Mod Brings Glowing Apple Logo to iPhone 4S And iPhone 4



  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
    via Wordpress
    I am going to start selling the mod kits online soon as I get my website up and running. But I do install and sell kits right now. If anyone is intersted email me for more information.!
  • Happyhackernewtonuk
    Hi I have this mod, it's really easy to do and very good,I have had no issues withit at all, I did however buy a much better one than the crap k.o. Sells. No battery drain and just a little warmth if on for ages, if u notice that your apple glows at random times it's telling you that an app in the background is accessing data from the network, simple to solve... Close all apps in the background.
    Try the mod first before knocking this really neat mod, but do get the better quality one, no names busearch and ye shall find, don't be an idiot like most on here and write reviews on things they have not tested nor fully understood the mod, this is for the advanced modder not the average iPhone user, stay away if you don't know how to do this...