised.
  • liam
    liam Posts: 13
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    norgod why dont you just put it on airplanemode and dont even use your SMARTphone
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    I updated to 5.0.1 and last night at 11 i turned my iphone to airplane mode and closed all apps. when i woke at 6, 20% of my battery was gone. :(
  • Ronnie
    Ronnie Posts: 15
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    Amazing...just got 4s and since Thursday it has been working fine...then all of a sudden...batter drain. Had to recharge 2 times one one day.
  • Daisy
    Daisy Posts: 0
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    Since the update, my battery dies even faster than before, even when I have closed my apps; dimmed the lighting; turned off wi-fi and Bluetooth, etc >:/
  • don't with to android
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    Do not i repeat do not switch the battery life on there devices suck so bad you be wishing you never thrashed on appletrust me i was a android user before i got my iPhone
  • banafes
    banafes Posts: 1
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    Norgod : why don't u get 2 cups and tie them with a string and your battery will last forever.
  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    Like all phones some have better battery life than others. I happen to have an Android phone and my battery life is great and actually lasts about 48 hours using the device constantly. I'm also sure that there are plenty of Android phones that DO have bad battery life. Just like apparently there are plenty of iPhone users that are ALSO complaining about battery life......
  • henryann1317
    henryann1317 Posts: 3
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    Apple should immediately address this heat issue on iphone4S... I bought it a week ago and I experience this inconvenient heating... Battery loses it's life when frequent heating occurs... Recall is a good option for apple before third party proves their defective IDevice.
  • Khawar
    Khawar Posts: 1
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    I have just updated to 5.1 and thus is the most ridiculous and annoying update. The only reason I updated the software cuz it said it contains BATTERY ISSUES. In about 20 minutes from 100% I am now standing at 80%Now they have to send us solar power charges cuz we need to keep that sh*t on charge all the time. SHAME ON U APPLE!