Siri Can Also Play The Piano [Video]
Posts: 4,429
We've seen hackers add some cool functionality to Siri using Siri Proxy (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
It looks like folks at Yamaha were inspired by it and they have figured out a way to play the piano using Siri.
Yamaha hasn't used a Siri Proxy like other hacks. They have given Jim Dalrymple of The Loop the following information of how it works:
Quite impressive after all.
Hmm I call bs. It pauses before he actually tells Siri to do so
I can play whatever I want without the piano.
Yeah, but you probably have to use a calculator to give correct change.
Its hard enough making money in the music biz without competition from phones. Could you imagine trying to set up a gig only to find that you just got replaced by and iphone 4s, it'll be even more difficult when they get a proper hack working for other iphones. Add in T-Pains auto tune app and there's not stopping it, you've got a one "phone" band". I can see it now itunes selling mp3's by Seri, that's 100% of the profit going to apple. Talk about cutting out the middle "man" lol
I think it's pausing when he activates voice control...I assume it would continue playing if he just didn't say anythingit's not that hard to believe
Ok, Siri isn't actually playing the piano, it is controlling it. There is a key difference here, someone still needs to make that original MIDI file by some means. This could be by playing it into a digital piano or using software on a computer, but it still has to be created.
exactly. It is just really selecting a song, so it is doing nothing new at all. This is just media BS.
Siri is NOT playing the song, it's just initiating the play of a MIDI file (much as it can any file in your music library). Extremely deceptive narration in the video.
To all above....... WHY SO SERIOUS!?!??
Siri can do anything and everything except.... those three golden words.
FAKE! Clearly they used an invisible man!
My father has a piano like this... The Iphone is only sending a PLAY/STOP/PLAYTRACK command... nothing more... Its NOT sending (Song) information at all... The Song/file is already on the piano and the keys will move without the iPhone... Voice activated ITunes... that is it...
what an amazing program. it'll be giving head next :) :) :)
You must be an idiot, because you obviously don't understand what a band is. The technology of music playing without the requirement of people has already been out for some time now. However, now, it can be done with a phone and a voice command. Basically what we have already had but in a cool way. So, back to you being an idiot. A band is, basically, PEOPLE (not bots) who have (or should have) the talent to play musical instruments on a live stage. Again, this stuff has been out for a long while now, but its pretty amazing to see Siri (not "Seri") do this.