iLiberty: Easy to use Application to JailBreak, Activate and Unlock iPhone

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imageiLiberty: Easy to use Application to JailBreak, Activate and Unlock iPhone

ZiPhone developed by iPhone Hacking genius Zibri has been a very popular application to jailbreak and unlock iPhone. iLiberty is another application that has been built to jailbreak, activate and unlock your iPhone, so all those facing an issue with ZiPhone could give iLiberty a shot. Update: I just tried...

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  • steven
    steven Posts: 113
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    I used ziphone to unlock my iPhone and it crashed every week, so I decided to use iliberty and everything has been working perfectly since then.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Thanks Steven for your comments, exactly the feedback I was looking for.


  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    did a Jailbreak on 1.1.1 crashed all the time, went back to stock iphone tried ziphone kept bricking it, tried iliberty and wow the BEST way to jailbreak an iphone!!!!!!!!

  • Rs
    Rs Posts: 2
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    Having sync issues w/ Itunes after running LibertyX. Any suggestions? Running latest versions on both Iphone and Itunes.

  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    ILibertyx worked a dream on my itouch (1.1.4). one click and a freed machine. Can't wait for my iphone to arrive and give this software another go. I have had no trouble syncing with itunes (yet)

  • buchang
    buchang Posts: 1
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    hi i hav hacked iPhone 1.0.2 firmware...and i want to update it to 1.1.4. So what should i do? just use this iLiberty and that's all? m not good at hacking please help me...thanks!

  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    hey what's up I used Iliberty on 1.1.4 and it was excellent but I didnt get the installer ap I just got something called cydia. Can anyone help me get the installer app.

  • Big O
    Big O Posts: 1
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    Ok, so i am planning on gettin an iphone but im curious to kno how would it work for my carrier verizon?

  • cwazie
    cwazie Posts: 1
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    It will not work with Verizon network Big O

  • Danny
    Danny Posts: 91
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    Ok I just did the unlock, jailbreak, etc with this program to my phone, but I cannot connect to the Internet, do I need a different internet package on my phone (I have the bb email & web with t-mobile) it says "You connect access EDGE because you are not subscribed"....Help please!

  • Estuardo
    Estuardo Posts: 1
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    I just use Liberty yesterday and everething seems fine, but when it finish I could not use the iphone, the screen dosen't respond to mi fingers. Please help!!! I jailbreak it again and again, and it is still the same

  • Bekah
    Bekah Posts: 1
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    I tried to jailbrake my itouch with iLiberty but after it was done it said that itunes has deteced me and i have to do something to my itouch, help please?

  • Samir
    Samir Posts: 4
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    I have written a tutorial on how to unlock, jailbreak and create a custom carrier bundle on my blog. It is for t-mobile users in the united states. The process can be modified for any other carrier.

  • Mb
    Mb Posts: 8
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    I used iLiberty+ to jailbreak, unlock and activate my iPhone and it worked perfectly well. Thank you very much for this help. It is great.
    The only problem I had was with youTube, but I fixed it with the step-by-step help. Thank you!

  • Applefan
    Applefan Posts: 6
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    This Friday (7/11/08) apple releases another update for the iphone and the native apps become available on the iphone. I've got a hacked version 1.1.1 (3A109a). Should I update to the latest version? Any help or info would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • new2iphone
    new2iphone Posts: 1
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    i tried to jailbreak my phone. just jailbreak it. i'm through AT&T and active through itunes with AT&T, and i'm okay with that. i went through the entire process, but i'm not see the APP icon on my phone. plus my screenshots look nothing like the ones above. i'm using windows. any help would be appreciated.

  • Combo Baker
    Combo Baker Posts: 1
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    I tried to pwn my ipod but then i acidentally disconnected the ipod in the middle of it. and now the screen is off and it won't reset. What do I do? Is it bricked?

  • Jas
    Jas Posts: 6
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    i have a jailbroken and unlocked iphone having 1.1.4 firmware. Can I restore it using itunes and then unlock/jailbreak it again?

  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    Im using Liberty+ My iphone is stuck in recovery mode and i keep hitting the jump out of recovery mode button and it does nothing. HOw do I get it out of recovery so i can run liberty+ HELLLLP

  • yunyun
    yunyun Posts: 1
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    i encountered the same problem as well.. now my iphone after updated with itune, it has an error message...

    Can someone please help me ??

  • Roy
    Roy Posts: 22
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    im getting an iPodTouch8GB from NYC[new york city] and to be honest its my first ipod, and i have no idea 'bout hacking and from israel[haters ****-off] so one of the main reasons i need to hack it is the lack of Hebrew[of course games are the second reason :P].
    so from what i understand, i use windowsXP, so when i get my ipod[5 days from now] after i installed itunes and stuff, all i need to do is plug the ipod in, download iLiberty+ and check jailbreaking activating and unlock and press 'free my iphone' and thats it? no making files with Ziphone?
    and btw, how to i make backup, and how do i do a restore?
    thanks so much to whoever answers. u can also answer to me on my msn
    [thanks to my little bro that chose this adress >>]

  • dismaid
    dismaid Posts: 1
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    Why isn't mine working "like a charm" down loaded and for the last 45 min its been in 'Entering Recovery Mode" I am pretty sure this shouldn't be the case. My first attempt at spending money to unlock and its not working...I have started the process over and over 3 times on 2 separate Apple Computers. Any insight? Not happy.

  • HELP
    HELP Posts: 23
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    Does this iLiberty thing work with the Ipod touch 8gb version 1.1.4?? if it does plz tell me!! becuase ziphone diidnt work for me

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    does this work with iphone 3G with a firmwire 2.1?

    pls reply....

  • giwrgos
    giwrgos Posts: 1
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    will THAT work with iPhone 3g?

  • ace
    ace Posts: 9
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    will work ull have to go back to 1.1.4 or as far as i know 2.0 has not been cracked yet..

  • Sri
    Sri Posts: 4
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    hi, I have upgraded FW of my iphone to 1.1.4 and used iliberty+ to jailbreak and unlock. It worked pretty well. Before using this i tired ziphone but could not get the worh done with the later. I personnally feel iLiberty is more user friendly than the other, more particularly for people with low level of tech. knowledge. Thanks to iliberty, my iphone is up and running well, including youtube and wifi.
    However, I have observed a small bug: whenever I sync my iphone (1.1.4)with itunes (7629), my contact favourites are disappearing. Any suggestions to save myslef from creating favorites fresh after every sync with itunes?

  • pops
    pops Posts: 2
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    I had unlocked my iphone 1.1.3 using Ziphone.

    After using for 5 months, i tired to upgrade fw to 1.1.4. Itunes says software is upto date but SIM not a valid one.

    Then i tried to unlock my iphone again using Ziphone. Everytime I try, it just enters "Recovery Mode" and everything stops there.

    If anyone had faced this problem before and were able to rectify, pleaaaase help me.

    My id

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    Does iLiberty work on firmware 1.1.5? I have used ziphone and it worked well on my 1.1.4 but now it seems that my ipod freezes randomly causing me to turn it off and back on. Also, I cannot install anything on the installer app because it WILL freeze.

  • xxx
    xxx Posts: 5
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    does this software work on "emergency calls only"? thing? just before i download it..or bring it to somekind of shop to fix the "emergency calls only" problem