Dev Team Updates Redsn0w; Adds Native Support For iOS 5.0.1, Fixes iBooks Issue And Lots More [Updat

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imageDev Team Updates Redsn0w; Adds Native Support For iOS 5.0.1, Fixes iBooks Issue And Lots More [Updated]

As promised, iPhone Dev team has released a new version of Redsn0w - a popular jailbreaking tool, which brings native support for iOS 5.0.1, fixes the iBooks issue in iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1 and lots more.

Redsn0w 0.9.9b9b will also allow users to downgrade using iOS 5.x. SHS blobs.

Dev team have provided the following details on their blog:

Read the full story here



  • KevinB
    KevinB Posts: 1
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    hey! To all the testers and known hackers. I have a lot of iphones. My family are apple fanatics! but anyways. i would like to contribute to the community to future its progress. This is the second post with acknowledgement to the lack of supply (iphone) for hackers. Maybe i can help. Please email me or reply to this message if i can help. I encourage everyone reading this to contribute too. If this is a true "iphonehack" community we should all do our parts. Thank you again for all your hard work!!!!Kevin B
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I don't understand; I thought the untethered jailbreak was imminent so why release an updated version of the tethered jailbreak. Makes no sense.
  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    There are many things in life that makes no sense... we just have to learn to live with it.Make no mistake - there is someone out there that finds this update very useful.Learn to live with others decisions ;-)
  • Guerrero
    Guerrero Posts: 0
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    The dev team seems desperate to do everything BUT what everyone truly wants to hold out for more donations the longer the better eh?What happened to george hotz? He got things done
  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    Well, one could imagine that things are a bit slow because of guys like Geohot no longer support the jailbreak community. But don't be fooled, Geohot will eventually emerge from nowhere again with some goodies. He’s a true genius in hacking and I refuse to believe he’s gone forever just because of an interim Job from Apple. No way bro! ;-)
  • Neil
    Neil Posts: 46
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    I simply don't understand why we always have readers wanting to jump straight in to undermine the work that Dev team etc do for free to keep the jailbreaking momentum going. How would you feel if you spent all your free time before Christmas working on updating tools but got rewarded by such negative remarks? As a minimum we all owe it to thank the few remaining hackers rather than piss them off. if these hackers were to leave the scene then the community would be left at the mercy of apple.
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    This is a copy and paste from the article above that you didn't bother to read before you wrote your comment. (And even though we always recommend that jailbreakers stay where they are until a new untethered JB comes out, that’s not always possible. So we’ve updated redsn0w for those who may have found themselves at iOS 5.0.1, and added some other useful features too:)
  • Chocogow
    Chocogow Posts: 11
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    I dont understand if people like the dev team why are they all ways calling them fakers we are a hack community we should support them dont you remember iOS 4 they took a little its true but once they got a hang of ios 4 this site whas posting like crazy ios4 unthethered jailbrakes and look ios 5 has not that much exploits you are lucky that pod2g found one f*ck all the haters
  • beep
    beep Posts: 2
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    hey guyz...does someone know when is the jailbreak for iphone 4s coming out?
  • Errol
    Errol Posts: 6
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    How about the unlock for iphone 4 baseband 4.11.08?
  • lostark
    lostark Posts: 3
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    Some people must feel they are entitled to the work that others do regardless of the fact that it's donated time and effort. I'd be curious to know what those who are bellyaching have contributed anywhere lately (or ever.) STFU unless you've put your money or your time where your mouth is.
  • The Force
    The Force Posts: 16
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  • The Force
    The Force Posts: 16
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    ...because they are ignorant noobs. They think all you have to do to jailbreak is press a button not realizing that someone has to write the code for the button and what it does before it can be pushed.
  • The Force
    The Force Posts: 16
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    When idiots like you stop asking stupid questions... "mommy, are we there yet?"
  • LoganExplosion
    LoganExplosion Posts: 45
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    You didn't really answer his question or make any type of point there.. I'm gonna go around and tell commenters to read articles. It's fun Kinda like the help desk guy that tells people to use the help file...i have the same question, why?? Didn't they post videos two weeks ago of the uTJB working on 4 and 3GS??
  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    not yet available... try and get it for once please!
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    The  SemiTether hack hyperlink leads to an article about Siri being exclusive to 4S somehow...
  • Ricu
    Ricu Posts: 1
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    I just wish I had an iPhone, but unfortunately I don't.. I will give you the money required to send me one haha :)
  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    Dev team does not accept donations so best to keep quiet or you risk showing your ignorance!
  • Roger
    Roger Posts: 65
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    I thought they came out with a jailbreake for 04.11.08
  • Daniel Roldan
    Daniel Roldan Posts: 1
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    Hey guys does anyone know the easiest way to unlock an iPhone 3GS with iPad baseband in ups 5.0.1 ? Now that there's an update on this Redsnow . I read it said something about it on ultrasnow for ios 5.0.1 in this article but nothing has yet to show up on cydia :/ ? Help?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Looks like Dev Team has forgotten the old and is on with in the new!
  • Roger
    Roger Posts: 65
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    I have been waiting a long time for baseband 04.11.08 unlock i can wait as long as it takes, thank you Dev team for your hard work.
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    the link to download the tool for windows is broken, the file is not there
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Dev team has released an updated version of Redsn0w to fix some issues.We've updated the download links with the latest version. Check it out. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
  • Dremoney
    Dremoney Posts: 2
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    when i try to open itunes after booting my phone it doesn't open properly without me restarting my computer...any tips on how to fix that
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    I have a question and sorry if it is a stupid question this is my very first time jailbreaking an apple device, i have windows 7 and when i go to properties on the exe and go to compability i find that there is no Windows XP only Windows XP Service pack 2 and 3.....will that work with the whole jailbreaking process ? Please reply this is urgent !Michael.
  • Roger
    Roger Posts: 65
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    Please if anyone sees this and knows about a jailbreak for 04.11.08 PLEASE email me i would be more then happy to pay for it.
  • Roger
    Roger Posts: 65
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    forgot to give my email address for jailbreak 04.11.08 dont gorget i would be glad to pay for it.