Apple's iPhone Was Unveiled Five Years Ago, Today

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple's iPhone Was Unveiled Five Years Ago, Today

"This is a day, I've been looking forward to for two and a half years. Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything."

That was Steve Jobs' build-up to his Macworld keynote, where he would go on to introduce the iPhone.

The most iconic part of the keynote, at least according to us, was his prelude to the phone Apple was going to reveal:

Read the full story here


  • Dan Bradley
    Dan Bradley Posts: 81
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    Pretty crazy how much technology has grown is a matter of just five short years, huh?
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    No way!!! I was just watching these iphone introduction 2007 on youtube again few hours ago. What a coincident !!! iPhone running OSX... a revolutionary mobile phone that is going to be at least 5 years ahead of other phones. True enough if you flash back.
  • Xaffier
    Xaffier Posts: 9
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    What a pity he is gone... Each of his product gave back life to other manufacturers in a form of challenge. Some needs to reflect
  • Jrmedic19
    Jrmedic19 Posts: 31
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    Apple often uses the saying "this changes everything", and sometimes a little to freely. In the case of the iPhone though? This device literally did change everything in terms of mobile devices. Ive never heard those quotes given by other manufactures of the time. Pretty ironic where the industry has gone. Everyone who said it wasn't possible is now left in the dust. Congrats to google and apple for having enough forethought to grab these good ideas and make them even better over the course of these last five years.
  • AT&T rapes me
    AT&T rapes me Posts: 29
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    And you sir have no testicles if you prefer using another brand. iPhone you're not just another phone your a friend.....Steve Jobs will definitely be missed...Using Siri on my iPhone to type this, thanks Siri and thank you Steve
  • Dan Bradley
    Dan Bradley Posts: 81
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    I just watched these two videos again. Pretty crazy to me how you look back now and all of this technology was brand new, revolutionary. Now the iphone isn't even good enough for most, because they want the iphone 5, and their phones to talk to them, to do everything voice activated. It just shows you how much we actually just take for granted, Steve Jobs was a remarkable man, and do not think there will ever be another innovator of his caliber.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    Motorola Razr is still one of the best phones i used though. loved the texting on it. iphone is number one though. Galaxy S2 is starting to annoy me and i cant wait to get a 4s
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    he says all these features are cool, and yet my iphone 4s DESTROYS IT!
  • Doobs
    Doobs Posts: 20
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    I used to have just a 3GS about 6 months ago, now I also have an iPhone 4, an iPhone 4S, and an iPad 2. I never liked using the Mac Computers at work, as they were different to PC's that I had gotten used to. Looking back I would never had thought I would ever own four Apple devices, which are all capable of doing the same thing, with there own little differences. Thanks Steve
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Can't believe he's gone in less than 4 years since he released the iphone to consumers. I feel like I've been using these all along. The crazy part is that there was nothing like this before, and "every" smart phone since has attempted to copy it, but no one has come close. Apple products are too well thought out and polished. Google's made a nice go, but nothing is as cohesive as Apple products. As much as I hate Apples high priced products, if it wasn't for Steve Jobs I'd probably still be using a motorola razor, not knowing what I was missing and loving it. lol
  • Marcello
    Marcello Posts: 19
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    i will skip watching the keynote & yes, we had noticed all this change in just about 5 yrs. in 2006 i was on nokia phone again switching from ericsson i had for a short time. i remember selling my ericsson phone to someone who then quickly moved to London (uk) and didn't finished paying until we randomly met a couple of yrs later when i got the standing balance paid.anyway i disagree with nokia moving to windows phone from symbian, as far as i can see windows phone isn't anything i'd go for & nor it's google's android. (roman catholic church supported project which in fact is an attempt to control non catholic member of the of the community, by monitoring calls & data exchange) . marcello
  • Jose C
    Jose C Posts: 6
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    If 5 years before the thinnest phone was the original iPhone with 11.6mm deep, I wonder how thin will the iPhone be in the next 5 years if right now its 9.4 mm deep??????
  • Crazy
    Crazy Posts: 3
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    I'm using my phone to type this message is well. Isn't it crazy though, sissone
  • Edwin Alcaraz
    Edwin Alcaraz Posts: 40
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    iPhone iOSX... now that's scary!
  • Sajeev James
    Sajeev James Posts: 1
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    The History is divided into two eras.. Before iphone and after iphone. :)