Untethered iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak For iPhone 4/3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 4G/3G Released [Updatex6]



  • Kpon
    Kpon Posts: 1
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    Same here. I4 and Ipad 1 but giving config errors
  • Expert
    Expert Posts: 10
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    After 24 of using i notice these problems, maybe someone know how to solve it:1. iBooks - after installing it works, but after download iOS 5 manual app crash forever showing same error "reinstall or smth" but it wont help. Fixed only when downloaded ibook fix for ios5 from cydia, but it's not only fix, but with app, so i uninstall original from iStore and using that from cydia without problem.2. Find my iPhone wont work. Everything is enabled and working when we are talking about iCloud, connected, new me.com email is created too, also i try to do me.com/move and i can see my iPhone in iCloud.com "find my iphone" devices list, but it says it's offline, unavailable and wont work, iPhone not receive any sound or messages from there too. Previous with iOS 4.3.1 everything works fine even in iCloud when i login as i remember and with mobile me of course... BTW: location service on iphone works fine, tried to catch signal in outdoor too, everything is fine with it... Phone is always on WiFi and 3G too :>3. Before updating to iOS5 i make bakcup, but... i cant to restore backup via iTUNES ;) it's not so bad, i will have clean iOS5 and rebuilt my programs and files again, but strange... why this problem exist because Apple is guaranteed everything must be fine with it. BTW: now iP4 is faster, smoother, smarter and i love it... ;)
  • JTrip814
    JTrip814 Posts: 2
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    that still didn't work for me.. :(
  • nanna
    nanna Posts: 1
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    Use Chrome and then try to download it
  • Zig
    Zig Posts: 21
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    Awesome. Thanks Pod2g and all others involved.iPhone is pretty much useless to me without Lockinfo.Amazing that Apple can take a smartphone, remove basic PDA functionality that was available on Palm Pilots 15 years ago, sell it to unsuspecting punters for an exhorbitant price, and then expect said punters to pay for apps that should have been baked into the OS.The they have the balls to refuse to allow such basic productivity functionality as Lockinfo on their phone, so we have to waste ridiculous amounts of time jailbreaking.I will never buy another product from this evil company.
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    I'm curious about that. We want to hear from the Dev on this. Either post or tweet
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Should 4s and iPad 2 upgrade to iOS 5.0.1 or stay at 5.0? We need to hear from Dev ASAP either make post or something
  • Rohan Rijal
    Rohan Rijal Posts: 1
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    Is any one getting banner problem for phone call notification.....Coz my banner call is not working.....When there is a call the "alert style" remains in alert inspite of changing to banner......And there is ibook problem also......
  • rkazli
    rkazli Posts: 1
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    nice and thanks. 1 question. i have done a tethered jailbreak on my Ip4 earlier and the JB file installed perfectly but back then was unable to reboot as it was giving exploit error. Anyhow my ip4 can reboot normally but with white cydia icon. Now my question is do the untethered JB. Do i just need to to deselect cydia and let it run or do i need to do full restore 1st and do a clean JB again. ? pls help as i do not want my ip4 to be a paper weight :)
  • Frosti7
    Frosti7 Posts: 36
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    u can upgrade to 5.0.1 and untether it already,so what do u want to wait for?
  • Frosti7
    Frosti7 Posts: 36
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    corona: untether an already tethered iosclean: untethered a non-jailbraked ios
  • Dawg
    Dawg Posts: 3
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    Frosti7: He has a 4S you silly goose!But given that the new untethered jb is on 5.0.1 then he should prolly update to that. Or the window may close and he will have to go to 5.0.2 loosing all hope hahahah!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Will do as soon as I see a 4s version.
  • Bean
    Bean Posts: 2
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    Couldn't update with a custom ipsw so I wiped the whole phone, updated to 5.0.1 through iTunes then jb with redsnow. Anyone having issues with MyWi 5.0 installs afterwards? Progress wheel just stops after a respring, and after I turn off hotspot, the phone can't connect to the net afterwards. It'll need a hard reset and/or reset network settings. Thanks for the jailbreak! I can finally use iMessage lol
  • unbekannt
    unbekannt Posts: 1
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    Same iBooks problem for me.iPhone4, 5.0.1, clean JB with redsn0w 0.9.10b1, then twice re-jailbroken with redsn0w 0.9.10b2 (cause of mobile substrate errors running in safe mode). Now everthing runs fine, except iBooks - shouldn't that have been fixed in redsn0w 0.9.9b9?
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Hi,I have an iphone 3gs on 3.1.3 and since 8 days ago have had minimal service from O2 and had 3g for the whole of 1o mins, I have today received my new sim from O2 and registered it, It prompts me to connect to itunes, this will obviously wipe my jailbreak which Ive had on since December 2010, I got the phone in May 2010. What should I do about upgrading and restoring my service to my phone? Whats the newest firmware for 3gs? is it 5.0.1?If anyone can post a speedy response I would be very gratefulMany thanksDave
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    Mines sent as well, love the work you guys are doing, can't wait for the 4S jb. Have a great new years everyone!
  • Haydar
    Haydar Posts: 1
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    what's the meaning of ios 5/5.01 hybrid ?
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    Has anybody established whether 4s users still on iOS 5 (as we were originally instructed to do!) that wish to jailbreak, should update before Apple stop signing 5.0.1?Why have the demi mods suddenly gone rather quiet?!?
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    Any updates/responses?!? This lack of advice is incredibly frustrating!
  • ezen05
    ezen05 Posts: 1
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    if i will upgrade my ipodtouch from IOS 4.3.5 to IOS 5.0.1,n can i still untether jaibreak my idevice???tnx
  • nvjnj
    nvjnj Posts: 6
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    download Corona(or something) from cydia, google it, 2 simple
  • nvjnj
    nvjnj Posts: 6
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  • nvjnj
    nvjnj Posts: 6
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    wt do u mean nt wrkin?
  • nvjnj
    nvjnj Posts: 6
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    yes, it has an extra function where u cn create a custom firmware which preserves baseband, then u cn jailbreak, it will also hactivate.
  • Guest
    Guest Posts: 44
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  • DB
    DB Posts: 9
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    Winner thx! [iPod 3G]
  • 3vilErnie
    3vilErnie Posts: 1
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    I used redsn0w and am having the same problem.
  • Jedeoki
    Jedeoki Posts: 1
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    I am. I am hoping that a fresh install of 5.0.1 untethered via sn0wbreeze will work.