Leaked Memo Reveals Apple Providing Backdoor Cellular Access to Indian Military

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imageLeaked Memo Reveals Apple Providing Backdoor Cellular Access to Indian Military

ZDNet reports that according to leaked documents that are internal communications between the Indian military, Apple, RIM and Nokia are providing backdoor access to the Indian military to monitor cellular communication.

The documents were leaked by a group of Indian hackers called The Lords of Dharmaraja. ZDNet reports that the leaked documents reveals the existence of a system known as RINOA SUR where RINOA stands for RIM, Nokia and Apple. ZDNet's Manan Kakkar isn't sure what SUR stands for.

Read the full story here


  • Casey
    Casey Posts: 24
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    Wow! Apple has just lost! Bad move o. Apple no putting this in the light. Only can be bad. Stock as well.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    If this pans out true, im done with apple 4ever!!
  • Lahey
    Lahey Posts: 32
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    How exactly does this constitute "news?"Do users believe their government does not have access to their communication? Seriously?!The educational system has failed.
  • Dipen
    Dipen Posts: 19
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    Funny thing is that android is so rubbish they don't even want access to those smartphones as even criminals don't use android
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
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    actually perhaps it succeeded because people obviously think this is new.secure communications is rarely true.
  • S41N7
    S41N7 Posts: 27
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    Rubbish, the article includes the use of an "etc" so android and other popular devices may well be included. Furthermore, your assumption is that various guilty agencies are only interested in spying on criminals. Remember the term criminal is socially constructed and what is considered lefal today can be defined as criminal by those who make the rules.
  • Lahey
    Lahey Posts: 32
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    What is astounding is the possibility of anyone on an English-speaking site finding this newsworthy or novel in any way, since the US and UK do this routinely.
  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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  • WatchingYou
    WatchingYou Posts: 11
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    Agreed..been going for years this, not just with phones..shame ppl only realise now
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Come on the governments spying on its people and other country's this could never happen our phones are to hard to spy on we have security on our phones......next you will tell me there is tracking software on my phone......can't believe you people........O Wait...........please disregard this post thank you........ o mighty powers of the world I worship you.......please tell the Apple God not to turn off my phone Thank You
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    Yes the government does spy on the people they study human behavior and get all types of data collected on us in Oder to controll the masses this is nothing new it's been going on since kings and queens they know how to minupulate and controll us to fullest even brain wash of from school if u don't believe it then. It worked on u , we are ants in a ant farm to them think about it they have all the top notch resorses at theier finger tips and can persuade us into anything theyll even bomb thier own buildings sacrifice thousands to get thier way wake up and smell the lies twin towers was a inside job theirs facts on that don't beilive me the. What happen to building 7 went down demilition style and was not hit by no plane its called a false flag b4 9/11 no talks about war after 9-11 everybody wanted to go to war minupulation at its best by the powers that b and guess what we still havent found weapons of mass destruction that they have been feeding to us since i was in jr high do some of your own research america is not butter pecan like people think it is thiers a lot of dirt u don't c the media is apart of it it's controlled by the government please people wake up and stop being sheep question **** when it don't add up don't just take the answers the gov gives u
  • jussayin
    jussayin Posts: 35
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    this is nothing new it is because some phones use proprietary technology to exchange messages BB ping and apple iMessage, in europe the network providers have to have black box and store for 2 years, that means every text you send and call made call received is stored for 2 years, as well as your x y co-ordinates so they can tell where your phone was at a specific time..... oh and just for your info same applies to your broadband connection, big brother is watching and believe me it only take 5 minutes to put a phone tap or internet tap on, and all the info is transferred directly to to relevant law enforcement agency...
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    if younalready know the gov is viewing your com it doesn't mean you know the educational system it means you have common sense.
  • IFL1
    IFL1 Posts: 11
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    DUMB! Dont do **** your not suppose to do, period!