Hacker Creates a Proxy Server For Siri To Easily Add New Functionality; Demos Controlling a Wi-Fi Th

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Few days back, folks at Applidium had cracked Siri's security protocol and the format it uses to communicate with Apple's iPhone 4S.
Using that knowledge, hacker who goes by the Twitter handle plamoni has created a proxy server for Siri - Apple's revolutionary voice activated personal assistant feature called Siri Proxy. He says that the idea behind the proxy server is to make it easy for developers to add functionality to Siri.
This is a huge breakthrough, and let's hope the rest of ethe development process is interrupted by Apple.
This is a huge breakthrough, and let's hope the rest of the development processes are not interrupted by Apple.
this allows the use of Siri on an iphone 4 also?
WHat I am finding interesting is the fact that all these Siri hacks required the iPhone 4s to be jailbroken....Now we have a few different hackers that have been giving us Siri hack info.... which means we have a few iPhone 4s phones out there jailbroken. Are these guys all using something dev team is working on and is in beta? Or are these guys all showing up dev team and hacking the phones themselves.....What we need is to hear from Dev team .. seriously .. "we have 5 user land exploits ready for 5.0" How about releasing 1 of them........How about an update from dev team. Its been several weeks since we have heard anything from them.... I'm not jumping up and down ranting "untether now!!!" but I think after all the boasting they did about their exploits they at least can give us an update being that all these Siri hackers seem to be doing just fine ......
Wont work in the future because Apple will block it.
What I heard is that the Dev team has exploits to jailbreak the 4S, but they aren't legal, and so they can't release them to the public. However, they have used them to test siri back-end functionality, which is how they've also been able to port siri over to the iphone 4 and 3gs. However, the security token to access the server at Apple is from a 4S, so again, they can't release a method to make that work for the public because it is a private token of another device.
I don't know about everyone else but it seems that the Jailbreak Community, Apple and everyone else should start moving Siri's actions from the phone itself, alleviating servers all together. If this trend is started now, it can only be a positive one. First off is Speed. Instead of waiting for you phone to contact a server and bounce back to you only to read you appointments or your contacts is too many extra steps. Skip steps and speed it up. Next is reliability. We all know how Apples server shut down for Hours leavIng everyone with an iPhone 4 with a nice camera. Imagine if a hack came out where ALL iPhones could contact Siri?? Siri would crash and nobody could use it. Also, say your in a spot without Internet where you REALLY could use an assistant to help you, Siri is completely useless. Lastly(that is on the top of my head) is security. If EVERYTHING you ask gets in the hands of Apple or at least has to transfer to it, then to me it seems like a huge security risk. The more that is done on the phone itself the safer I feel. I know some of you feel this way. It can't be just me n
I'm the creator of this particular hack, and I can assure you, it doesn't require the iPhone to be jailbroken. My iPhone 4S is not jailbroken. The only action I needed to take on my iPhone was to install my fake Root CA. Which you can do without jailbreaking. Everything else is done outside of the phone, so it requires no jailbreaking or code to be placed on the phone itself.
interesting .. thank you for the information. I stand corrected at least on this then.I am curious, how do you go about getting access to install the fake root CA?Please forgive my ignorance on the subject...
I thought userland exploits were legal because they are merely exploiting a bug .. this is different from the siri hack to iPhone 4 which is actually pirating code from iPhone 4s which definitely is illegal.jailbreakme.com was a userland exploit if I recall.....I could be wrong....
Did you read everything? He said no! If you have a UDID valid you can install it on the 4... Meanwhile..... NO!!!!!
will the dev team please give us some idea when the untether is going to come out.iphone 4 on ios 5 needs to be unlocked. at least let people know. thank you. joe. uk.
Dev team sucks now. I need Geo Hotz to help.
Looks like hackers increased the power of Siri. Will see how this development will continue, but probably apple will patent hackers job and will say they they have copied their technology.But would love to control my cars air conditioner with voice! :)
geeezzzz! im tired of this Siri sh** being exclusive for the iPhone 4S. Why don't create somethingfor jb users instead of trying to hack Siri. lets call it VIKI. lol! just saying.
Very cool...! i cant wait for it to be completly finished so all of us without a 4s can enjoy siri too!
check out some of my works from last nightSiri controls my iTunes on my iMac :) http://www.jailbreakmatrix.com/howto/how-to-install-siriproxyMy Siri plugin under development, allows me to pick and chose music from my iMac's iTunes library using Siri on my iPhone