Apple's iPad 2 Vs. Amazon's Kindle Fire

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple's iPad 2 Vs. Amazon's Kindle Fire

We have seen a number of reviews online that have compared Apple's iPad 2 with Amazon's Kindle Fire.

But we haven't come across anything as practical as the review by Marco Arment - developer of popular iOS app Instapaper (App Store link). Marco has a great chart detailing the features of each device along with his thoughts (some of which are quite funny).

Read the full story here



  • Max
    Max Posts: 62
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  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    The guy has a sense of humor. Like the review. I tried one at best buy for five minutes... That was enough for me. Compared to an iPad it's worthless. Compared to readers in similar class as the fire, it's not to shabby. I'd buy one for my mom, but def not for us tech heads.
  • Risko
    Risko Posts: 9
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    I am a happy owner of an iPad 1, but seriously, this is the most Apple fanboy-ish comparsion ever...
  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    I agree... I also bought one for my mom and dad so they can play angry birds. The two devices are comparable with features but are definitely not in the same league. If some gave me this, I'd call it a wannabe iPad.
  • Mavtech
    Mavtech Posts: 1
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    I LOVE my iPad and iPhone. But, I agree with Risko. This review spews fanboy love and is not even hinting at a bit of objectivity. Also, why compare the Fire and iPad? They are 2 different classes of tablet.
  • Namer
    Namer Posts: 21
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    It's just someones opinion. What do you expect from competors gadget wich price is 100$ more than iPads half price !
  • Namer
    Namer Posts: 21
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  • jae
    jae Posts: 35
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    This is the stupidest review. try comparing like for like. Why compare 1st gen to a 2nd gen.
  • Smarter than the reviewer
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    Why must you apple fanboys always put the fire and the iPad together? They are completely different and marketed for different people. I will not spend $500 for a large iPhone. I will spend $200 for an acceptable tablet.
  • jae
    jae Posts: 35
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    And before all the updates that makes iPad 2 a very good tablet.
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Now to compare a rolls Royce to a ford mondeo.....pointless review
  • Danny Kennedy
    Danny Kennedy Posts: 43
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    Yes! I will not spend $500 for a large iPhone. I will spend $200 for an acceptable tablet and getting more Free Apps on Amazon I love its and all ready used in family 4s
  • Vihao
    Vihao Posts: 1
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    Don't throw it away I haven't got anything I need it.
  • Maxtor182
    Maxtor182 Posts: 46
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    They really can't be compared. The iPad is a top of the line tablet and the kindle fire is a modern day palm pilot. Junk. My girlfriend just opened hers this morning. Played with it for half hour, put it back in the box, and I'll be returning it tomorrow. With my iPad 2 and kindle fire side by side, I had to use the ipad just to search how to use it because the kindle was so slow. I guess it's a good deal for $200 as long as you have no expectations. If you primarily want to use it for books, save yourself $100 and just get the regular E-ink kindle
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    I use my iPad for ALL my school books and taking notes in classes. That's something I would not want to do on my iPhone. As a nursing student I find the iPad also very useful for patient teaching and reviewing medical procedures prior to surgery. Again, something I would not want to try with an iPhone and an 80 year old patient. Tablets have their use... And iPads by far lead in the medical field.
  • ssshhhh
    ssshhhh Posts: 4
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    and i don't get it. why the hell this article is even here
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Compare lemons to lemons
  • Miniin
    Miniin Posts: 1
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    The rewvies makes a good sense since people expect an cheaper version of IPad. I recommend getting Kindle Touch or Nook touch for reading books and IPad 2 for the rest. Kindle Fire is not good for either for my use.
  • iOS 5
    iOS 5 Posts: 10
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    This is by far the most useless comparison I have read. I think only hardcore apple fanboys will agree to this completely. I have iPad 2 but I bought kindle fire for my gf because she hates the size of the iPad. So far she loves it and uses it everyday. Yes, you can't compare the two but the kindle fire serves the purpose for which its marketed for. She reads her books and magazine fine and plays around on google a lot. She loves the size and everything else it offers. Responsiveness is good for youtube, books and magazine as well as googling. I don't know what more users want. Some people will never be satisfied with anything you give them. If you are as techie as I am, I know you will choose the iPad over kindle fire but that does not mean its no good in its kind. Get real people.
  • Bemused
    Bemused Posts: 3
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    Why not compare the 2? Amazon are fighting for a share of the tablet market. Apple are the market leaders. It's a bit fanboyish, but it's a fair comparison. The 2 are now on the same playing field.
  • Igor
    Igor Posts: 9
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    At you can get both of this products free of charge, check it out yourself ;)
  • QueenRen
    QueenRen Posts: 1
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    This article reeks of fanboyism. The Kindle is an e-reader, first and foremost. It's not a fair comparison.
  • bunna
    bunna Posts: 2
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    I bought kindle fire to use something iPad 2 doesn't allow. Flash video on web pages, customizable fonts and keyboards, Best HD video playback with MX Video player - I can adjust volume, brightness, on the fly. Play videos/music from Network attached storage very convienent , plenty of system file explorers, you dont need to wait for rooting/jail breaking for months and may only tethered one. It is like different world of iPad. You can't compare tourist VAN to an SUV even they the same street but there are different purposes of use.
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    First it was meant to be humorous even if it does ring true in my opinion. Marco did not put this here and did not position this as review for the masses.It also seems fair to compare the two since searching Amazon for iPad will give you their own comparison of the Fire vs the iPad and it is dumb in it's own right. The 130,000+ apps for iPad are equal to the limited number of apps the Fire has in their opinion. Then the statements about their browser speeds when all test done by reviewers has proven their claims are false.
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    I find slurs "large iPhone" come from die hard pc consumers who have not used an iPad for any length of time. If you have actual hands on experience with an iPad or Fire, it's a clear choice. Apple has far advanced in tablet technology but not the first. Amazon just started and has many more revisions to correct. This is where the price point comes in. The further and advanced the technology the more expensive, the least, the less expensive. I find it funny you guys fall for a rhetorical review if you think about. Shop accordingly and you will be happy. Get a fire for the basics and when you can afford the bells and whistles get an iPad.
  • Nismo
    Nismo Posts: 0
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    Finally, there's a comment that actually puts the review into context. I wished iPhone hacks had given some of this info, so we wouldn't get all these il-informed numb nuts whining about not being a fair comparison. By the way, I wouldnt be too concerned with getting flash supported tablet/phone. A little birdy told me even the makers of flash are dumping this platform.
  • Normo
    Normo Posts: 1
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    ... and for the next comparison: Super Nintendo vs PS3
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    Useless review! The kindle fire is an e-reader that has additional capabilities, it should not be compared to the iPad which markets itself as a tablet. I have both and each serves it's purpose but cannot be compared.
  • NearlyHumorlessNick
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    Hey Nick - it is a humorous comparison by someone who is a apple fan so relax - you'll live longer.
  • Annoyed Person
    Annoyed Person Posts: 1
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    Would someone just say which is better over-all. if you took away the fact they both have different uses, which would be the best buy?Quit whining about the fact that they were compared, they were. So What? Get over it