NTSB Calls for Blanket Ban of Smartphone Use By States

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imageNTSB Calls for Blanket Ban of Smartphone Use By States

The NTSB has asked states to institute a blanket ban of smartphones, PDAs, and other personal electronic devices to increase safety on the road. The issue isn't so cut and dry, however.

Read the full story here


  • eddie-a
    eddie-a Posts: 62
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    There's always some dumb kid out there that's going to spoil it for the bunch.. this sounds like prohibition on cell phones.. it's stupid, people are going to do this no matter what. It's already illegal in California, but now they just want to ban the use of a phone inside a car, are you serious? sounds like a money making scheme
  • GMan
    GMan Posts: 18
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    They are using safety laws to make money off stupid people who thinks safty is the real motive. But all I see it a way to milk the public for more money, while blanketing it with safty.
  • A.S.
    A.S. Posts: 1
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    There is absolutely no difference between holding a conversation with a passenger and holding a conversation on a cell phone, handsfree or not.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    I agree! Someone spoils it for everyone. Just like the TSA checkpoints at the airports! I think with a Drivers License comes a responsibility. Too bad they dont screen for stupidity at the DMV's...
  • WarezChewy
    WarezChewy Posts: 6
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    So if I plug my iPod into my car to listen to music I can get a ticket now?? Sounds like a money making scam to me!
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    In Australia you can only have a phone in the car if it's in a purpose made holder or out of reach.And it's illegal to use any device that needs you to look at it and touch it.If it takes more they 3-4 secs of you time you can't have it.And it is very enforceable they have cops on the street using walkie talkies to cops in cars the are waiting up ahead
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Control. Wake up people b4 it's to late. This is stupid n greedy
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Here's ur cig n McD's have a good day. Trust me I care
  • Li
    Li Posts: 5
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    When they say texting while drive would decrease accidents... But after a few years the result is different... Nothing change even with the ban of texting while drive...(it was a few years ago tho, I don't know the result now)
  • stu
    stu Posts: 48
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    someone wants $$ thats all, who is gonna collect $$ for this?
  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    Really, this is just dumb. Many people use them for driving purposes. I use my phone to get driving directions. Although I do so with the voice activated Sync feature in my car, so I don't see how it matters what kind of phone that I use.My car will read my text messages to me, if it is something urgent, I can always call the person back, again with voice control.In addition, I have an apps on my phone that alert me when I am speeding, when there are upcoming traffic issues and how to get around them, etc., these apps help to avoid tickets (which is the problem that law enforcement agencies have with them), but it also helps to avoid accidents by removing me from places where accidents are more likely to occur (i.e. in heavy traffic).If there is a blanket ban on smartphones, then there could be an increase in accidents from these kinds of apps not being used. Although my guess is that the numbers would remain the same.
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Well then hslf of america would not be allowed to drive lol.
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
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    Trust me its a money thing a friend of mine got a ticket for using his phone with an app that tells him were speed traps and and speed cameras are lol the irony.
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    Actually, holding a conversation with a passenger is worse because many people, including myself, look at their passenger while conversing but I am watching the road while using my Bluetooth to talk on my phone.
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    Yes, it's about money. I am a truck driver and texting was outlawed by the FHWSA in big rigs and the fine is $2700.00. Obscene. They don't have to prove we are texting. They only have to "suspect". I could be skipping to the next song and they'll say I'm texting. Don't just complain here, call your representative. They do listen.
  • JDogg
    JDogg Posts: 17
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    If this is the case... why the hell do they keep putting Stereo/CD players in cars. It takes the same amount of time to find a station you want to listen to while looking at the stereo as it does to change songs on your iPod. Next thing they'll have a ban on ALL media playing devices being used in a car.
  • GMan
    GMan Posts: 18
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    Louis is right about the "suspect" part, I have experienced first hand, I got a ticket for drinking a soda and the cop said i was texting on the Cell phone...Long story short the judged found me guilty...with absolutely no evidence that i texting...I even brought my cell phone bill and the bias judge didn't even want to look at it he just took the cops word for it. I ended up paying for something I didn't do....:( So what i learned is don't hold anything while driving because the stupid cops could mistake it as a cell phone and give you a ticket. I'm still upset thinking about it..
  • thatmffm
    thatmffm Posts: 5
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    You're lucky he didn't mistake it for a weapon & pop you bro.
  • necter beau
    necter beau Posts: 4
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    I agree. In fact, go online, type "your" states rep— Virginia's rep for eg. Then lok up the office number or email. Or whatever, fax, and tell them intelligently what you want done or changed. I agree with you. Others we have to call our reps. They are our reps. Their job is exactly to rep us. Calling them to lay out what we need done effectively is part of their job description. Getting it done is part of their job description.
  • necter beau
    necter beau Posts: 4
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    I guess one can't touch the car's builtin radio as well. It's all money scamming. If they cared abt lives, they won't permit the killing of millions in these unpopular wars. It's a pity we have a society that chews on its own ears when hungry. We are on a path to self-destruction. Sadly.
  • necter beau
    necter beau Posts: 4
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    Sometimes I feel nauseated by d irrationality of these cops and their statute enforcements. Money-making scam punks. And the money they r even trying to steal from the public is fiat empty inflation-deflation prone piece of trash they force ppl to use for commerce and economics. How does that make sense. Things r more and more not making sense. I wonder the end result....
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    I think one needs to have common sense to not use these while driving/riding.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Ctrev08 included.....
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Before they start enforcing this they would have to make options available in some cars available in all cars. I can operate all my stereo functions from my steering wheel without looking at the stereo system. I can also use the steering wheel to advance tracks on my hard drive loaded with MP3s or advance tracks on my iPhone. If I want something more specific I can hit a voice button and specifically ask for the song title, artist, genre, etc... Its a great system, and really really needs to be implemented in more vehicles available at the average consumer level. Ford is making it in many of their mid range vehicles, but this technology needs implemented nationwide. .... also reads and sends text messages when synced with some phones .. not all phones supported on that feature yet.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Sad thing is targeting just smart phones. Kids have been texting like mad, long before smartphones. All this will do is have all the teeny boppers begging Mommy and Daddy to go buy them a regular phone just for their texting. I'm not saying I support the ban, just saying if their target is texting, then they truly are off base targeting just smartphones.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Hell on an afterthought, long before wide use of smartphones, I've come close to being run down by teen girls in the mall texting while walking and not watching where they are going. Don't stop the ban with just driving, make it illegal to text and walk too :P
  • Timesup
    Timesup Posts: 2
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    They have in New York City
  • Timesup
    Timesup Posts: 2
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    We are more and more turning into a police state...