iPhone Vs. Android: Apple's Market Share Grew at a Faster Rate Month Over Month Than Google's in 201

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imageiPhone Vs. Android: Apple's Market Share Grew at a Faster Rate Month Over Month Than Google's in 2011

comScore's latest numbers for the U.S. phone market released a few days ago. While they didn't present any startling, unexpected trend (Android, iOS grew; BlackBerry, Windows fell), a bit of number crunching by Horace Dediu reveals an interesting fact.

Read the full story here


  • anakin
    anakin Posts: 18
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    "My **** is bigger than yours."lol seriously.
  • Troy
    Troy Posts: 45
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    I'm willing to bet you are going to see that same spike this January that android experienced last January, I base this on just how many android tablets were sold this holiday. Watching hot deals and what sold out fast, the android tablets were the hot item this Christmas. Couple that with the Nexus launch, the rumors of an ipad3 launching in February stifling ipad2 sales, and I would bet Apple got stomped this holiday season.
  • Troy
    Troy Posts: 45
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    Another interesting thing to note, on the last graph, the "month over month % change" it's interesting to see that every time android sales spike, apples drop. That means one of 2 things, 1, people defected from apple and purchased an android, or 2, a potential apple customer chose android instead. Either of which is not a good thing for apple.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    But still Android has a bigger market share!
  • motionblurred
    motionblurred Posts: 3
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    I guess you didn't see Flurry's analysis that iOS devices outsold Android this holiday. It's only if you lived in a bubble that you could possibly think that Android tablets did well. The #1 most requested present this year was an iPad for the second straight year. Nowhere on that list was an Android tablet. Also, please tell me an official statement regarding a Nexus tablet from someone other than the mindless ramblings of Eric Schmidt.
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Nope. iOS is crushing Android in marketshare. There are more Android _phones_ than iOS _phones_, but many, many more iOS _devices_ than Android _devices_. Over 40% more.
  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 47
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    @Tom that is a blatant incorrect statement. There are more Android devices that ios devices.