Apple Had No Choice But to Release Siri in Beta

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imageApple Had No Choice But to Release Siri in Beta

Siri - Apple's revolutionary intelligent personal assistant feature has received rave reviews, but at the same time has received quite a bit of criticism for the downtimes and it's inability to respond to everything that you throw at it.

Apple has acknowledged some of the shortcomings, but has highlighted that the feature is currently in beta.

If you have closely followed Apple then you probably might be wondering why did Apple launch Siri in beta.

Read the full story here


  • zak
    zak Posts: 22
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    Siri is cool but I don't like the way it sends everything to apple to process as when I need it most (driving) I tend to get sorry no network message would be much better all local
  • Sneak
    Sneak Posts: 14
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    Siri is a gimmick. Half the time it doesn't pick up the correct words. It only works well with no background noise. If someone else is talking in the background it picks up what their saying too. There's no AI. It's no Johnny 5.
  • Steph Day
    Steph Day Posts: 1
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    I personally love you Siri I check it every day for the weather before I take my dogs outside, I'm always asking where shops are around me like where is the nearest Kohls or where is the nearest Burlington Coat Factory to find restaurants near me or ask random questions and if you hold the mic where it's supposed to and you speak clearly yes it can still pick up background noise but for the most part she's better than most all other voice recognition software she is a "artificial intelligence"and I'm spoiled on her and I can't wait till the next I device where she's no longer a beta and APIs will be tied in with her then she will be unstoppable I <3 Siri P.S.I did this all via Siri on my keyboard on my iPhone 4S
  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    They also limited and controlled their data input by only putting Siri on the 4s. When they finish I am sure they will release it on all compatible iPhones, likely 3gs through 4s. Very, very clever Apple.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Wow, ilove? Maybe you've already found your yet to be released iwife that robin Williams spoke of?!Anyway... Siri is fantastic, even here in the uk, where some features are missing, it's fantastic at organising my appointments and sending emails/messages. It's still never got a message wrong for me!
  • Cliff
    Cliff Posts: 8
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    i think siri is good but very limited should be able to do customization & open apps
  • Paul C
    Paul C Posts: 1
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    I use Siri on and off, as I keep forgetting Siri is there. Siri is a cool feature that doesn't work all the time but when it works, it's neat. My only gripe is that even though I asked Siri to iMessage (free to my iPad) my wife, it sent a text to her cell phone. Annoying. Luckly I was testing it and thought this might happen. Now I know not to rely on Siri for iMessaging.
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    Siri sucks. Period. Old technolgy, already been done format, disapointed with it.
  • Joey mac
    Joey mac Posts: 15
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    Siri is hard to use while driving with your phone connected to the vehicles Bluetooth, always says having trouble connecting to network, maybe because AT&T is horrible, but I pay them $136 every month.. Need to be able to open apps and turn on/off settings
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    How would you know if you can't even afford an iPhone 4S, or even get a girlfriend?
  • Jairo
    Jairo Posts: 3
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    SIRI is a great feature. I feel like it should be capable of speaking other languages. All Apple needs is to translate all their data into other languages. They have the money to create such a feature then why not invest in making it more international.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    So when does it get out of beta?
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    yeah but a mobile device would not have enough power to run Siri's AI.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Siri is obviously going to be in other languages eventually, I believe they even mentioned it in the keynote. Right now it's in beta just give it some time.
  • Weezy
    Weezy Posts: 1
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    Not sure why everyone always rely on something to be PERFECT, but I guess that's how we get better! It's the nature of the business and people's jobs to criticize every little thing. Siri works good for what it's intended to do. If you told it to take a sh*t or kiss your probably won't do that. I'm sure lots of people are trying things out of the norm and having the excuse to complain or debate on EVERYTHING!
  • Hattie
    Hattie Posts: 1
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    As an Apple lover of 20 years, I'm delighted my that my technophobe husband loves Siri, but the high-pitched peeping noise that voice recognition makes when he's dictating emails is driving me mad. Have been to the genius bar. Nothing can be done to remove it. He now has to work on a different floor from me but I'd need to live next door not to hear it.
  • Paulantone
    Paulantone Posts: 5
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    @Hattie, it's called Jailbreaking, look into it, it just might make your life a lot better (or void your warranty) :D
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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  • Timmy P
    Timmy P Posts: 1
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    I use Siri everyday. Yea sometimes it fails to connect to apple but it's ability to pick up my voice and let me talk in a crowded area is amazing. Like it knows my voice. I say the most random things ( mostly for laughs and showing off) and it knows what's up. "It just works". If you can't use Siri you need to learn pronunciation. Im sure I couldn't understand you either. PS I composed this message with Siri. Lol
  • Daz
    Daz Posts: 6
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    Siri is a great tool for the 4S. She makes a perfect wife. One that basically does everything you ask, and doesn't complain, and best of all, will never ask for money to go shopping at Wal-Mart. LOL! And she will never complain about it being that time of the month and Men won't have to be afraid to go home at that time of the month. LOL.
  • DrDamo
    DrDamo Posts: 1
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    Siri is ok but doesn't cope well with background noise. Vlingo on my old Android phone was better.
  • J.
    J. Posts: 4
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    My Siri is 5 days old. It is the number ONE feature on my upgrade to the smart phone.Either Siri is learning my voice (which I just read is not necessary) or I am learning to speak clearly to Siri. (?) I am using it for notes, e-mail, searches, text messages. I am prompting friends to put their message in my notes (for titles of good books to read.) I do get a few laughs when I say a name or a sentence and it is translated by Siri. It is the USER - because the 2nd attempt is usually very accurate, even up to 2 sentences. Then I once said, "thank you" to Siri and Siri said, "I aim to please." LOL
  • J.
    J. Posts: 4
    via Wordpress problem with softer background noise of TV at home or radio in car.