Analyst Claims Amazon Will Launch a Smartphone In 2012

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imageAnalyst Claims Amazon Will Launch a Smartphone In 2012

Amazon started shipping Kindle Fire - their $199 tablet earlier in the week, which many industry experts believe will give Apple's iPad a run for its money.

It looks like Kindle Fire may not be the only thing that Apple needs to be worried about. AllThingsD reports that according to Citigroup analyst Mark Mahaney, Amazon could launch its own smartphone in 2012.

Here's an excerpt from analyst Mark Mahaney’s recent research note:

Read the full story here


  • paris paraskevas
    paris paraskevas Posts: 5
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    worried not, will force other companies to match low end models since we are assuming they will go for the low end price market and not the high end, so its not going to compete with apple but all other android handset makers that ship low end models. amazon could easily ship a model that leaved no profit at all and can even sustain some damage to price it low enough considering that the profit will be made later on due to content purchasing!thats what they are trying to do with the kindle as i understand.
  • googolo
    googolo Posts: 16
    via Wordpress
    I would like to see that. And if they will have same pricing policy they will have huge success!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Meh, i rather see something like an tablet with FULL phone functionality. Get rid of twodevices and just have one. I have no idea y apple hasn't followed its own principals. Y have a seperate ipod, tablet, video player, phone, book, gps, computer & phone when u can have it all in one device..... samsung will prolly jump on that band wagon before everyone else.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Herd mentality, you betcha!
  • Leroy Brown
    Leroy Brown Posts: 5
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    I've took shits that look better than that phone