iPhone SJ: New iPhone Concept Inspired By Steve Jobs



  • Rubberchicken
    Rubberchicken Posts: 2
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    Shouldn't a concept design convey new styling and features in such an exaggerated fashion that it would never actually be sold? This looks more like something that would be intended for mass production.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    Best concept i've seen for an iphone can be seen in Futurama's "Attack of the Killer App"eyePhone rules lol xxx
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    if you dont have anything other then that to say. dont talk.
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    you obviously have no taste in things that look good.
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    your gonna go to hell you know that right.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    lol, like you know what theyre gonna do in the future? no.
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    LOOL, how the hell will I be able to grab this phone on the table? It is time to grow up long nails :p
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    There's only so many ways to design a smart phone. Apple needs the most innovative phone on the market without Samsung knowing about it to blow Android out of the market. Steve is gone now, with the utmost respect, and Tim needs to steer this ship in a new direction.
  • Marcello
    Marcello Posts: 19
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    i checked out the ADR studio website & agree with who stated it's excellent photoshop skills, went through the clients list & found they're not real clients (90%) . time wasters as usual with those italian design company who are not keeping up with time we are living. iPhone NEXT is a ready project, Apple isn't going to wait for the last minute , in the meantime they're testing if there is still someone interested in buying the product & then selling the iPhone4s instead. i could even tell where the whole iPhone project ideas started around sept|oct 2001.someone from new york was in milan & met a nokia cell user with lcd display ,icons & sliding kybord + cool functionalities then , they have just reversed engineering the nokia phone & applied new tech like touch screens & added a well redesigned os from symbian then incl. the app store. it's great iPhone i would never swap with others but i'm sticking with 3GS & iOS 5 for now, unless some real advanced technology actually gets in that (much faster networks usage for instance).
  • RaVerBoi
    RaVerBoi Posts: 2
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    I'm absolutely furious with those of you who are always like "bigger is better". I mean c'mon, just because it's bigger and slimmer doesn't mean anything else other than there's more surface area to be covered in cracks. Bigger screens won't make your videos look better, Netflix and YouTube all run off signal/wifi, that's what determines quality, it doesn't matter what the phone looks like on the outside as long as its got the power inside. Apple stays with the 3.5" because they know big screens aren't everything.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    Who cares?? It's just a concept artwork. Like a concept car drawing ever looks like it does in real life. "We need change"...pssh...whatever guy. I bet you also voted for Obama. Bunch of Fools. And now I'm off track...Point is, if it works great and it looks great and everyone else wants to be like iPhone because it is great, then leave it alone! All iPhone needs is just a bigger screen since speed and software will always be changed. Now THAT, is a true change that you can believe in and never have to hope for on whatever the next iPhone is.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    You're right, not harping on you, but you should also try to understand that all popular web pages always incline towards diversity in order to try to satisfy as many viewers as they can. Does Popular Mechanics always talk about how to fix stuff? No. They talk about gadgets and military and lots of other stuff along with DIY's.
  • henryann1317
    henryann1317 Posts: 3
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    the next gen iphone will have a picture of Steve Jobs to commemorate him... instead of apple logo at the back... it would be lighter...
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Boring. This design is just lame. It's a thin iPhone 4. if there is not a complete overhaul of the design of this iPhone 5 that is completely different, in my opinion it's a huge fail. While apple has a consistent style and fluidity to their product design... It is Alonso be owning redundant and boring. It doesn't feel as new as it did. This iPhone 5 needs to be something great and this design just says iPhone 4s v. 2
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Forgive the spelling my iPhone speaks for me, just doesn't know how to spell.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    I agree 100%. More like iPhone v.06. Only thing different in i4 is screen, processor and they took a hammer to the edges. If this concept is true than the difference would be processor and they put the 4s in a press.
  • Erika
    Erika Posts: 2
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    Thats actually pretty awesome.The light weight touch to the iphone would make it even more favored by the populous.I love the wide screen too. It really is a great iphone.
  • lucas
    lucas Posts: 18
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    this really is the blog for iphone, ipad,and ipod peepz, i check this site almost as much as i check my facebook lol
  • Apple lover
    Apple lover Posts: 2
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    hope, it comes out soon, cant wait for it. looks too awesome. i just hope it comes quickly.