Apple Releases iTunes 10.5.1; Launches iTunes Match In The U.S.
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Apple Releases iTunes 10.5.1; Launches iTunes Match In The U.S.
Apple has just released iTunes 10.5.1.
Though it doesn't seem to be available via Software updates, when you click on the Free download link on the iTunes page, it takes you to the download page where iTunes 10.5.1 is available for download.
Based on iTunes 10.5.1 beta that was seeded to developers, it includes a number of performance and stability improvements for iTunes Match - one of the major features of iCloud.
cool why would I pay for that 25 $. All that music I already have. What's the point.
So u can live in the cloud
woooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!iv been waiting so long for this!now i can have unlimited songs that siri can play for me in seconds! wooooooooohoooo(i only have a 16gb and couldnt fit all my songs)
It is nice to have a high 256-Kbps AAC DRM-free quality — even if your original copy was of lower quality. I can hear the diference.
Finally it is here ;-)
@iphone hacks...i think i may have found a small bug in ios 5..tried it on my and friends iphone... go to settings-general-network- and then click cellular data on and off many times in a row...the menu then replicates multiple times so you get a long scroll down section saying the same thing...dunno how significant that it but hey :)
Both my iPad and iPhone are 16GB models and I have over 20GB of music. SO I would pay $25 to not have all my memory taken up with music and then not have enough ...... You ask us "why would you?" Good question...Not sure why your asking us.
Like it so far .. most of my "previously owned ripped music" wasn't decent quality with even some pops and what not in the audio.... everything is sound very rich, very nice, coming from the cloud now. of 8K songs it checked on this computer it needed to upload 2K of them. Mind you I have a lot of obscure techno/trance radio rips that I knew it wouldn't grab. But I am shocked at some of the stuff it did :) quite pleased.
I'm sorry did I say 20GB .. make that 52GB .. I didn't realize I had that much .. gee bus .. I have to slim this down a bit...
Can jb phones upload to iCloud? Can jb phones use iTunes match?
its not working for me. it says that my songs are on the cloud but i cant see them on my 4s. i turned on the setting. does it take awhile to load?
If your songs don't match it will upload them to the cloud that could take a while depending your Internet speed
iTunes Match is temporarily not accepting new subscribers.Check back later.Narf?
I thought u can stream music it just downloads onto your device once I play it? What's the point of having iTunes match if it's going to download into your phone ?
I'm trying to figure that one out too ... I guess you can delete as you go .. idk ... guess we will find out more when they actually produce some better how to forum.
Ok after some snooping around I found out how it works.The song starts streaming the second you click it. It "downloads" the full song to a cache on the phone. If you go offline IE airplane mode or whatever it will clear the cache. Sooooooo it technically is streaming as its not downloading every song to your iDevices library, just to a temp folder. Its explained as doing so to give better audio quality and the ability to skip ahead and go back without restreaming.
update: now available via Software Update.
Woooo................!!!! That`s Great Now Listening Music will be much easier then before now I don`t have to search for every song SIRI will do that for me..................!!!!
But it still downloads into your iPhone and uses you hard drive space from your phone
Wouldn't it be possible to just change the tags on a song then get it remachted
You are an idiot, obviously. Can you listen to all that 52 gb at once??!!! It is the music you already have payed for. Is storage that much worth? Now if i would be able to download any song from itunes library for 25 $ a year. That would be worth that money. This is just like mobileMe. Useless but cool new feature that hipsters have to have.
I'm an idiot? hmmmmmat 256 kbs sample rate, I would be lucky to fit collections from 4 or 5 artist on my 16 GB iPhone, which in reality is only 14Gb after the OS takes its chunk. With this cloud based service I can select any artist from any collection I have without worrying about storage. That makes me an idiot. Ok sure I see your logic.
It uses a temporary cache. Songs are not added to your phones permanent library. you can test this simply by turning on airport mode and trying to play one song. In airport it will play the last song you loaded up, but none of the others. if you switch to another, then back to the previous song, it too will not play. So while it is "downloading" , it is only using enough HD space to hold the immediate song your listening too.
Is this update safe for Jailbreakers ???
the update is only to iTunes .. not your phone or iPad. everything needed to sync up with match is already in your settings menu.
Yes, you are an idiot. And that's why apple is making billions for nothing.
You substantiate nothing with fact. You rant without providing data. Please provide your rationale for your statement.To further my rationale.$199 for an iphone 16gb$399 for an iphone 64gb$200 difference ... $200/($25 per year) = 8 years iTunes match serviceSo by buying the smaller capacity iPhone and subscribing to iTunes match I save money.Lets look at this further...first 2 years I spent $249 ($199+$50) for my optionYou spend $399 for your option.Then you and i Upgrade....Your now at $798 for four years and I am at $498 for four yearsSo essentially I am saving $75 a year ($150 over 2 years) keeping that money in my wallet not Apples.You actually are they type of person that Apple is making their money off of.