7-Inch iPad Not Coming Next Year, Cheaper iPad 2 Instead of iPad Mini?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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image7-Inch iPad Not Coming Next Year, Cheaper iPad 2 Instead of iPad Mini?

Despite a strong demand for 7" tablets, an analyst reports that Apple will not be adding one to its product line next year. Instead, however, we may see the iPad 2 at a lower price.

According to Blair, contrary to rumors Apple will not be releasing a 7" iPad, unofficially dubbed "iPad mini." He cited various reasons, but the words of Steve Jobs were among the most prominent, and AllThingsD pulled out the particular quote.

Read the full story here


  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    $299 would make a bigger impact and would be the price I would buy. I believe the Kindle Fire 2 will be around $250 and will be absolutely amazing (camera/physical volume controls, etc.), so Apple needs to hit that $300 price to get those buyers.
  • Paradox - PLEA TO ADMINS
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    I can't deny a quote from Jobs, but really? doesn't express the software? I guess they aren't selling any apps for the smaller iPhone/ipod screen. If .. and thats a big IF ... these iPads currently are pricey to build, and thats why they cost so much, they won't drop the price a whole lot, if it means significantly dropping the profit margin or taking a loss. a 7" would make a lot more sense, as both the Screen and battery would be cheaper. Many consumers opting non apple tablets aren't looking at price but size. The women want something that will fit bettering their purses. while the 10" is nice, this is one time bigger isn't better for the women.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Duh ... ignore the plea to admins .. that was accidentally left up from a previous post begging for a post to be locked after it became vulgar, racist, and so way off topic.
  • conspiracy theorist
    via Wordpress
    people never are satisfied...they want the iphone bigger and the ipad smaller...iphone size. great..ipad size...great... all you want is something more affordable...
  • Steve iJobs
    Steve iJobs Posts: 0
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    Bullshit and then bullshit...bullshit rumors and you guys keeps discuss these...stupids
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    How about ipad 2 with 8gb for $250-300? I only need the ipad for web browsing and games. Theres always icloud if you need music storage.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    I feel Apple will not do that, remember they don't want to cannibalize the iPod.
  • duckwithnukes
    duckwithnukes Posts: 1
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    "It's no secret that Apple's been testing 7" tablets"And it's no secret that the iPhone 5 will be released in October 2011. Did they confirm it? No. So don't state it as a fact. You're better than that.Face it; this analyst is full of ****. He's repeating what the other analysts are making up. Apple will never allow fragmentation like this. It was hard enough to get iOS developers to support the iPad. Putting out a 7-inch tablet in the sweet spot where it's not truly portable but it's too small for a real 'tablet' experience won't get anywhere.
  • bobbyT
    bobbyT Posts: 1
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  • crystalized17
    crystalized17 Posts: 3
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    I like Apple's 10inch screen. If I wanted a 7inch screen I would buy a kindle. I think its a fantastic idea to offer the ipad2 at a lower price once ipad3 comes out. That would allow us poorer folks to have a 10inch screen.
  • piccolo24
    piccolo24 Posts: 1
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    Very little of this makes much sense. Apple isn't going to take a loss on iPad 2's and they're not going to continue production of them after releasing the iPad3. Consumers looking for a tablet with a 7 inch form factor don't want to buy a 10 inch tablet. And no, a Kindle isn't going to cut it. Consumers want a serious device, not a Kindle. Jobs was wrong. There is a huge market for the 7 inch tablet. Consumers are hungry for these things. Apple will release the iPad 3 before June 2012 and they will follow with a 7 inch iPad before Q1 2013. It will be interesting to see how consumers respond to an Apple product in that form factor considering how similar Android tablets allow users to dramatically expand memory simply by plugging a USB drive or a micro-sd card into it.